Genesis male arm pose issue

I'm trying to pose the left forearm of an M5 figure.  Somehow the "twist" and "bend" sliders seem to be linked . . . I can't seem to just Bend the arm without the Twist following as well. I see all sorts of little icons that should do something . . . one of the little tabs presumably clicks this function off?  I just can't seem to see which one.  Help please . . . posing the arm with the 2 linked is driving me crazy.

1112 x 270 - 92K
1112 x 270 - 92K


  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,700

    So are you saying that when you slide twist, it also affects bend or vice versa?  I don't see this behavior.  What version of Studio are you using?  Did you enable the icons?  I don't see any icons which link the parameters.  Did you try and restart Studio and start with a fresh figure?

  • Maybe that was just a weird glitch.  I obsessed with it for a while, closed the file and opened a different version of the same file . . . problem seems to have disappeared.


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