Where is the progressive render check box in DS 4.5? [SOLVED]

What happened to the progressive render check box in DS 4.5? I can't find it on the render settings tab.
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What happened to the progressive render check box in DS 4.5? I can't find it on the render settings tab.
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It's still there - see at my attached picture (using the advanced view of Render Settings).
Hmmm. I see it on yours, but not on mine. Any idea why?
Try a different layout. The starter layout does not show all the advanced settings and tools.
I've tried several workspace layouts and even several styles. I just cannot get progressive rendering checkbox to show up. What layout and style do you use that shows it?
What version of DS4P are you using, it is in
It says it is 4.5.0 114 Standard Edition 64 bit. I don't know why it says Standard Edition. I entered my serial number and all of the Pro bundle plugins are activated (have a green plug next to them). Does your version say something other than Standard Edition?
I installed from the file I got in my downloads after "buying" it in the store. I did not reset my 4.0 Pro version to get 4.5, I bought 4.5 it in the store for $0. The installer file was DAZStudio_4.5.0.114_Win64.exe. I also installed 14812_GenesisStarterEssentials_1.3_trx.exe.
Thank you for continuing to help me try to resolve this.
Yep mine comes up DS4.5 Pro. I did do the reset from my DS4Pro version. I also have a Pro serial number because I was a early adopter and had it before the Free version went live. That sounds like it could be the problem. Maybe do a Reset and install it over this one?
I had the DS 4 Pro free version before this. I'm a little afraid to uninstall something that is basically working and start over. I think I'll contact support and see what they say. I imagine I'll be waiting awhile. I bet the are getting a lot of questions.
EDIT: Other than plugins, what else could I look at to see if mine is acting like standard or Pro. I don't really know the differences.
Try closing DS and reopening it, or if that fails try rebooting.
Good suggestions. I'd opened and closed several times, but I don't know if I'd rebooted. So I rebooted, but it still says Standard and still doesn't have the progressive render option. I don't know if those issues are related or not.
I've submitted a help ticket now, but keep the suggestions coming if any pop into your heads. I'm also still curious to know how to differentiate the versions to see if mine really is acting like standard and not pro.
AFAIK the installer for all version of DS is the same. What turn features on/off is the entered serial. Does your serial number begins with either SDZSPRO or SDZFPRO? Serials for the Pro version AFAIK begins with that. IINM the SDZSPRO serials are given to Pro version early adopters, and SDZFPRO for the free Pro version.
Also IINM, for early version of DS4 (prior the free version), the differences from the Pro and Standard version is some goodies like Decimator and AniMate. Never heard about differences of rendering capabilities though. But with the free Pro version is out, I dunno the differences anymore.
In my experience, as long as I'm upgrading within the same major version (i.e. DS3, DS4), I never have to re-enter my serials. So if I got DS 4.0.0.x registered as Pro, upgrading it to say will be regarded as Pro as well, without re-registering. It works that way for me with DSA3, and now with DS4 up to
My serial number for 4.5 starts with SDZSPRO. My serial number for 4.0 starts with SDZFPRO. I tried both serial numbers. Both give me the green checkmark to say they are valid, but the Title bar and About box still say standard and I still don't have the progressive rendering check box.
Mine comes up as standard as well but a few hours ago I think it said pro. I notice because my go z wasn't working properly. My serial # start with SDZSPRO and I tried to put it in again and it still comes up DAZ studio 4.5 standard. Tried rebooting several times , I am running windows 8 preview(beta) but it was working before just fine.
I submitted a help request. I imagine I'll have to wait a long time to get an answer (hope not, though!). I suggest you submit one, too.
Hmm, that's odd. Mine indicate Pro version in both the title bar and help/about dialog.
If you're feeling adventurous, try to uninstall 4.5, and install the lowest version of 4.0 you could find. Make sure when uninstalling the 4.5 you clean it up as good as you can, meaning delete all the folders used by it, including all those found in the "Application Data" folder (XP) or "AppData\Roaming" folder (Vista, 7, 8?).
Then install the old version. Enter the newest serial you got (SDSZPRO) to register it. Make sure it says Pro at that version. Then, stop the "DAZ Content Management Services" first, and uninstall it as admin before upgrading to 4.5 (note: this step is required at least in my system for the upgrade to work/ not hang at 90+%, cos I stubbornly keep the UAC at high level). After that, upgrade to the latest version, but don't re-register it.
If you do it, or heard back from the helpdesk, please post whatever result you got, as it may be a reference for others.
reinstalled came up standard but the go z plugin worked fine then I rebooted the system and the go z stopped working properly. so something happens when I reboot maybe to the plugin. I think I will submit this to support.
Guys, I'm having the same problem with the Pro SN. It shows all the plugins in pro working, but it won't show the Pro Version in the About DAZ Studio splash screen. I've talked with the lead developer, and given him my SN, It appears to be a bug. Only a couple of things are not showing up properly. The Progressive Rendering is one of them.
As I get more info, I'll update you. It is not you, it's DAZ Studio...:>)
Thanks for this confirmation and getting developers' attention.
This problem is solved! I got an email today telling me DAZ put a new serial number in my account. I registered with that serial number and got my progressive render check box back.
I got the same one. All's well