Let's appreciate/discuss today's new releases - ongoing thread
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In fact - this is the first 'properly constructed' saree I have seen as a 3D model. The shoes are so pretty too!
I don't really need a saree but it looks really good and I absolutely love the shoes, so it went in my cart anyway
Yes, I think it is the best constructed saree I've seen so far in 3D too. I saw one at the other store for G8 that's no longer available (potentially by the same artist?) but it had only a hint of the pleating, though lovely too. I tried to autofit this to G8 using MMX's clones, and as expected, it didn't work that well. It has kinks and issues, with the pleats up front and the fall (pallu) especially, but I expected that as it's a complex outfit. With post work I can make it work for G8, but I'm okay just working with G9 when I want to use it specifically. Here's a render of the saree on G8 without touching up the kinks. It is lovely though. Thanks again to angelinart.
That looks very nice. I don't think the kinks are bad at all. I wouldn't have even noticed if you didn't draw attention to them. Clothing gets wrinkled and creased all the time in the real world. Just think it is that.
Is there anyone on the forum who can speak/read Russian/Cyrillic and who might know what the tattoo on KOO Rurik might say? https://www.daz3d.com/koo-rurik-hd-for-genesis-9
I was wondering the same thing... Don't wanna buy anything that will offend someone.
According to Yandex translator Бог Един = God is One
Yay Callistemons
my whole street an avenue of them
Bottlebrush grow in Florida, too.
your magnolias grow well here too
I wish I had one, my neighbour cut hers down, I cried
What a lovely picture, SapphireBlue!
barbult, I agree, it's not bad at all. I love my G8s, so had to try this out and am happy that it autofits G8 as well as it does. One area up front stretches the texture a fair bit, but I end up doing post work for a lot of autofitted outfits that have this issue, so that's no problem. Just happy to have this outfit!
I feel like making some additional textures for this for fun. I wonder whether there'll be some textures for this in the store too...
Thank you caravelle! Got inspired and was able to use a lot of stuff in my runtime that I hadn't rendered before!
Pretty Eyes are some good-looking eyes and a welcome alternative to what's available atm. I'd still like some eyes with irises that looked like marbles. I've chosen to stick with G8.1 for my main characters, as G9 hasn't matured to the point where I can use it for all my purposes.
Thanks for looking PerttiA
Thank you!
Anyone know if these pants have dForce setup? I don't see it mentioned in the description, and they seem to have the same wrinkle pattern across the promos.
I was just looking at these older baggy cargo pants a day or two ago.
I ended up going with a different flowy pants outfit, yet this new one happening to drop so soon after made me curious to compare the features.
I doubt it has dForce.
It is hard (impossible?) with dForce to get an object to keep the larger wrinkles. dForce has a tendency to flatten the clothing. It might have a setting where it has a lower dynamic vakue to give it a bit of simulation.
Lesya is the most beautiful character yet since Emrys and Sabby have started collaborating again. Just gorgeous!
Thanks for the reply!
The pose & morph set appears to show examples of what you said about the wrinkle reduction with what looks like simulated pants. The wrinkles on those are good though.
I've been thinking of "Kim Possible" style baggy cargo pants for a while. Something with dForce for animating that billowing effect. I recently realized I only had form-fitting pants and bought a few loose arcticles with dForce. This new set caught my eye (they even have a green version and a morph for the hem), yet if they're only conforming they may look too stiff in motion. Perhaps the morphs from the add-on would help there.
edit: wording
Agreed. What a beautiful character. Tauriel https://www.daz3d.com/es3d-tauriel-hd-for-genesis-9 is gorgeous as well.
Couldn't resist either to https://www.daz3d.com/metro-style-outfit-for-genesis-9 and its add-ons. I guess I can't afford anymore this week.
OK, y'all, this is definitely a "discuss," not a complaint, not even a question really, just me speculating/woolgathering.
So KA's new Streets of the Mediterranean (hereafter S of the M, no S/M jokes please, because I am only going to spell "Mediterranean" properly twice) is a remake of an old Stonemason set ... which I have NEVER SEEN, and let me tell you, folks, I know me some Stonemason. I haven't seen it because it's not there. It's not in the store, and it apparently hasn't BEEN in the store for some years, not since before I began my curious Studio fixation three years ago. This is very strange because, as a rule, Stonemason does not vault stuff and the store does not pull Stonemason stuff (or mark it down due to age, arrrrgh) because it all continues to sell so well.
The oldest kit in Stonemason's listing is Urban Future (1), with a SKU of 3991. I own it. It's a Poser-era antique (still pretty usable, though). I see in a different thread that S of the M (the original, I mean) had an SKU of 6711 so it's newer than that. It MUST have been pulled, probably by Stonemason himself. Yet it seems like it was a very popular kit. People are still talking about it fondly, Dreamlight did not one but TWO lighting kits for it, and KA assumes we all remember it well ... why pull it?
Obviously the answer here would be for Stonemason to check in from his mountain retreat in the wilds of New Zealand (I picture him living in a hermit shack somewhere on the south island which can only be reached by a dangerous two-day journey on horseback from Christchurch) and be the Voice of God on this, but that's not likely to happen, so let me offer a weird theory:
I wonder if S of the M (the original) was pulled because Stonemason did remake it himself; it's just that the remake is Streets of Venice.
I own Streets of Venice and use it a lot. The center section of Streets of Venice, with the only open plaza space in the set, is very similar to the gray render of KA's new S of the M. Just stick in a canal and you're good to go. Streets of Venice is bigger and more complex and has water, but the center section is close enough that--apologies to KA, it looks like a good set--I see no reason to buy the new one, because I feel like I basically already have it. (EDITED this down to "very similar" because looking at the two sets again there are a lot of differences, but it's telling that my first thought when I saw the new set in clay render was "that looks a lot like the middle of Streets of Venice.")
To add to this conspiracy theory (nah--not really; like I said, just woolgathering), there's only one image on the store page for Dimidrol's new shader kit that is a "show these shaders in use in the wild" instead of just sample globes ... and that image uses ... Streets of Venice. Despite being in the bundle with S of the M.
Stonemason does in fact regularly vault some of his products that don't meet his criteria on quality or sales figures. As with most PA's every so many years, we go through our catalog and vault products that don't meet the quality of our current ability or quality as well as the number of units sold in a year.
Can still be seen on Posercontent;
The readme page;
I may have mentioned once or twice that there is one G9 character I have liked enough to buy after V9, and that's Mousso's Dola. I think Lesya is very similar in looks and is simply very lovely. However, the character is quite close in looks to Dola (though possibly less serious looking by default), and as a result I feel I almost have the character already. Sorry Emrys & Sabby, I do appreciate Lesya muchly, but no buy this time.
He did answer questions when people asked one about the iRay Clouds product launched alongside the Classic Barbarian for Genesis 9 Bundle, two months ago.
That's true, he did. Musta come into Christchurch to do some grocery shopping.
(I kid! I kid! Don't come after me, Stonemason!)
The original still suits me fine. (Streets of Med.)
I’ve wanted big-legged cargo pants for years! So glad to see these in the store for G8.1.
They really do look great! I've been thinking about getting them all day.
I thought it was going to be some addon for Stoney's older set so I went on a goose chase to see if I owned it but then read the page and realized it included the geometry so I bought it. Not sure if I'll ever use it, I rarely use these large sets but there is something magical about Stonemasons works that you just gotta have it and the redux does look nice from the promo's so no complaints from me.