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Oh, I meant that the brown pants were simulated. Sorry for the confusion. It is the blue pants in the attachment image that I was referring to before about the front hem stretching. They were not simulated . Only autofit.
AutoFit projects weights from the new figure into the mesh, based largely on prozimity. As a result loose fitting items can get weight from the wrong bone. In this case it should be a fairly easy fix as you probably want all of the lower trouser leg weighted to the shin, so select one of the trouser's shins, switch to the Nodeweightmap Brush tool, Make sure General Weights iss elected in Tool Settings (assumign this is Genesis 3+ wearing the outfit) and just paint in the bottom area.
Thank you, Richard. That is exactly what I did with the brown pants (the character is G9, btw). It would be nice though if the pants already upon loading acted "normally" (as in didn't stretch at the bottom) and no additional work was required...
I don't know - maybe an additional autofit template for loose-fitting pants would be the answer? I don't know if I am using the term "autofit" correctly. The pants take on the shape of the body, so that is why I say the pants are auto-fitted, not that I get that pop-up window that asks me to chose the right character generation and type of garment. I hope I am not creating more confusion here.
I believe you mean "autofollow". That is when clothing automatically adjusts to follow morphs in characters. "Autofit" is between character generations. These terms are very often confused.
@barbult - Yes, you are right. Thank you for the clarification!
Now I will remember the difference. I meant autofollow, of course in this case.
Hello, Cherubit!
I haven't tried simulating the pants prior to fixing the weight maps at their bottom, so I don't know how the pants behave during simulation when they are straight "out of the box".
barbult says (and posted images as attachments as proof on page 40 of this thread) that the simulated pants "ride up" back to normal, so simulating the pants fixes this problem apparently.
Thank you again for this outfit. I've been waiting for such slacks for a long time!
So you were using it on the figure it was made for, Genesis 9?
Yes, Richard.
OK, my reply was really aimed at Post-AutoFit, using it on another figure. Sorry.
No problem, Richard.
@Cherubit - Oh, so there is a need for the type of clothing that would be realistic and elegant! Not just skimpy dresses and skirts, sci-fi skin-tight outfits and lingerie. I jumped at the opportunity to buy your outfit specifically for the pants, because they were perfect for the image I made and posted above (also available in my gallery). It is my take on a famous photo of Lauren Bacall from the 1940s - those wide, pleated pants were "in" then and she wears them in that photo (first attachment) . If they were cuffed and had a belt, they could be worn with a jacket by a 1940s man too!
If you are looking for some kind of inspiration for clothing may I suggest a two-piece skirt suit a la Joan Crawford in "Mildred Pierce" (second attachment) - straight skirt that hits below the knees and a hip long jacket with shoulder pads and a narrow waistline. Well, any kind of 1940s clothing that might tickle your fancy would be great. The 1940s is an uncharted territory in the DAZ store...
Anyway, I love that those pants look tailored, classy and realistic. Thanks to both you and the person who requested them!
I agree AOBB... I've got enough skimpy clothing to last a lifetime... I love the 40s era... There was such elegance back then that is missing today. One doesn't need to see EVERY bit of the body to be sexy ;)!
@Llola Lane - I think that the 1940s to 1950s had the most beautiful clothing of all of the 20th century and yes they knew back then how to be sexy without walking half-naked. Isn't it funny - women are supposed to be empowered nowadays - we have all those warrior-type women in the DAZ store but at the same time they are also (as we said) prancing around half-naked in promo images in those skimpy outfits and lingerie, which is objectifying them. A reflection of the rift in the collective perception of women.
Agreed... Everything I've read about women warriors way back when showed them fully clothed with armor. Exposed skin could be deadly I'm sure. I can't imagine any of the scantly clad women warriors of Daz doing any real fighting. It's pure fantasy ;) Here's to more 30s/40s/50s clothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheerzzzzzzzzzz! clink!!!
I want to say how much I like PhilW's 'An English Village for DAZ Studio'. It's pretty good. There are one or two bits I could take issue with, namely not enough litter and no potholes at all in the roads. Otherwise not bad at all. It could benefit from shaders like the drystone wall shaders used in Howie Farkes' Stone Bridge for UltraScenery, but it is a large model and a good start for users to add their particular details to.
I just grabbed 'An English Village for Daz Studio'; it looks great! Now where do I get the models for John Nettles, Daniel Casey, Jane Wymark, Laura Howard and Jason Hughes (the only 'true' Midsomer Murders actors in my opinion)? ;-)
I saw it and immediately put it in my cart even though I have the Carrara version. I adore that one. I have been looking for a forum thread where just a few days ago someone was wishing to use the Carrara version in D|S, but I have not been able to locate it. If anyone else has seen it, would you drop a link to the new product for that user to be notified?
As for the village, it reminds me of Framlingham where I had the deep pleasure to live for a time with my son before I was assigned quarters on base. We both have wonderful memories from that time.
already done
Thank you Wendy
I had not planned to buy anything before Friday, but the English Village together with today's $0.40 Daz+ items made me change my mind
20 items for $20.40 at 93% off (using just 2 tokens) is just too good, even with it draining the last of my store credit.
How do you get it from $3.49 to $0.40 ?
The English Village is $11.02 (using 2 tokens) and the 19 items, ranging from $0.36 to $1 per item, make $9.38 together
Today's Daz+ item is the pose set, sold for $3.49 and you said you got it for $0.40 but maybe I'm misunderstanding something ?
Edit: sorry, I didn't see that you spoke about today Daz+ items, plural, not singular.
Didn't have that in my cart, but if I put it in, it's $2.20 at 88% off with 2 tokens
I'm about to get it. I hope there is either a defibrilator or exchange book collection for the phonebox.
Linton is of course a real place. (For anyone who wondered) - ETA: Though the pub is now called the Fountaine Inn.