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I had to take the image provided by @felis and play with the contrast to see them, but yes the controls are there. This points out the importance of good promotional images - if I had not complained here, this would have been a hard pass for me - I don't normally enhance promo images to view detail.
I also bought the building because it made me think of the sorts of locations you might see on 70s and 80s sci-fi productions, like the 1970s Buck Rogers TV series, or the original Total Recall. Wasn't aware parts of Aeron Flux were literally filmed in the building that served as its inspiration, though.
But yeah, a lot of sci-fi productions tend towards these sorts of architecture. Much of it being Neo-Brutalism, which has a particular sort of retro-future feel to it.
Big thanks to Raiya for offering the character at such a low cost, and for the awesome stache!
Interesting perspective. I had the opposite reaction, actually. I hate those giant trap muscles, and I though his face was kind of nondescript. We each like different things, I guess, so it is good that there is choice in the store.
Raiya's 'Brion' looks great! Such a character as a Golden Ticket is a real gift. Thank you! Fortunately, you can leave out the moustache. I don't like moustaches; just my personal taste. Apropos personal taste: I find today's OOT hair quite uxxy... ;-)
Finally there is something from ARTCollaboration again. And it looks good! If only I didn't have so many staves already...
Is it possible to have too many?
Pssst, Brion.
Lose the moustache mate. It ain't helping.
I'm thinking about that right now... ;-)
He's in my cart, and whenever I look at that main promo picture, I have an urge to remove him.
Here is a picture of him with Angela's skin:
It's probably not fair to show him with a different skin, but I have very few G9 Characters and thought he might look good with her skin and I love that you can apply male and female chests for the DO characters. He looks nice enough with his shirt off (at least to me), but you need to apply some body hair to him. Adding default skin for comparison, but I left his eyebrows the darker color to match hair and beard.
You did a nice job! I like the darker skin look for him.
They render nicely, and there are several varieties and many many options. There is also a PDF document and video available for instructions. When ARTCollab takes on a task, it seems that they forget to ever stop adding content
Here's just a quick test render with Angela (Dola skin) in Kadis armor and one of the Kadis poses. Substituting staves for the swords worked well. The staves come with wearables options and automatic hand poses applied. There are also non-wearable options, of course.
I just finished looking at my download of https://www.daz3d.com/masculine-modern-shirt-collection-for-genesis-9 and realized that not only are there 4 nice shirts, but you get individual 'on the hanger' and 'thrown on the floor' versions as well. Add in a clothes rack with the shirts on the hanger that can be used in the background of a number of purposes. Someone was looking for that type of product a few months back. And with the 28 add-on textures pack, besides the 40 that are in the main product this will extend G9's modern wardrobe quite nicely. And I would steal the basic Tee Shirt for the gals myself. Thank you to outoftouch and ShanasSoulmate for the modern clothing for the guys.
Yes, it looks great and both are in my cart. Several of the last outoftouch clothing packs have had that clothing rack, hanger and clothes on the floor. It is a great new trend.
You did an amazing job. He looks great.
I just purchased him based on this render. He looks great. Thanks for sharing.
Great picture, Barbult!
My reflections did not take long - I have them! And they look great. Yes, what ARTCollaboration does, they do very well. I would be happy to find more of them here again.
Great pictures, Shimrian! The dark skin suits Brion very well. Lawrence 9 would fit just as well.
Is it common for a Genesis 9 bundle to include a product designed for Genesis 8 ?
Elor, if you are referring to the Military Tactical Weapons, they were released initially for G8, expanded to G8.1 and with the new pose pack, now are able to be used with G9 without a lot of extra effort. I own the weapons already and after research I decided it worked out in my favor.
Yes, I was refering to these weapons. Thank you for the answer: I didn't open the page of the new pose pack
Recon Outfit for Genesis 9: Mada continues to make us realistic, flattering outfits with creases, folds, wrinkles---and collars that look right, although I would like to cinch the ankle of those boots.
I agree... although I wish the promo showed a guy wearing it... since G9 is supposed to be 'anything.' :)
File strictly under "FWIW" ... I was testing this G8 guy for a different purpose and threw the Recon Outfit on him.
oo thanks paulawp (marahzen)... He looks great in the outfit!!! I like how the chest is flat... like a regular shirt... So many of the new outfits have boning or shaping for boobs... This is nice and generic. ;)
My SIL and I were just discussing this item .. The jacket itself does have morphs that help masculinize it but we agree that the rounded part around the zipper does seem feminine. That said, I had no reservations about the rest of the outfit and didn't even have much hassle using it on this G8.1 figure, which included trying several poses from the weapons set before picking this one. My immediate impression is that most of the outfit is pretty nice and flexible.
Just tossing out there for others who, like me, shrug and use pretty much everything across generations. For the first project I was working on with this figure I happened to use the Holland hair, meant for G9. With the MMX clone, it fits just fine. But when I saved the scene, it took an unusually long time to save. I stopped to check out what was up and found that it had saved a 350MB file! Removed the hair and the file saved as 185KB. Tried a different recent G9 hair and this did not happen. Added a G9 figure and put the Holland hair on it; no problem, file saved as a normal sized file. Obviously that hair makes no promises about its application on G8.x figures so no hard feelings. I just figured I would mention in case anyone else runs into that problem.
Holland Hair for Genesis 9 | Daz 3D
Looks very impressive, any opinions?
going to be a lot of overgrown ruins hitting the store
lol, maybe. Still looks very useful imo