About HDRI Lights and enviroment

Hello. I was watching some iray renderings using HDRI images as backgrounds. Specifically they utilize HDRI labs web page . I saw that backgrounds are clear in they renders, however , I use those same images and my backgrounds are blurred. And I tried all included images. What is the secret ?


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    You might be using the wrong image. There is usually an HDR image for lights and background which is a large file; there might be a lights only HDR image which is basically light and dark colours which is a small file; there might also be a .jpg which can be used as a background but not for lighting. Each has its own uses in different situations and renders.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210

    I understand , but what is the procedure to do that ?

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    The HDR images can go in the Environment Map. If you only want it for light then turn Draw Dome to off; if you want to see the image as a backdrop and use it for light then turn Draw Dome to on; if you only want to use the image just as a backdrop then go to the Widow menu, Panes(Tabs), Environment, Add. Background and use the.jpg.

  • IsazformsIsazforms Posts: 210

    Ok thanks!

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