My Questions List lol

Hey All,
Well after a couple of years I've realized that Daz Studio was free (I know fail :/)
I've played a bit with the program yesterday and it seems much easier than Poser or Photoshop.
I am however completely overwhelmed by smart content, content library and how my installed items are all over the place lol. But I'm sure I'll get use to it.
I've done 2 renders just to see how it looks
They are nothing special but now I want to create that realistic looking character.
My first problem is that when i drag new eye or skin textures to the body they render fine until I try and render in the highest quality (the software 3d something)
But then it just renders as white
Why is this happening?
What Item are you using as an all white surface like that means an incompatible shader or missing shader.
Okay, for some reason it's working now (i reinstalled Daz)
But the reason I installed it again is to get my Dynamic Cloth pane back.
It's still gone though, not under window/pane/tabs. Where would I find this if I installed it? (it was in my Victoria folder as part of the upgrade?)
Sorry I just feel lost right now.
If you have the paid for plugin, you need to reset your download to get the latest version which will work with
The plugin is not replaced if you have the paid for plugin, you have to do that yourself, but if you don;t, the lite or free version should be there.
Cool I got it working, tx :D