Water here, get your fresh clear water. WaterMiners [Commercial]

AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

It is summer it’s hot and it hasn't rained in days. Now imagine that those days are months or even years with no rain. Water minning may seem like a Sci-Fi idea but it's becoming a reality for some as droughts consume areas of the planet at an alarming rate. In the meantime we should make as much art as we can!!!!

If you love Kit Bashing this set has plenty to offer. If your into 360 degree sets this one has you covered. If your in need of a reall big rock to jump off of it has that too. If you are looking for a cool, or hot, desert out post or off world way station Water Miners has what you are in need of.


2000 x 1538 - 952K
Post edited by Chohole on


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,558

    That looks like a cool AntFarm product!

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    Very cool, Ant!

  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580

    Love the look of this world.

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,417
    edited August 2015
    AntMan said:

    If you love Kit Bashing this set has plenty to offer. If your into 360 degree sets this one has you covered. If your in need of a reall big rock to jump off of it has that too. If you are looking for a cool, or hot, desert out post or off world way station Water Miners has what you are in need of.

    Thanks for the ideas; I was actually going to pass on it as the mining stuff doesn't fit with any stories I'm currently working on, then the mention of the landscaping itself struck a chord and ... instant purchase.

    It's funny, you never know what'll make the sale. wink


    Walt Sterdan 

    Post edited by wsterdan on
  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    Thanks gang! I love making sets that can be deconstructed for mixing and matching, I hope it comes in handy,

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