Gen8/Gen9 Compatibility?

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,388

I'm really sorry if this has been covered already but I scanned threw a few pages and didn't notice a thread so I'll just ask.

I am really skeptical about the Gen 9's because they seem like they're a completely new species of character. Am I correct in understanding that Gen 9 clothes/Hair ONLY work on Gen 9's? Will Gen8 hair work on a Gen9? Gen9 hair on a Gen8? In the past, autofit and backwards compatibility always seemed to be something you could rely on when a new generation of character came out but it sounds like that's no longer the case.


  • There are AutoFit clones for previous geenrations, as usual, but as usual they work better with soemthings than others.

    It is possible to transfer (non-HD) morphs and textures using external applications, there are discussions in other threads.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,406

    Autofit from the new figure to older ones has always been provided as a PA add-on, not with the base.

  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 911

    I haven't tried fitting Genesis 9 things to Genesis 8 (because I haven't got any G9 clothes to try), but have fit Genesis 8 clothes and hair to Genesis 9 without any trouble. There's always a chance of wonkiness with long hair being autofitted between generations of figures, but it's nothing I've not seen before. Technically, you can fit hair from any generation of figure to any other if you load the hair separately and position it manually before parenting it to the head, so there's that too. As far as clothes go, I've been putting older shirts, pants, and dresses on G9 with no real problems. Haven't done any shoes yet, though, as I've mostly been doing portrait shots with no feet showing.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,388

    Oh okay. Well that makes me feel better. I'm sure the Gen9's have many improvments on the Gen8 (which really is something because the Gen8's are pretty freaking good in my opinion) so I'd like to try working with them but I didn't like the idea of having to start fresh. And there is a great new hair product I'd love to get but wasn't sure if it would work on a Gen8. Thank you all for your input! :)

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,388

    Well...I took the plunge and finally bought the the Gen9F hair I wanted and tried to fit it to a G8F. No go. When the auto-fit window pops up and asks what character the hair was deisgned for, Gen9 isn't an option. So I guess autofit is out. But that's okay right? Because I can just load it into the scene on it's own, position it where it should be and THEN parent it right? Well yeah, that sorta works as shown in Capture1. The problem is, when I try to apply a pose...see Capture2. It'll stay on the head as I move the character around the scene but as soon as I apply a pose, it's a big nope. Does anyone have any ideas or are Gen 9 products ONLY for Gen 9's?

    579 x 763 - 51K
    589 x 761 - 52K
  • What is it parented to?

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,388

    The character

  • It needs to be parented to the head, since that is what it needs to track.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,388

    Ahhhhh. That makes sense actually lol Should have thought of that. Thanks Richard!


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