"The Beauty of V4" trouble loading inj all

Just bought this item http://www.daz3d.com/shop/the-beauty-of-v4
And when I try to inj all I get an error saying "Cannot find a file for "/Runtime/Libraries/!DAZ/Victoria 4/Deltas/InjDeltas.EliteAll.Pz2""
I haven't moved anything yet because I was excited and wanted to test it out already, but even the read me doesn't mention needing to be moved in any particular way.
So what have I done wrong?
Thanks for reading. (:
On the product page it says :
Do you have these items installed?
If so, then the 'Beauty of V4' must be installed into the same folder as V4 and Morphs++ to work properly, since it is a morph for V4 Where did you install it to?
That message makes me think that maybe this product needs the elite morphs as well.
Oh yes, the read me mentions the elite morphs, so I bought and installed that. It automatically installed to the pose folder. I'll try moving them all up to the same location.