RenderFinished script for DAZ Studio
On the theory that what's worth doing is worth overengineering in the the extreme, I'm releasing my RenderFinished script to let you know when a render has completed.
The script that it was based on was only 6 lines of code (available here on sharecg by "BlackFeather1973"), and is probably enough for most people. I started by making the audio output cross-platform, since I use a Mac. I added the ability to choose a different audio file. I added the ability to save preferences between sessions, so you don't have to hunt down that WAV file every time. Finally, I added Growl notifications if you have Growl or Growl for Windows and the growlnotify command line tool installed.
For the time being, it's only tested under OS X in Studio 4.8, but there's no reason I know of that it shouldn't work on Windows. If you use it, please post your system info so I can add it to the compatibility list. Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Download it at github here, and install it in your Scripts folder. If you need a WAV file to use, the original script has one that speaks "Render finished" in a clear female voice.
Direct URL:
Thank you! Reporting total render time could be a nice addition to the script.
It's in the plan. I just have to work out the mechanics.
I'll have to play with it...
What an awesome idea! Thank you.
OK, now it displays the elapsed time in the notification and in the log. No text to speech for now.
That is great!
Does it only play wav files?
On my system (OS X), it will accept WAV, MP3, and AIFF. It's probably something like WMA instead of AIFF on Windows. I've only actually tested it with WAV and MP3.
How very cool! Thanks.
Has anyone actually tested this in Windows? thxs
I use it on Windows. I haven't looked at it recently to make sure it's the same version as posted here. I'll try to do so this evening.