Accessing QT from DazScript?

QT has some needful classes like Hash and Set but in DazScript I couldn't create an instace of them. Is there any example how to use them in DazScript or ist it impossible?


  • These are not wrapped and so not available. The suggestion is to use Object and Array, I am not faamiliar with the Qt objects and so can't be more specific than that.

  • Object can be used for QHash type functionality (key/value pairs). Array can be used for QSet type functionality (unique lists) using a callback function with filter()

  • kabexefkabexef Posts: 77

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Object can be used for QHash type functionality (key/value pairs). Array can be used for QSet type functionality (unique lists) using a callback function with filter()

    Thaks Richard. That is a valuable hint.

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