Getting on the 9 train, or not



  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,717

    I "adopted" Genesis 1 right out of the gate. It was soooo much easier and more enjoyable to use than V4/M4. For G9 I will most likely do as I have done with every other generation after G1 (except for G8.1, which I haven't really used). I got V9, just like I got Victoria did for the other generations, and will get the body and head morphs when they come out. If there is something that comes out that I really like for G9, I'll probably get it, I'm sure if another character that I really like comes out in the next week or so, I'll get it as well (definitely a typical Thorne character, or a set of head/face morphs by Thorne). But for the most part I will no doubt continue to use what I already have for a long while and slowly build up the G9 library.

    I'm not completely sold on G9 yet, the morph packs may help sell me a bit more. I'm also not sold on the figure topology, and some of the bends just don't look quite right to me. I'm in wait and see mode, with a bit of playing with the stuff I slowly pick up. I'm also holding off on G9 a bit because of another figure on the horizon else where that IMHO has much better topology. If it provides better features, bending, etc. than G9, I might go that direction. But regardless, I'm sure I will get more G9 stuff to make it useful, and if there are some features that I end up really loving (like the better expressions), G9 could end up my got to figure sooner than later.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,750

    I'm waving bah-buy at the station.

  • AllenArt said:

    Tobias said:

    I'm not going to rule out buying content for G9 but I doubt if there will be a deep dive.  I render mostly males so I have nothing to work with at this point. I am used to the idea of not getting any content for the males early on but in the past I had the basic morph pack so I could at least make changes to the head and body. We are several days in now and still no basic morphs. I know they are coming "soon" but I really dislike the base characters of all the Genesis iterations.  I am also starting to think that there will be even less content aimed at the male side than there is now.  I am afraid the prevailing attitude will be "there is plenty of content - put it on G9 and slide the masculine slider on - Voila, male content".  That is basically the attitude they had with the poses in the Genesis 9 Essentials pack. That's really not going to work for me.

    I agree. If I see that they are even worse for male content with G9 than they were for G8/8.1 I will totally back out. I bought V9, but I use mostly males, so I'll be watching for relevant content. I don't care for feminine looking men generally, do using female morphs, poses and clothes on males won't work for me either.

    I will create male stuff. I need a compagnon for my female G9. I have a little example of the female character. But there will be a black boyfriend for her too.Is there something you would like to see for the male character?

    I am thinking about fiberbrows and moustache/beard.

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  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    This is an easy decision as using the freebies is, well, free.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,060

    cautiously interested but not spending until things I need available like pose/animation conversion or better yet an import pipeline and morph packages 

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,189

    Maybe later.

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,149
    I'm going to be hopping on it in another way. Sculpting G9 is so much fun, I just gotta figure out how to rig everything.
  • I'm going to do what I did for G8; Wait until it has enough content backlog to justify using it. Currently, we don't even have expressions on poor G9, so there is no rush.

    That and I managed to transfer Werwulf from G9 to G8.1M, so if anything REALLY cool pops up, I'll just backwards convert it XD

  • How did you convert it to 8.1 if you don't mind me asking? I have no idea how long, and if, the daz to Maya bridge will be updated so I can animate in Maya and bring the keys back into daz to apply the sequence to the character since they said they made it better for animation but did nothing for IK. I also use Facemotion 8 for lip sync and I tried and it does not work at all with G9 (not that I really thought it would). So if there's a way to convert it to G8 or 8.1, I might actually continue getting new characters otherwise im tapping out. 

  • For a brief moment I was living in a dream where G9 meant that there's going to be Vykhtoria's character without textured brows. For once. Foolish me. laugh


    WTB Brow Remover mask for G9!

  • I am going to continue with my previous course. If I like I buy. If I don't, well, I won't. That means I am just as likely (maybe moreso) to buy G3 stuff as G8. G8.1 seems to me to be G8 + small added irritations, which are no more irritating than G3's irritations, so why fuss? There are a couple of G9 bones I simply don't understand the point of (additional twist bones in arm & legs), but that's not going to put me off. The chance G9 wouldn't work with my Win7/GTX1060/DS4.15 combination made me nervous, but it does work, so I'm happy.
  • Calliope23Calliope23 Posts: 530
    edited October 2022

    Oso3D said:

    The good news is that you can do a bunch with Genesis 9 without spending any money at all.

    There's a nice range of skins and shaping stuff included for free, and with a number of changes autofit works much better. I was able to make a credible dwarf figure with G8M rigid armor, and it looks pretty darn good.

    There's plenty of room to experiment and see for yourself how you like it before having to spend anything at all.

    I was inspired by your comment @Oso3D and spent the afternoon playing with Genesis 9. I did cheat and mixed in a little Vicky 9, but I can see how you can come up with some pretty neat figures using the free skins that come in the Genesis 9 Starter Essentials. The hair, necklace, and dress are autofit from Genesis 8 stuff I already owned.

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  • marblemarble Posts: 7,482

    After reading these comments and those in similar threads I am even more convinced that investment in this generation is not on the cards for me for quite a while - if ever. I have seen some of the renders posted for G9/V9 and I am not impressed. Sure, the close-ups that Jay showed us in the promo video are very impressive but I don't render close-ups - ever. I have yet to see anything that I couldn't see using G8 (or probably 8.1 but I don't have any 8.1 either). So why would I spend money I can't really afford on morph packs and characters for G9 when I already have plenty of those for G8 which will provide an almost infinite variety of digital humans for the foreseeable future?

    I'm hoping that the DAZ developers can finally switch attention to DS5 and let the PAs take the load of providing more content for G9. Maybe they will need to come out with G10 (or whatever comes next) just to be fully compatible with DS5 which might mean a short lifespan for poor Vicky9.

  • Olo_Ordinaire said:

    I've been uninstalling lots of Genesis 8 characters to reduce load time.  I recently decided to just stop buying new characters until the load issues are resolved. I know the load time issue is probably due to a design decision made when most of the developers were in middle school, but I just don't want to wait 5, 6, 8 minutes to load a scene with characters in it.

    So, I'm not even tempted by a Genesis 9 glamour gal...

    This is what you need. . It should resolve your load issue and free up some memory for you. Dont wait on daz to fix it, itll never happen. Sorry, OT.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited October 2022

    The release of G9 feels more...fractured?...than G8. I started working with Daz when G8 was brand new and I remember there being a heck of a lot more stuff to play with out of the gate. Plus, I remember G8 having better movement out of the box. I like KH's bend morphs and use them religiously, but G9 is very much noodly-woodly when it comes to bending...moreso than G8 was/is.

    That being said, I won't say "no" to G9. V9 is sitting in my cart, but I don't think I'm going to drop the dime on it yet. I'm really not a fan of the renders I've seen so far. Faces are gorgeous...eyes and lips...totally gorgeous...but the body and how it poses? Oofta. 

    And on top of that...I'll be looking forward to RSSY's impending G9 to G8/8.1 clothing and hair converters... *fingers crossed*

    I dunno...maybe I will get bored this weekend and light $75 on fire and do a portrait render after tweaking around with the skin. 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • benniewoodell said:

    How did you convert it to 8.1 if you don't mind me asking? I have no idea how long, and if, the daz to Maya bridge will be updated so I can animate in Maya and bring the keys back into daz to apply the sequence to the character since they said they made it better for animation but did nothing for IK. I also use Facemotion 8 for lip sync and I tried and it does not work at all with G9 (not that I really thought it would). So if there's a way to convert it to G8 or 8.1, I might actually continue getting new characters otherwise im tapping out. 

    I simply made a clone of G9 for G8.1M. I used this tutorial:

    Then I just used the transfer utility to transport it to G8.1M. Here is a tutorial for that.

  • plasma_ringplasma_ring Posts: 1,025
    I'm in, but also I've learned a lot since starting with G8 about what I need and don't need, and like a lot of others here I'm probably going to be very selective when it comes to buying characters and morphs. I plan to prioritize anything that helps me convert my main cast over to G9.
  • I'll get on the train eventually.  As with other generations of figures, I can wait until there's enough content native to that generation to justify using it.   My experiments after downloading and installing Genesis 9 left me neither extremely impressed nor horrified. There aren't any features with Genesis 9 that make me say "I must use it now!", and the finished renders I see don't strike me as superior to renders made with other generations of figures using similar materials for Iray rendering.  So I'm unlikely to throw much money at Genesis 9 content for at least six months.  Some of that spending will go to content from previous generations that will (hopefully) be available at lower prices.

    I'll risk separating my shoulder by patting myself on the back for being largely immune to FOMO in regards to the absolute newest of stuff.  I got partially immunized to promotional hype somehow.  

    Compared with the rollouts for Genesis 3 and Genesis 8, the accompanying content (hairs, clothes, poses, morphs, etc.) for Genesis 9 seems to me a bit "minimalist".  I don't know if the rollout was a little rushed or if there has been a change of strategy.  Check Victoria 8's Pro Bundle:

  • Eboshijaana said:

    benniewoodell said:

    How did you convert it to 8.1 if you don't mind me asking? I have no idea how long, and if, the daz to Maya bridge will be updated so I can animate in Maya and bring the keys back into daz to apply the sequence to the character since they said they made it better for animation but did nothing for IK. I also use Facemotion 8 for lip sync and I tried and it does not work at all with G9 (not that I really thought it would). So if there's a way to convert it to G8 or 8.1, I might actually continue getting new characters otherwise im tapping out. 

    I simply made a clone of G9 for G8.1M. I used this tutorial:

    Then I just used the transfer utility to transport it to G8.1M. Here is a tutorial for that.

    @Eboshijaana thank you so much! Hopefully I'll have some time this evening to give this a try, if not tomorrow! 

  • DripDrip Posts: 1,185

    -Is my rig good enough for G9?
    -Does G9 allow me to do renders I want to do that I can't do with any previous generation?
    -Do I like the G9 figures?
    -Is G9 suitable for my renders?

    I'd have to answer "yes" to all four of those to justify the investment. But, I'm not convinced on the first (2070 RTX, so I'd be a lot more limited than I'd be with G3/G8, especially if 8K textures become a norm), a no on the second, yes on the third, and a no on the last (my preference is less photorealistic and a little more stylized, like G3 was, and I even like some G2 figures). So, although I do appreciate G9, and think it looks awesome, I do have to be honest with myself (and my wallet) and conclude that I have no reason to get on this train. And without a figure, I won't have a need for its assets either. Maybe when some conversion tools appear to fit G9 clothes and hairs to lower generations, I'll pay more attention to those again. But for now new releases, I only check environments, vehicles and props now.

  • I've been a loyal buyer since Genesis 1, and generally get on board each generation once male content starts coming out that I need, but this generation just isn't clicking for me. I think it's a combination of the fatique of doing this yet again, combined with not really impressed with the new figure, and happy with the current figure.

     I do see improvements from the neck up, I'm not seeing improvements for the rest of the body. The A base pose is really bad for making clothes off of with how close the arms are to the torso. Bends really don't seem any better than g8 with the exception of the neck.

     But my general feeling is there wasn't anything really that wrong with g8/8.1, and the things I didn't like didn't get fixed in g9. G8.1 was great as it did offer you something better, but it didn't nerf anything. This is basically "Start over from scratch and buy the new version of the stuff you've already bought, again."

    Will I pick some stuff up when it eventuallys hits the $1.99 bin, yeah sure, why not?  But I doubt that's what Daz or the PA's want to hear.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598

    I'm on the train but I will be buying selectively.  

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,643
    edited October 2022

    FirstBastion said:

    I'm waving bah-buy at the station.

    I sure hope I am misinterpreting this. This born and bred Canadian is not done with your catalogue. 

    Edit: I have been extremely loyal to Daz, but nope not on the train,. 8.1 ruined any chance of that. There's a time to hold and a time to fold. At this point it is fold for me.

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  • oddboboddbob Posts: 370

    I'm cheap.

    I've got lots of G8 stuff and still haven't exhausted all the features and possibilities.

    The lack of a powerpose template, reliance on the layered image editor and lack of add-ons breaks my workflow.

    Until there's a more complete ecosystem and documentation of the new features or a really compelling product that offers something that's not available for G8 I'll hold off.

    But mostly I'm cheap.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,968

    There's already a LOT you can do and spend $0 money. The following image was based purely on G2-G8 assets and only the free Genesis 9 content.

    Out of the box, free, there's a LOT Genesis 9 offers.


  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,709
    edited October 2022

    Nah. I'll wait and see what Michael 9 looks like, but I can't imagine I'd even be able to render g9 characters. I can't use 4.20+ since I only have a gtx 1060, and am not in a place financially to upgrade. So I'm fairly certain i will be sitting this one out. If any freebies come up that look interesting, I'll probably take those. For a, hopefully, eventual upgrade.

    Post edited by zombietaggerung on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,605

    I like Genesis 9, but I'm not sure I want to pay for a whole new batch of the same morphs yet. I am going to wait to see what is offered for the mens.

    Genesis 8.1 was sort of a miss as far as there being a lot of men's content. now that Genesis 9 is unisex I am somewhat more optimistic. I also really want to see more of that torso, neck, and shoulder area, and how males look with it. I am a touch concerned with the morph being too feminine-centric for me, but we shall see. I haven't seen enough masculine stuff at this stage to judge.

    I however, really like what I've seen with the face rig and expressions on victoria. If they can make M9 and other males nearly as nice, I will be sold.

  • My issue is I bought the "Character Essentials" hoping to get usable anatomical elements for G9 and low and behold, no materials.  If DAZ is going to sell something separately, the need to sell the materials for them.  I can see a lot of potential for G9 down the road but right now there just is not enough content available.  I am getting ready to go back and dump most of my G3 stuff and a lot of G8/8.1 content to free up some hard drive space and will be very selective in what I purchase for G9.  Just hoping for some morph packs soon to start doing some dial spining and maybe a 50's pinup style hair pretty please.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,032

    Not only did I get on the train, but I bought V9 Pro Bundle out of the gate, which I never do, and I already bought a G9 PA product, Joe Quick's Toon Kids for G9.

    I hear that the G9 head & body morph packages will be released early next week too. 

  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,750

    I only got about 20 G 8.1 figures, most by Kooki99 or Matari3D, all males and because of their special looks and only a handful "free" female figures. I got shipsloads of G3/G8 figures and what these offer to me is utterly enough for the things I want to do with DAZ.

    So no, I won't start using G9 figures, as I do not need them and because I don't expect them to offer anything to me. There might be some clothes I might regret to be unable to use, but chances for that are slim, as there's even a big pile of clothes products I haven't been able to buy for G3/8 due to lack of funds.

    Things could have been different, if G9 figures would be easily compatible to previous generation, but they ain't, so I don't use them.

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