Weird DIM problem

I have a problem with DIM (Daz Install Manager).

It started some time ago, but it didn't really concern me. I have a product (Bedroom Collection) I downloaded fine some month ago. Some time later DIM said there was an update. I downloaded it, but installation failed. Retrying didn't solve it. A number of times DIM showed an update, but each time it failed.

Then yesterday, by mistake, in DIM I marked a number of products and uninstalled. When I realised they were "Ready to install". Most installed correctly again, but a number of product resulted in 'Installation failed'. Resetting, restarting, whatever. The result remained the same. Oddly enough most products were related to AlphaKini, but not all the AlphaKini products.

And looking into Daz some of the products were present and could be used.

When I looked into the log it looked like this (just examples):

Installing product : AlphaKini Contemporary PoserCF
Could not extract file : D:/DAZ/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Materials/DAZ Genesis 2 Female/Clothing/Aeon Soul/AlphaKini/Contemporary/FrillyLace_Black.png
Product installation failed : AlphaKini Contemporary PoserCF
Install Queue finished in 0 min 0.1 sec.
WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 2 unknown for QWidget)
WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 5 unknown for QWidget)
Installing product : AlphaKini Contemporary
Could not extract file : D:/DAZ/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 2 Female/Clothing/Aeon Soul/Alphakini/Materials/Contemporary/FrillyLace_Black.duf
Product installation failed : AlphaKini Contemporary
Install Queue finished in 0 min 0.1 sec.
WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 2 unknown for QWidget)
WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 7 unknown for QWidget)
Installing product : AlphaKini Fantasy
Could not extract file : D:/DAZ/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Textures/aeonsoul/generic/aeso_reflection.jpg
Product installation failed : AlphaKini Fantasy
Install Queue finished in 0 min 0.8 sec.

The png and the jpd files could be opened without issues. And the duf file was actually available from within Daz.

Just to add, I yesterday after this problem successfully installed new products without problems.

So I have no clue what is going on and how to solve it - any ideas?



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    If you delete the zips for those products and download them fresh, do they install?

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,688

    Thanks for the reply.

    I tried for 2 of the prodcuts in question.

    Deleting the zip and the the dsx. They became available in the "ready to download". Downloaded fine, but "installation failed".

    So, seemed like a good suggestion, but unfortunatly not the solution.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    The DIM log should give you an indication why the installer is failing.  In DIM, click on the Gear icon on the upper right.  On the next screen, click on the Show Log button on the lower left.  Scroll down to the end of the log and hopefully there is a meaningful message.

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,688

    The log is similar to the log I included in the first post:

    WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 6 unknown for QWidget)
    WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 6 unknown for QWidget)
    Installing product : The Bedroom Collection
    Could not extract file : D:/DAZ/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Geometries/ARTCollab/BedroomCollection/AC_BC_Drawer.obj
    Product installation failed : The Bedroom Collection
    Install Queue finished in 0 min 0.5 sec.
    WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 5 unknown for QWidget)
    Processed 580 installed products, totaling 35.9 GB
    User Data Refresh: Elapsed Time 0 sec 960 msec
    Processed 347 products with 631 unique product downloads

    WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 12 unknown for QWidget)
    Installing product : The Bedroom Collection
    Could not extract file : D:/DAZ/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Geometries/ARTCollab/BedroomCollection/AC_BC_Drawer.obj
    Product installation failed : The Bedroom Collection
    Install Queue finished in 0 min 0.1 sec.
    WARNING: QAccessibleWidget::rect: This implementation does not support subelements! (ID 2 unknown for QWidget)

    The log doesn't give me any clue to what the actual problem is. I can open the mentioned file AC_BC:Drawer.obj fine.

    I assume that there is a database within DIM, and I have therefore consdeired if there are have some faulty records. But I cannot find anything on DB maintenance for DIM, so I do not know how to do any progress on that.

    My current consideration is to do a manual installation. But I wouldn't expect that to cure the DIM problem, and I am in doubt how the CMS will handle a manuel installtion of a Daz product, when the rest is by DIM.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    You can install manully and then re-import metadata for that product.

    I'm baffled -- I've seen zips with corrupt files, and ones which DIM could extract but OS unarchivers couldn't, but never seen this before.

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,688

    I have now installed all the products manually, and they work within Daz 3D as expected.

    And, also as expected, it didn't change anything for DIM. But during my installation I realized that it are the manifest files DIM uses for keeping track of content. And as there is a manifest file included in the zip, I considered if I could use that to fix the DIM part. But unfortunatly the manifest files in the manifest folder contains additional information than that in the zip. I might be able to gather this information, but as it seems like pretty much work without even knowning it will fix DIM, so I'll let it stay for now.

    It did although raise a question. About four month ago I changed the DIM download folder to another drive, without issues. But looking into the manifest files I realised that it still uses the original location for these files. And I cannot find anywhere in DIM that let me change the manifest location, similar to the download location. Is that as expected?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    You can't change it in the UI, but there's an .ini file with the settings.  Under Windows it's in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\UserAccounts (which is a hidden system folder) named [accountname].ini  You'll want to have DIM closed while editing it, edit the line:


    with the desired path, for example


    Note that it uses forward slashes as separators.  Then move all the manifests to the new location and restart DIM.

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,688

    Oh, that is where it can be changed.


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