Member having Problem applying texture to a terrain

ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
edited July 2015 in Bryce Discussion

This discussion was created from comments split from: Problem with exporting the texture of Bryce terrain.

Post edited by Chohole on


  • abejeng3abejeng3 Posts: 2

    Having a problem with the terrains material on bryce7.  No matter which I try to apply, I still see only a base color rather than the textures they should be.  I've already tried reloading the materials and deinstalling/reinstalling bryce.  any help welcome.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Do you have your terrain selected when you try to apply the mat

  • abejeng3abejeng3 Posts: 2

    yes, terrain is selected. 

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    I am going to split your posts out inot their own thread, because this thread was for a different problem, and you may not get the help you need.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    This probably isn't the answer, but just in case: Is it possible you have two copies of your terrain and you are seeing one but the material is being applied to the other?

    Is it just terrains?  Does your same material apply correctly to, say, a cube?  Is there any way the texture could be applied, but just not getting rendered (if you click the terrain's 'M' icon, are you still seeing the original default grey material, or can you see your new material there and just not in the render)?  Also you mentioned exporting... are you seeing the problem in Bryce, or are you loosing the material on export (keeping in mind that exporting has options to try to bake a material, or not, onto the terrain if I remember correctly, and the actual Bryce material can't be used in other applications and you won't get the same results.)

  • Do you have the Texture Off button set? It's the little button on the left under the big camera trackball (see Image).

    145 x 173 - 6K
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