Issue importing g8 into Unreal Engine 5.0.3 and retargeting

I am following this tutorial and when I get to the part where I select the Manny animation blueprint and then go into the retarget animation assets flyout menu and choose duplicate and retarget animation blueprint like u normally you do under IK retargeter in that box.... I'm missing the option to select G81fixedrotrotrootikretargeter... All the normal mannequin selections that are usually there are there... I'm using a genesis eight female and Unreal Engine 5.0,3 and this version of the daz to unreal plugin v5.0.1.89
Really, over a year and still nothing on this? Issue is still prevalent on Unreal Engine 5.3; even with the most up-to-date version of the plugin that comes from available from GitHub.
Just got stuck on this today as well... any ideas on this?
** Edited **
Found the solution just after posting this. Under content drawer, select the settings icon top right of the window, make sure 'Show Engine Content' and 'Show Plugin Content' are selected. For some reason that allowed the missing IK retargeter to show up.