How do I move my library?

I'm sure this has been answered before, but there seems to be no way to search the forums any more.

I currently have my rather large library on my internal drive.  I want to move it to an external drive, keeping everything intact.  I want to then point DIM to the new location, so new stuff I buy is installed properly by DIM in the new location.  How do I do this without messing anything up?

I am running on a Mac, if that matters.  64 bit.


  • PhiloppPhilopp Posts: 293


    I did the same not very long ago.

    I did this in the following steps:

    First copy the library to the new location, without delete the old location

    Then change the settings in DIM and in DAZ Studio. After that close DIM and DAZ Studio

    Restart DAZ studio, reimport the database (I don't remember the precise command now. Need to look later when I am home on the computer with DAZ installed).

    After that I renamed the old library path and restarted DAZ Studio and checked that the library content are still there and I can use them. After that I deleted the old library.

  • RLSprouseRLSprouse Posts: 288

    Thanks for your response.  I'm not familiar with the import function.  I'll look for it.


  • MJWMJW Posts: 539

    #Philopp 'Then change the settings in DIM and in DAZ Studio. After that close DIM and DAZ Studio'

    Sounds simple enough, but how, please?!?!?

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    If you don't change the path in the manifest files updates will be writen to the old location.

  • PhiloppPhilopp Posts: 293


    sorry for the late answer.

    In DIM, open the settings window (by clicking on the round symbol on the right above corner of DIM). In the Settings Window, change to the third tab (Installation, see the first attached image). Click on the + sign on the bottom left corner. Add a name and select a path.

    In DAZ Studio either go through the menu Edit / Preferences (second image), or directly with F2

    Go to the fifth tab Content Library (third attached image). Click on the long bottom button Content Directory Manager ... In the manager, click on DAZ Studio Formats, click on the button Add ... Select the path in which you want to install your content. Click on the path you have selected and move it to the top (above the original paths). If you are also using Poser formats, then do the same for the Poser Formats.

    When you have tested your setting and everything is working like they should, you can remove your old paths from the Content Directory Manager.

    If you have removed your old content and you cannot find some of the contents (like some directories are empty). Please open the Content DB Maintenance window (fourth attached image). Active Re-Import Metadata ... and then Accept (fifth attached image).

    I hope this helps.





  • MJWMJW Posts: 539

    #Philopp, Will try your idea. I have an overcrowded laptop, so want to put the stuff on a portable drive to be able to use it - they would take more space than I have on the laptop drive. 


  • PhiloppPhilopp Posts: 293

    That was exactly what I did and why I did it

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