Pull the pants buttocks

Hello the world of imagination, 

I have a problem I can not solve, despite my extensive research. When I put any pants on the body, the pants fit in the buttocks. How to bring out the pants buttocks ? I use Genesis 2 male and female. You can see the image for you to understand better my problem. I tried D-Former and this https://www.daz3d.com/fit-control-for-genesis-and-genesis-2-female-s, but it did not help me.

Thank you for helping me.


  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917

    You are always going to have a problem like that with extreme body shapes if they are not supported via a FBM.

    Not all outfits come with corrective FBMs (full body morphs) for all body shapes.

    I can see this could be fixed in a modeling program but for that you need to know a thing or two about 3D modeling and how to use a modeling program of your choice to achieve the results you want to get with this.

    I have no idea how would I go about fixing this inside Daz Studio though.

  • fowochfowoch Posts: 7

    Okay. Thank you for the help. What's a FBM?

    Yet I have to use clothes that are compatible with Genesis 2 female.

    I do not use other 3D modeling software. Either they are expensive like Poser ZBrush or 3DS Max, and even if they had free like Blender, they require a lot of learning time.

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