free studio 4 and bryce programs deny access

hi adam,
so cool that these are offered free/ or m i missing something?
i spent hours with the process and was just getting to learn some basics via tutorials/
i successfully downloaded both programs and set up an account to get access codes
for studio/ using a 64bit option/ i have windows 7 premium.
The programs worked well the first day.....but then.......
the next day my shortcuts went to a daz store page and my account shows no product or serial codes.
studio log in asks for a serial code and says only 34 bit is free...that is not what was written when i downloaded 64/
i really looked to be sure/ and nowhere did it say this was a trial...that i could find.
so when i tried to email issues to daz support all returned used return email from an automated email from them/
same thing. so i placed a request today.
sure would be cool to be able to learn these programs first before buying fun upgrades.
thank you for listening<:</p>
I don't know what you mean about your shortcuts going to the DAZ Store page? If you mean the purple coloured icon that is put on your desktop, that is what it is for. I usually just delete them, I know where the store is.
DS4P, both 64 bit and 32 are free. If you bought DS4P through the store for $0.0, then you should have a serial number for it in your Available Serail numbers area in My Account. If not, there is usually a serial inside the ZIP in a readme file.
To contact DAZ Support, use the Help > Contact Us button at the top of this page.
I wonder what version of DAZ Studio you are trying to use. If you go to Help > About DAZ Studio, it will give you the version number.
Wy does your post say Hi Adam at the top. Did you intend to post somewhere elase?
:)thanks jimmy,
re: Daz 4.5 studio pro free 64 version
appreciate your comments.
fyi the program was in my files but not opening without serial number previously loaded. i probably did something got some in-house computer input/ I uninstalled dazs4 and reinstalled so is working now still i will have to do the same with bryce as it does load /but not showing up in my account...there is also a glitch on this end,in that the store page search option loads without prompting and is bothersome. Still, who can complain with all this cool stuff offered? I am looking forward to learning how to use the basics.
btw: icon: i was talking about the actual shortcut to pro (icon) on my desktop...did load/ now no/ so deleted it and purple store icon 2.
thanks again!
smiles from sunny and hot hot hot AZ