July 2015 New User Contest - Portrait Rendering [WIP Thread]



  • kathrynlochkathrynloch Posts: 378

    Trying the post one more time.

    800 x 950 - 711K
  • ewcarmanewcarman Posts: 180
    ewcarman said:


    First in regard to iray and lighting - nix the sun right out of there and save yourself the headache for now. If you want real control of your lighting use primitives. You'll thank me later. ;) Turn off the environment completely and use the iray emissive on primitives. That being said, I'm still struggling to gain the effects of true ambient lighting with primitives.  I know it's there, I just haven't found it yet.


    If you want squares of light, create an alpha with that effect and use it in the cutout setting in the iray surface setting. It will work wonders!


    The problem with combining environment and primitive lighting is that they compete. You can fine tune the emission on both but you need everything else set in the scene before you do that and I think there's a lot easier ways to accomplish what you want in that regard.

    From this point I'm going to agree in that we both have a lot to learn about lighting! But I've done experiment after experiment on lighting - in fact my current entry started off as a lighting experiment, It depends on how far you want to go with your methodology. There's still plenty of time to enter the contest - at least it isn't a horse race in that regard. 

    There's one thing I want to add, since she's standing before the mirror, wouldn't she be looking at her reflection in that regard? The smile I can understand, and I would trust that to carry your meaning, but standing before a mirror and not looking at herself makes little sense. Also, adjust the doll on the bed unless you wish the meaning of what's coming up on the honeymoon to play a part in your image - if ya know what I mean. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

    Personally I really like the premise and idea you've got going. I don't want to offend anyone, but I think if you nail this with the lighting - you've got the contest won hands down.



     Wow. Thank you for the compliment. Let's hope I can get this right.

    I have finally figured out some of the lighting issues. Turns out I had an environment map in the render settings from some experiment I had done a while ago. Once I removed that, the Azumith and Elevation started to work. Now I can get the little squares of light. However, I like your idea (and will thank you now) because it would likely take half the time (10%?) to do it with a light emitting primitive as you suggest than trying to build a real-world model to make it work. And other than the light coming through the window, I am going out of the way to block the natural sun light so it makes perfect sense to skip it completely. 

    The doll is in a sort of "come-hither' pose. smiley  I just put her there to hold a place and see where she ended up in the reflection. I hadn't even noticed... Although Linwelly was suggesting that no adult woman would have toys in her bed... maybe it depends? blush

    To both yours and Linwelly's points about the position of the model and the mirror, I've had her all over that room. This is the closest I've come so far to something that works. But you both make good points. She's almost on top of the mirror as it is, so I might be a little challenging to get her closer - but I'll give that a try. One of things I found when setting the camera, if the mirror frames the scene, it doesn't look right. Two curved sticks of wood around the borders had an unnatural feel. Hence the dresser and light. RIght now the image is more or less framed by the model and the dresser. But you are both right. Something isn't quite right with this positioning. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me.


    Having just posted what I did - I had an evil idea and should call this one "The Son-In-Law"

    So sorry, Eric. devil

    OH NOES!


    NOT AGAIN! I'm getting ye olde error message "Internal error could not move the file". Which means I can't post an image. Brace yourselves everyone we might be fixin' to lose attachments again.

    smiley Son-In-Law!!!! Perfect! Thankfully my son-in-law isn't quite this scary. He looks even more menacing in this new pose. Very nice. 

    Linwelly said:
    ewcarman said:


    Next I would position her closer to the mirror and draw in the camera in as well so you get to see a similar amount of the "real" woman as in your original, I don't know if that possible with mirror images but I would try to set the DOF so that the background blurrs. If you let her rise her arms a bit with the brideflowers you get the intersting parts closer together (got to admit I always feel a bit awkward when I see the bridal flowers held right in front of the Lady bits)

    Now for the smile thats a toughy.  The problem is with a fake smile, you smile with your mouth but less with your eyes, for a sad smile its a bit the other way round plus you draw the inner parts of your eybrows up a bit. Does that make sense to you? Well how you can realise that is, luckily for me, your can of worms. ( I'm a meany, I know).

    You and Kathrynloch both make excellent points about the position of the mirror and the model.  

    About the toys on the bed, I was thinking more like she went back home to her parents house where her room was left, but your point is good (especially since that part is just in my head). I might move the doll to dresser if I put the dresser in the reflection as you suggest. Of course, after changing her angle to mute the "come-hither" pose. 

    And apparently, I have other issues with lady parts blush and will be moving the flowers. Thank you for pointing that out.

    For the smile, I've opened her eyes a little and that has certainly helped. But I haven't played with the eyebrows. That is next. Thank you for this. One can of worms coming up.

  • D.RobinsonD.Robinson Posts: 283

    Still working on mine, i am having issues that i dont know how to remedy i am deciding if i should scrap this one altogether or press on.



  • ewcarmanewcarman Posts: 180

    @Kathrynloch & Linwelly

    I've done a test based on your suggestions. You were spot on. This looks a lot better. This is really just about moving the model. Making her look directly at herself, pulling in the camera, and minimizing the dresser on the left. I think it's a good start. Got excited and wanted to share. (Grainy, I cancelled the render after a couple of minutes.)

    Thank you both!

    Reflections - test.png
    1024 x 819 - 2M
  • kathrynlochkathrynloch Posts: 378
    ewcarman said:

    @Kathrynloch & Linwelly

    I've done a test based on your suggestions. You were spot on. This looks a lot better. This is really just about moving the model. Making her look directly at herself, pulling in the camera, and minimizing the dresser on the left. I think it's a good start. Got excited and wanted to share. (Grainy, I cancelled the render after a couple of minutes.)

    Thank you both!

    Wonderful! You're definitely on the right track here! And I personally don't have a problem with stuffed animals on the bed. It's behind her in the mirror, her past and the child she is no longer when compared to the woman she is becoming. I still have many of my stuff animals and have no problem putting them on the bed - when I decide to make it that is. laugh A stuffed animal is always available for a good cry when the cat isn't. 

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Still working on mine, i am having issues that i dont know how to remedy i am deciding if i should scrap this one altogether or press on.



    There is no attachment to your post so I'm not sure if you posted a new image, but maybe we can help you if you tell us what makes you think to scrap it.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Gallows said:


    Tighter crop and changed the lighting, but not sure about the eyes.  Lux renders have trouble with eyes.  Not sure why.

    Hi gallows,

    I like the new makup for your amazon and the crop is getting better as well. I'm not shure where her eyes are looking at at the moment, but if there is trouble in Luxrender with looking at the camera why not create a primitive she is looking at as a placeholder for the camera, you can even set the opacity to zero so it won't hamper any lights.  I understand she is supposed to have a proud stance, still I would bent her a tyni bit forward to the camera.

    Other than that I noticed that her eyelashes are a solid plane, I guess that is not intentional?

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917

    Wow you guys are so fast! It´s getting impossible to keep up with this thread.

    Anyways, I don´t know what I´ll do with my render. There´s just something about it that I do not like. Maybe I´ll start all over again but I do want to render Victoria 7 so she will remain as my model.

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917

    Okay what say you guys to this?

    I started a new scene and decided to render a more model-like portrait.

    But I need your help with the eye reflection. I can´t seem to get rid of it. I have turned off everything that says "reflection" or "glossy reflection" on all eye materials, yet it is still there.

    Besides that any other suggestions are welcome!



    533 x 858 - 958K
  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230

    In this new render I've changed the baby pose, added a birdbath in the background with cardinal bird, Bushes and grass, check it out angel

    I've changed the baby and monther pose to get rid of her left large hand from the scene, and for both now they're more close to eachother, put a small pillow for the baby to be more comfartable in this sitting position, about the other props I've added this bushes and grass to the picture to give it a natural landscaping place, I don't know about the bird and birdbath if I should keep them or not, but the purpose I've added them to give the scene more colors and beauty {Maybe} frown

    Family Picnic 12.jpg
    1000 x 705 - 635K
  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149
    edited July 2015
    Toyen said:

    Okay what say you guys to this?

    I started a new scene and decided to render a more model-like portrait.

    But I need your help with the eye reflection. I can´t seem to get rid of it. I have turned off everything that says "reflection" or "glossy reflection" on all eye materials, yet it is still there.Besides that any other suggestions are welcome!

    for a quick and dirty "better eye".....

    Select the "Cornea" surface and apply the iray "Water-Thin" shader.Then select "Eyereflection" and set the "Cutout Opacity" to 0.0.

    See if that helps


    Post edited by IceCrMn on
  • D.RobinsonD.Robinson Posts: 283
    Linwelly said:

    Still working on mine, i am having issues that i dont know how to remedy i am deciding if i should scrap this one altogether or press on.



    There is no attachment to your post so I'm not sure if you posted a new image, but maybe we can help you if you tell us what makes you think to scrap it.

    Nah i didnt post anything my problem is about lighting this model her skin is so fair its very hard to get a good balance of lights so one feature or another isn't washed out. I am still working on it but havent gotten any closer to solving the issue. And the problem is two fold if i back the lights off enough to make her skin tone even than the reflections in her eyes are none exsistent.



  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    frank0314 said:

    Here are various links to other things that may help you in this months contest. Credit is given to Szark for this wonderful thread.
    Tutorials by Szark

    Thanks for that frank 

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    There are many good renders so far, so I started working on my second WIP.Here is what I got so far....

    New Portrait WIP.png
    1165 x 910 - 2M
  • D.RobinsonD.Robinson Posts: 283
    icecrmn said:

    There are many good renders so far, so I started working on my second WIP.Here is what I got so far....

    Wow that looks great Icecrmn i love this one over your otherone the skin tone and lighting are awesome!



  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230

    I'm renderin this one in Reality 4, here is 30 min render and I'm going to re-post it again after sometime.

    1000 x 705 - 152K
  • GallowsGallows Posts: 95

    Once more with feeling.


    532 x 861 - 88K
  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230
    h_habash said:

    I'm renderin this one in Reality 4, here is 30 min render and I'm going to re-post it again after sometime.

    And this one after 1 hour, with Gamma increased to above 3.

    FPR3-Mesh Lights.jpg
    1000 x 705 - 112K
  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917

    Thanks for suggestion icecrmn but the eye reflection is still there.

    Any other ideas? : )

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Aren't there eye sets with the reflection built in? Perhaps you have used one of them for the eyes instead of a normal set.

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917

    Nope I dont think so. There are built in reflection for 3Delight but not Iray.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Ok, just a thought.

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149
    icecrmn said:

    There are many good renders so far, so I started working on my second WIP.Here is what I got so far....

    Wow that looks great Icecrmn i love this one over your otherone the skin tone and lighting are awesome!



    Thank you :)

    I'm not sure if I'll go with this one , or try a "whole person" style portrait.I'll post a WIP of what I was thinking about in a few minutes (I'm waiting for it to render)



    Toyen said:

    Thanks for suggestion icecrmn but the eye reflection is still there.

    Any other ideas? : )

    None at the moment :(  

    Eyes are a very reflective surface,as Fishtales mentioned, some eye mats come with a fake reflection that is a texture placed in the base color channel of the EyeReflection surface.If it's an environmental reflection, then maybe add something over her head to block the light from entering her eye and causing the reflection.

  • Babalar1Babalar1 Posts: 71

    This is a change from my first projects earlier in the forum.  Decided to go with a classiic portrait style and focus on the expression, lighting and compostition of a (figmented) person sitting for a pose.  

    Lots of great tips here that were a big help in some of my adjustments but I also found helpful was reading up on the masters painters and especially Degas on how they approach the subject of portraits.  I don't  think I've learned even a miniscule of what they know but even still it is inspiring as are the renders that are coming along great right here.  

    Best thing I've gotten from the Degas paintings is the use of boxes and triangles in his compostions.  Lines running in every direction to create a balance to even the smallest detail.  An interesting experiment is to take one of his works and draw lines across intersecting points using a ps type program and the results are amazing.  Anyway, thought I'd pass that on if it is any help to someone.  

    On my current protrait;  it feels like something is coming about and I'm pleased with the lighting which took forever to get it to look alright.  Fingers can use some adjusting and anyone know why the eyes, which should be blue or green, came out black??     

    Quick note on the name change;  looks like I used an old nickname when I had set up a gallery here at Daz and with the new forum format, they rid me of my email address "robborfla1" monicker.  Figured I'd throw in a pic of the beach near my house since I didn't care for the new default avatar.  

    portrait girl in red 2a july 13.jpg
    600 x 970 - 226K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Yes with User Names on this new  forum the Gallery name and the forum name should be the same, and if you have a Gallery, then the gallery name took preference.  You can change it here  https://www.daz3d.com/customer/account/edit/ ; if you wish to go back to the other one

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    this is my second protrait WIP.This one is a maybe, I'm still not sure if I want a "bust" or "whole person"

    Don't mind the tarty outfit, I'll put her in something a bit more appropriate after I decide what direction I want to go

    Second Portrait WIP 2 .png
    1165 x 910 - 1M
  • Babalar1Babalar1 Posts: 71

    Yuppers,   I can see how using the same name would make things less confusing.      

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917

    Ice I´d focus on her face since the theme this month is portrait and play with her expressions and see if you can come up with something interesting : )

    I´d definitely not render a "whole person" for a portrait competition but I guess it is up to you : )

    By the way finally managed to get rid of that reflection. It was the cornea reflecting the environment even though all reflectivity on it was set to 0. Strange.

    I´m giving it a proper render now but I´m afraid that turning the cornea off did something strange to the eye. Or maybe I turned off something else accidentally, I don´t know.

    I´ll post the render once its done.


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    @Toyen    you're right,,a bust style render would be better for a portrait.I'll keep playing with my elf and see what I can do.

    @Bostonrob   That's a very good start.Almost like a classic one would expect to see in a museum.

    Gallows and h_habash are coming along very nicely as well with their renders.

    Going to be fun to see what everyone creates :) . These contests are a fantastic way to learn new things.

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917

    The reflection is now gone but you can see strange circle lines in the eye. Wonder how to get rid of those other than in post-work.

    625 x 1000 - 1M
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