HIGH POLY Animated Daz Characters to Cinema 4D workflow?
Hey everyone,
I've been scouting all over the internet for the past few weeks for a proper workflow of getting high poly, animated Daz characters to Cinema 4D. I've tried so many things now;
- FBX, doesn't contain SubDivs and some morphs won't bake
- ABC (with alembic exporter plugin), this worked flawlessly until the final step; when texturing my animated .abc character, the SSS won't work, at all, which messes with the color of the skin (I'm using a pretty advanced skin shader in Octane). Not sure why, maybe a problem in Octane?
- MDD, can't manage to get the .mdd into C4D. I'm aware of the existence of "Riptide Pro", but it's so outdated and I cant seem to find a place to download it, thereby I'm pretty sure it only works with very old C4Ds.
Really running ot of options here.. anyone who could help me out?
Try Sagan exporter instead.