Mesh Smoother ruins facial expressions of Genesis 3

edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

The facial expressions of Genesis 3 don't work, every time Daz studio is aplying the mesh smoother and the facial expression is gone. I cant find out how to turn this off, anybody any idea's? I use Daz studio 4.8 pro.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited December 1969

    Edit>Figure>Geometry>Remove Smoothing Modifier if you want to remove it completely, though you can switch it off in the mesh Smoothing group in the Parameters pane too.

  • SandmanGFXSandmanGFX Posts: 75
    edited December 1969

    I've started a thread recently with the question how to get the geometry that you see whilst dragging a morph or pose slider, and it then disappears when you let go of the mouse button.
    If you open the tab called "draw settings", under General -> Manipulation, you'll see a box called "Manipulation Binding", which by default is set to optimised. Set it to full and you will have a lot better control while dialling in any expressions, poses or morphs.
    I hope this helps.

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