creative bone and skeleton

FuerchanFuerchan Posts: 63
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion


Is that Daz Studio 4.8 allows you to create bones and squeletteà from a 3D character at .obj format. If so, how ? What are the tutorials?

Thank you


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited December 1969

    Is the OBJ grouped? if it is use the Figure Setup pane, if not you can simple convert the prop to a figure (Edit>Object>Rigging) and use the Joint Editor to add bones.

  • FuerchanFuerchan Posts: 63
    edited December 1969

    Say so, I do not see the process ... ;-)

    Thank you

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited December 1969

    Is the OBJ grouped?

  • FuerchanFuerchan Posts: 63
    edited June 2015

    Is the OBJ grouped?

    Yes, it's a 3D character (free) I downloaded and which I would like to create a skeleton for the articulate, then.


    Post edited by Fuerchan on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited December 1969

    OK, then you want to use the Figure Setup pane.

    Open the pane (Window>Panes(Tabs)>Figure Setup.

    Right-click in the Geometry List, select Add Geometry... and select your file - you may want to experiment importing it into the scene directly first to work out which preset in the options dialogue gives the right scale.

    Drag the geometry from the Geometry List into relationships and Drop it on the line Geometry (0) - that will create a bone for each group.

    Use Drag and drop in Relationships to arrange the bones into a skeleton.

    For each bone right-click on the Order and change it where needed -the first axis should be the one that runs along the bone, the third should be the one that's most likely to hit ninety degrees.

    Edit the name and label as desired.

    Click Create.

    Switch to the Node Weight Paint brush tool, right-click on the figure and select Weight Editing>Fill by Bone selection Groups.

    That should give a you a basic figure - now you need to edit the weight maps to make it bend well.

  • FuerchanFuerchan Posts: 63
    edited December 1969


    How to save the current work of the bone placement?. I tried with a backup "Load Template Figure" but it does not keep the position of the bones on the character. Only HIERARCHY.

    I do not understand the use of the brush. I have blue and red gradient ... Sometimes nothing. I have to redo everything ... Despite backups ...
    After a few strokes on the joints of the arms ... The result is surprising. The mesh of the arm and torso does not remain united. This leaves a hole in the joints.

    And I wonder about the fact that I have to separate the members that the skeleton is created, but if I separate the members they will then dissociated by movement. Hmmm ... ?? ;-)

    Where then everything comes from the brush.

    It is not instinctive it all, especially with tools, options and parameters disperçés around the menus ...

    So how I can solve the problem that the arm is separated from the torso as it moves?

    Why the brush does not work, of a sudden? The "Fill selection by Bone Groups" disappears from the "Weight Editing" menu! The only solution in this case that, for now, is to start all over again (...).

    How to adjust the size of the brush?

    Thank you ;-)

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited December 1969

    If you are getting tearing it sounds as if the mesh is not welded. Switch to the Geometry Edit tool, click on a bit of mesh, and press cmd(Mac)/ctrl(Win) and the * key together - does the whole model get selected or only part of it?

  • FuerchanFuerchan Posts: 63
    edited December 1969

    I do not understand anything and do not know where to click (...) :-))
    I spend the tool "Geolmetry Editor". My character became orange ... But that's all ...

    thank you

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited December 1969

    OK, if the whole figure turns orange that means all the polygons are being selected. Are you sure the mesh is tearing when you pose and not just crumpling? The option to fill be group doesn't give a good set-up - it just gives a crude starting point that can then be worked on. There are several videos on weight-map editing in the DAZ Youtube channel.

  • FuerchanFuerchan Posts: 63
    edited July 2015


    Here is the result after moving the arm. (Img01)

    Regarding the videos, I do not understand English. I just tried with the images but it is not conclusive ...

    I tried with a character in one block (no separate members ...). I put the bones (img02). There is good I understood the process ...

    Then I applied the brush from Brush Map Node Weight / Weight Editing / Fill Bones By Selection Group (s) (Img03).
    But when I move the arm, only the bones move.

    I think in this case I'm missing a step ...

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    Post edited by Fuerchan on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited December 1969

    That looks very odd. I'm not sure what alternatives there are to the videos at the moment - there is Blondie's rigging tutorial in the store that uses text, but it is quite old now so a number of areas will at least look different.

  • FuerchanFuerchan Posts: 63
    edited July 2015


    If you want I can send you the model file to better understand the issue. I can be forgotten or misunderstood a step ...
    I'll see to fully resume the tutorial in the day ...

    1) :

    2) :

    Thank you

    Post edited by Fuerchan on
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