Genesis 3 starter essentials

Good Morning Dazers,
I noticed that one of our users mentioned getting the new version of daz to get G3. I saw that G3 starter essentials is in the new download but G3 doesn't show up in my figures. I know I'm probobly just lost a Can anyone steer the noob to where I should be to get her?
Thanks again for this program and for your tolerant help. It is very much appreciated.
Moved to DAZ Studio Discussions since it isn't a Hexagon-related post.
Where are you looking? The first thing to check is DAZ Studio Formats>My DAZ 3D Library>People>Genesis 3 Female in the Content Library pane, assuming you used the Install Manager with the default settings.
Genesis 3 Female is installed to People > Genesis 3 Female in the Content Library pane, and you can load it from there. All of the other Genesis/Genesis 2 figures are in there as well.
Do you mean that you can't find it in Smart Content?
You also might want to try "Re-Import Metadata" option as well, though it may take some time depending on the amount of content you have.
Thank you so very much.. I"ve got her and she is awesome! That's why Daz Studio rules the 3D world. I so appreciate all of the incredible content that you good folks offer every month. It makes learning on a budget much easier...and just want to say "Thanks, you guys ROCK!"
I downloaded and installed DAZ3D 4.8 but there is no genesis 3 figure in the re-import metadata or in the content library. I downloaded manually w/o using the installer.
Did you download and install Genesis 3 Starter Essentials?
No, I must have misunderstood, I thought it was included in DAZ3D 4.8. I've tried looking for them to download but can't find them on the site.
It is included in DS 4.8
Morning folks!
OK, I have Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials. It's installed, and I readily load the G3F, and any number of clothing items. I found all items I have for G2F work flawlessly on G3F. AS's new AlphaKini works a treat on her! What I need now is MORPH PACKS. Like the additional Head and Body Morphs for G2F and G2M. Obviously those don't work with G3F! And, since there is one skin that comes free with G3F, we can get an idea of her new grouping and skin mapping. But, do we have actual texture templates available yet? I haven't seen any so far.
There should be a separate Templates download...I think it's around 20MB for her and 48MB for her clothes.
That's the beta, not the Production Build -
Richard beat me to it...with linkage too...see what happens when you discover that the freebies have been updated while trying to get the link...
OK so here on the site, go into your Account>Product Library, type Genesis in the filter box ENTER and the first item at top in MY list is Genesis 3 Starter Essentials. I manually install everything though, so I am looking at the Product Library quite often! HIH!
There should be a separate Templates download...I think it's around 20MB for her and 48MB for her clothes.
YES! The templates are there, I was in a big rush to get G3F installed and forgot about those two items, thanks much! :D
OK so here on the site, go into your Account>Product Library, type Genesis in the filter box ENTER and the first item at top in MY list is Genesis 3 Starter Essentials. I manually install everything though, so I am looking at the Product Library quite often! HIH!
Thank you.
OK I have now seen the Genesis 3 Female Head and Body morphs packs, they are in my wishlist and will probably slide through my cart when I get my pension deposit. Which will most likely occur tomorrow. On my birthday. Ha! :gulp: I'll even brag about it, it is my 61st! :coolsmile: :lol:
I have the G3F templates installed and converted to transparent .pngs and saved with the ONLY skin textures I have for G3F, RY-Jean. Each section is quite similar to Gen 4, so manually creating a new skin from old ones ought to be pretty straightforward. I will be playing with that until I get paid. I have $9.04 to play with in the bank right now, and that isn't going very far!
Hey, Dannybrightonline
G3 starter essentials is in your account download just go there and down load the G3 starter essentials starter kit.
Genesis 3 is so cool and Victoria 7 is the best DAZ model ever! I have downloaded the entire Victoria Suit. It was worth the price.
Just a stubborn old git looking at things and speaking of them as the thing they are actually perceived to BE:
Victoria, V2, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, Genesis, Genesis 2 M/F, Genesis 3 F. These names are what DAZ applies to the Mesh Figures. The meshes prior to Genesis 2 have Named Figures like Victoria 3 and 4, Michael 3 and 4. Then Character Sets, even the major mesh modifiers, are applied to the Mesh Figure. For Genesis and newer, ALL names are character sets applied to the Genesis, Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 MESHES. Now, even Victoria and Michael are simply character sets applied to their respective meshes. Genesis 3 Female is a Mesh Model, Victoria 7 is a character applied TO that mesh model. And from the looks, a mighty nice one. One could call them BASE or ROOT characters which in turn can be morphs to base the DEPENDENT characters on, such as Kiki Mai needs Aiko 6 to look as intended but does not NEED Victoria 6 at all.
It appears that Genesis 3 is following that convention. And I am fine with that! Genesis 3 is, so far, the very best looking 3D mesh characterization of Human that DAZ have produced yet.
Thank you DAZ for allowing us to have and use Genesis 3 Female free! When I first got "Jeane" to load up and just stand there, I was quietly shocked, taken aback a little, caught my breath; at seeing how *normal* Jeane appears. Natural. Believable. I think it's a big deal. After all, isn't a believable level of realism the ultimate goal with any model? OK, well, DAZ3D . . . WELL DONE! :)
Well ... Victoria 7 is not loading for me: it says that three files are missing, and my Victoria 7 looks like a pile of blocks. After some more digging, I found this website and I found that supposedly one needs Genesis 3 starter essentials, among other things, I suppose. And that this is all part of DAZ 4.8, which is said to be a "bundle", per the website. Now, one can manually download DAZ 4.8, per, apparently (or also try via DIM, obviously). It says there that it is a bundle, and 277 MB in the Win-64 version. It says that it comes bundled with Genesis 3 Starter Essentials, which are also here, . But they are listed at 501 MB, that's much more! And the "DAZ 4.8 bundle" is supposed to come with another bunch of stuff also. What is going on? And what, exactly, am I supposed to install, now that Victoria 7 is not loading? My current DAZ version is 4.8.055, the current one seems to be 4.8.059 ... that can't be the difference, can it? What is going on here?
.. ok, more progress on this saga (which may be useful to others going through the same pain). I went to the DAZ website, where it says one can download the "DAZ 4.8" bundle, and asked DIM to install. It gave me an update for DAZ (along with other updates for other unrelated products). So ... because my Internet connection is very slow, it took a while, but eventually, I managed to download and install that new version. And that is NOT the solution! Unfortunately. No Genesis 3 Starter Essentials. No functioning Victoria 7. Sigh. Am I really the only one with these troubles? I am doing everything by the book, and it is not working. Ok, trying to manually download the Genesis 3 Starter Essentials and manually installing them next ... but I cannot believe it has to be so complicated. And who knows what else I am missing of that "bundle".
... and a little addendum. I also downloaded the other stuff that came with the "bundle", like DS4_3DBridge and DS4_GoZ. I ran these programs, upon which I got the error message "The installation path for DAZ Studio could not be found. "GoZ DS4 (64bit)" cannot be installed. Setup will now quit." Oh well. Can't solve all problems in one night. And who says that customers should expect this software to be functional, right? That would be so amazing.
Alright, success! I downloaded Genesis 3 Starter Essentials from (and I suppose one could also use the DIM installer for it, but it kept breaking down, so this seemed to be the better option). So, that stores a 501 MB .zip file on your machine. You can open it, there is a "Content" subdirectory. Take all the folders inside that and copy it to "My Library" (which should have some similar-looking subdirectories inside). It copied about 2000 files, and then asked me whether I want to overwrite a bunch of existing ones. Hmmh, what to choose? I figures, hopefully this is the latest version so I said yes, and crossed my fingers. In any case, now I can load Victoria 7 just fine from Smart Content --> Figures --> People --> Female (which also seems quite intricate, but that's another topic...). So, if you have similar troubles, perhaps try this. No guarantees, of course. Good luck!
DIM works just fine if you take the time to open the preferences and set the install location to the library that Studio knows about.
soooo reinstalled ds after a break and cant find, do the head and the body morphs come with the starter essentials or are they extra?
They're extra.
ok damn, will have to wait then, thx