Trying to reach 3D Universe about a character commission, but ...

IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Trying to reach 3D Universe about a character commission, but their website
commission form keeps failing or their website kicks me off for having tried
to use the form.

Anyway, I would love for one of them to contact me please.



  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    You could try PMing him here through the site?

  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    I tried, but that is not working.

    I tried to leave message on their website and I get a script error
    so I don't think the message is getting through.

    I finally tried twitter, so I hope they respond to that.


    Again trying to reach 3D Universe about a charter commission to be
    used on a new children's TV show. If you know them please ask them to get in touch.



  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    He has recently been responding to this thread, you could try there?

  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    I appreciate the help, but none of my PMs go through and
    the web site continues to give me an error.

    If you know anyway that might be interested in making me a character,
    I would be happy for the referral.

    3D Universe created a character very similar, so I know they could be a good fit.


  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,418
    edited December 1969

    ian said:
    I appreciate the help, but none of my PMs go through and
    the web site continues to give me an error.

    If you know anyway that might be interested in making me a character,
    I would be happy for the referral.

    3D Universe created a character very similar, so I know they could be a good fit.


    3djoji has made some characters, is very talented and easy to reach via PM here. I've been very happy with his work and have no problem recommending him, depending on what type of character you're after.

    -- Walt Sterdan

  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    wsterdan said:
    ian said:
    I appreciate the help, but none of my PMs go through and
    the web site continues to give me an error.

    If you know anyway that might be interested in making me a character,
    I would be happy for the referral.

    3D Universe created a character very similar, so I know they could be a good fit.


    3djoji has made some characters, is very talented and easy to reach via PM here. I've been very happy with his work and have no problem recommending him, depending on what type of character you're after.

    -- Walt Sterdan

    Thanks Walt, I reached out to 3djoji and he gave me a quote, but also said I should talk to you about pricing and how there are a couple of ways to handle this.

    If you have recommendations, please drop me a PM - post here if it does not work for some reason.
    That is why 3D Universe could not get to me, but 3djoji was able to reach em that way.

    Thanks again,


  • grylingrylin Posts: 278
    edited December 1969

    hello :) was reading this and wondered, maybe i could make this character?
    is it for m4/v4? or gen 2/3? pm me if you like. i make a lot of 3 faces. :)

  • IanHStewartIanHStewart Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    aki3 said:
    hello :) was reading this and wondered, maybe i could make this character?
    is it for m4/v4? or gen 2/3? pm me if you like. i make a lot of 3 faces. :)

    Well I assume this character could be built on the G2M base but it is a sea animal.

    It has 4 flippers so could still rig as a biped.

    Most important parts are face, expressions and ability to live lip sync in
    Motion builder 2015.

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,418
    edited December 1969

    ian a09 said:
    wsterdan said:
    ian said:
    I appreciate the help, but none of my PMs go through and
    the web site continues to give me an error.

    If you know anyway that might be interested in making me a character,
    I would be happy for the referral.

    3D Universe created a character very similar, so I know they could be a good fit.


    3djoji has made some characters, is very talented and easy to reach via PM here. I've been very happy with his work and have no problem recommending him, depending on what type of character you're after.

    -- Walt Sterdan

    Thanks Walt, I reached out to 3djoji and he gave me a quote, but also said I should talk to you about pricing and how there are a couple of ways to handle this.

    If you have recommendations, please drop me a PM - post here if it does not work for some reason.
    That is why 3D Universe could not get to me, but 3djoji was able to reach em that way.

    Thanks again,


    -- Walt Sterdan

  • grylingrylin Posts: 278
    edited December 1969

    ahaa. well then i cannot help. since my morphs are limited to the human characters. but im sure someone might be able to help you :)
    you should try th freestuff forum in general freebie requests :)

  • alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
    edited December 1969

    I just dropped him a facebook message via the 3d universe page --- and he replied within a day

  • Thanks again Walt.  I did reach out to Tate as you recommended, but the people at RuntimeDNA were not sure how to reach him.

    If you have a direct route, please ask him to contact me.


    wsterdan said:

    Thanks Walt, I reached out to 3djoji and he gave me a quote, but also said I should talk to you about pricing and how there are a couple of ways to handle this.

    If you have recommendations, please drop me a PM - post here if it does not work for some reason.
    That is why 3D Universe could not get to me, but 3djoji was able to reach em that way.

    Thanks again,


    -- Walt Sterdan
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