Is there a way to disable "CONTROL-S" (Save) Completely?

in The Commons
It's right next to "Control-A" (select all) and danged near "Control-Z" which is "undo"
It doesn't ask if I'm sure I want to save, and I've accidentally overwritten my project too many times now due to my clumsy keystrokes.
I don't want to EVER save via a hotkey. Undo, yes, Save, no. Is there a way to disable this?
That should do it.
thank you!
Thank you for the useful tip!
You can also remove the Author name, from Edit>Preferences (Daz Studio>Preferences on a Mac) and Save will act like Save As, always prompting for a name.
Thank you... that's also a good tip! I wouldn't mind it so much if it gave an "are you sure?" type of prompt. I've just had my work overwritten by accidentally saving while trying to undo a few times too many. I always opt to "Save As" instead of Save, but CTRL-S was just flat-out saving over my work.
I have discovered, quite by accidexperimentation, that I can use multi-key sequences to trigger most of the menus. As an EMACS-ish (JOVE) user, I have found it very comforting to be able to bind Ctrl-X Ctrl-C to exit, Ctrl-X Ctrl-S to save, etc. It lets me expand my surface area of keybindings and lets me move away from the accidental select-all-and-save or undo-and-save, and all that. Also being able to bind multiple save types to different keystrokes is a boon. Overall multi-key binding is a God-Send, so whatever you guys at Daz do, PLEASE DO NOT "FIX" THIS!!
Don't worry