Show Daz that Carrara users are a market worth supporting! How many Product Pages do you have?



  • edited December 1969

    35 pages of products you people are Wimps... I have over 550 (Purchased Products). I almost have the entire Stonemason collection. Why do I have this because I love DAZ Studio product and I love there merchant Artist. DAZ is the best. I think I had better joined DAZ-A -HOLIC

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    35 pages of products you people are Wimps... I have over 550 (Purchased Products). I almost have the entire Stonemason collection. Why do I have this because I love DAZ Studio product and I love there merchant Artist. DAZ is the best. I think I had better joined DAZ-A -HOLIC

    This isn't meant to be a competition. It is meant to illustrate to DAZ 3D that Carrara users also buy and use their content and their PA's content within Carrara.

    Just in case you are unaware, Carrara is owned and developed by DAZ 3D. So is Bryce.

    If you truly loved DAZ 3D, and their PAs, then you would buy Carrara and Bryce so you could show more DAZ PAs some support. ;-)

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145
    edited December 1969

    35 pages of products you people are Wimps... I have over 550 (Purchased Products). I almost have the entire Stonemason collection. Why do I have this because I love DAZ Studio product and I love there merchant Artist. DAZ is the best. I think I had better joined DAZ-A -HOLIC

    I don't know if it is the same for you, but I get around 40 products per page (on your personal Product Library), so if you have 550 pages, then you have bought around 22,000 products, which is more than are available in Daz's store! Or are you saying that you have 550 products, which is around 14 pages, in which case it is you that seem to be lagging behind most of us. But of course, it is not a competition, it is what you do with it that is more important.

  • TerritanTerritan Posts: 76
    edited December 1969

    PhilW said:
    35 pages of products you people are Wimps... I have over 550 (Purchased Products). I almost have the entire Stonemason collection. Why do I have this because I love DAZ Studio product and I love there merchant Artist. DAZ is the best. I think I had better joined DAZ-A -HOLIC

    I don't know if it is the same for you, but I get around 40 products per page (on your personal Product Library), so if you have 550 pages, then you have bought around 22,000 products, which is more than are available in Daz's store! Or are you saying that you have 550 products, which is around 14 pages, in which case it is you that seem to be lagging behind most of us. But of course, it is not a competition, it is what you do with it that is more important.

    So, let's see if I understand the narrative as he unwitting established it...

    He professed his love to Daz Studio ...on the Carrara forums ...while admitting that he has far fewer Daz store products than a whole bunch of Carrara users a way that would artificially inflate his numbers.

    This fails to pass three or four separate sniff tests.

    By the way, I admit that I only have nine pages, but I was first having trouble with Carrara back around version 7, and this discouraged my shopping in the store. While I technically have Daz Studio installed, I haven't used it for bupkis.

  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    Territan said:
    ...While I technically have Daz Studio installed, I haven't used it for bupkis.

    I had a bupkis once, but the ears fell off.

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    Wow, tough audience... :)

    I will readily admit to being a complete wimp content-wise. I haven't purchased a content item probably in years.

    Nor do I think the amount of purchased content is any indication whatsoever of how cool you are. Actually some might think the more you purchase, the more money you're wasting instead of learning to model and building it yourself.

    It's all how you look at it. :)

  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    Wow, tough audience... :)

    I will readily admit to being a complete wimp content-wise. I haven't purchased a content item probably in years.

    Nor do I think the amount of purchased content is any indication whatsoever of how cool you are. Actually some might think the more you purchase, the more money you're wasting instead of learning to model and building it yourself.

    It's all how you look at it. :)

    I don't think the idea is to prove how cool we are, but rather to prove to DAZ that it is in their best interests to do something with Carrara, purely from a business and money making perspective.

    Somehow the impression got around that Carrara users don't buy content, and this thread was intended to show that such is not the case and many users only buy content for use in Carrara (thus they should stop selling Genesis all together and Release The Millennium Cow!!) (All those Bovillions of dollars just waiting for them, the biggest money making piece of content ever and the added bonus of guaranteed peace in the middle east if they'd just release it, and they still insist on doing nothing) (I think they must be crazy).

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    (thus they should stop selling Genesis all together and Release The Millennium Cow!!)


  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited December 1969

    Nor do I think the amount of purchased content is any indication whatsoever of how cool you are. Actually some might think the more you purchase, the more money you're wasting instead of learning to model and building it yourself.

    In the spirit of brotherly love I have to step in to help you out, Joe.

    I know it was an unintentional insult, but you've unwittingly managed to infer that somehow all the posters in this thread that have been willing to share the amount of content they've purchased are somehow boasting about their 'coolness'. This would be a mild example of a blanket insult to the other people who have posted in the thread. I'm certain (with a little help) you can find a way of expressing your thoughts which doesn't deride the other people who have chosen to share in this thread.

    Also if you take the time to read through the first post of this thread, I think you'll find (whoops!) that you have misunderstood the purpose behind why people here are sharing the information they are sharing (hint: it doesn't have anything to do with 'coolness'). Don't be afraid to slow down and read more carefully; it will help you better join the conversation and understand the purpose of discussion, which will definitely help you when you want to contribute in the future.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,079
    edited July 2015

    DIM filtering gives a different picture
    my 4400+ items halve if DAZ studio compatibility is applied for example

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,431
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:

    With the recent addition of Genesis 3, which by all reports, will not work in Carrara, it seems like Daz has lost even more interest in Carrara users. This is reflected in the last two polls they have sent out which I believe did not have Carrara listed as a choice in 'the 'what software do you use' question.

    Could that be because they feel we don't buy enough content.?

    Yet I am a Carrara user and have 56 pages in my product library!

    So my questions to you:

    1) How many pages do you have in your product library?

    2) What is the primary software that you use with these products?

    3) Would you buy Genesis 3 products if they worked in your primary software?.

    Hopefully some one intelligent from Daz will sit up and listen.

    my answers:

    1) 56
    2) Carrara
    3) Yes

    The first post for those that missed it.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited July 2015

    The first post for those that missed it.

    thanks Bunyip02.!

    And thanks once again to all those who have contributed so far.

    Personally I am amazed (impressed) by the amount of money we Carrara users have spent with Daz.

    I hope Daz starts to sit up and take notice. Or perhaps their share holders will.

    As far as I can see, most responders really want to spend more money at DAZ.

    It's just that we haven't been given the chance.

    I need to sit down and go through the numbers. There's mean. median and mode, but I am not sure what has the most relevance here (as far as number of pages per responder and negating the outlier responses)

    But one thing I am certain of - when all the pages are added together, that's an awful lot of money we Carrara users have spent with Daz.

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    ... when all the pages are added together, that's an awful lot of money we Carrara users have spent with Daz.

    I'd like to believe that, and I am sure for many here it is the case, but as usual with me - I am the exception to the rule.

    The vast majority of the non-cow-related stuff on my pages was free content which still generates orders and fills up quite a few pages.

    With all the free bundles showing up lately, the list grows faster...

    It's a shame I am so broke, but I am glad DAZ is so generous with freebies!

    I'd have bought C8.5 long ago if things weren't so tight right now. I just didn't want to skew the results of any statistical analysis.

    Just buying Carrara Pro alone generated a couple pages of free content! I know it was free because I would never spend a penny on human related stuff. I so rarely have any use for it I almost feel bad accepting it.

    Almost 8-/

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    Yes, cows aside, you are one of the outlier responses than need to be negated ;)

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    ... when all the pages are added together, that's an awful lot of money we Carrara users have spent with Daz.

    I'd like to believe that, and I am sure for many here it is the case, but as usual with me - I am the exception to the rule.

    The vast majority of the non-cow-related stuff on my pages was free content which still generates orders and fills up quite a few pages.

    With all the free bundles showing up lately, the list grows faster...

    It's a shame I am so broke, but I am glad DAZ is so generous with freebies!

    I'd have bought C8.5 long ago if things weren't so tight right now. I just didn't want to skew the results of any statistical analysis.

    Just buying Carrara Pro alone generated a couple pages of free content! I know it was free because I would never spend a penny on human related stuff. I so rarely have any use for it I almost feel bad accepting it.

    Almost 8-/

    Surely Daisy Cow 7 (which morphs Victoria 7 into a cow, or optionally a humanoid with a cow's head) is only just around the corner! "Millenium" products are so last decade...

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    ha ha , thats funny Phil ;)

  • jrm21jrm21 Posts: 140
    edited December 1969

    1) 17 (mainly because it is often difficult to use content in Carrara)
    2) Carrara
    3) Probably (if using it in Carrara was easy)

    *Random musing.....wondering if Daz would consider selling Carrara to Reallusion, and if Reallusion would be interested, whether they would be able to create a Carrara-iClone singularity in which Daz would still get to sell content.

    Singularity... that always bothered me.

    There is tremendous overlap in functionality of DAZ software. Carrara, Studio, Bryce, Hexagon... all have different roots, but there many shared features. Content, shaders, etc. are not necessarily compatible between the programs. Interface inconsistencies abound.

    DAZ is the company that should work towards a singularity. Combine all those products into one, or separate functions into distinct packages. That would allow their content to work seamlessly throughout the product lineup. It would also make for better software if everything shared a common code base. Why have some programmers working on a Bryce bug and others working on a Carrara bug while another set work on a Studio bug? Have them all work together on the same thing.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited December 1969

    DAZ is the company that should work towards a singularity. Combine all those products into one

    Isn't that exactly what they are doing with continual improvements to Studio?

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    DAZ is the company that should work towards a singularity. Combine all those products into one

    Isn't that exactly what they are doing with continual improvements to Studio?

    I've certainly seen remarks in those periodic Daz "magazines" that suggest they have in mind adding the plant generator, terrain generator, surface replicators etc. I'd much rather they went the other way, because I hate that "explosion in a lego factory" UI with a vengeance. I swear 90% of my time in Studio is spent trying to find where it threw my mouse pointer. Grrrrr.

  • TerritanTerritan Posts: 76
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    DAZ is the company that should work towards a singularity. Combine all those products into one

    Isn't that exactly what they are doing with continual improvements to Studio?

    Mm-hmm. And one day, computers will be as easy to use as the pop-up toaster. On that day, Dell will release a computer that does nothing but brown bread.

    They already have a good bit of the singularity in Carrara with the various generators. But, insulting as this may be to the tech (note: singular) working on Carrara, I think the code has gotten out of his control, straggly and unkempt from being dragged through several operating system upgrades (Windows and Mac both), and he doesn't know how to maintain it any more.

    Meanwhile, they know Studio.

  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited July 2015

    PhilW said:
    head wax said:
    ... when all the pages are added together, that's an awful lot of money we Carrara users have spent with Daz.

    I'd like to believe that, and I am sure for many here it is the case, but as usual with me - I am the exception to the rule.

    The vast majority of the non-cow-related stuff on my pages was free content which still generates orders and fills up quite a few pages.

    With all the free bundles showing up lately, the list grows faster...

    It's a shame I am so broke, but I am glad DAZ is so generous with freebies!

    I'd have bought C8.5 long ago if things weren't so tight right now. I just didn't want to skew the results of any statistical analysis.

    Just buying Carrara Pro alone generated a couple pages of free content! I know it was free because I would never spend a penny on human related stuff. I so rarely have any use for it I almost feel bad accepting it.

    Almost 8-/

    Surely Daisy Cow 7 (which morphs Victoria 7 into a cow, or optionally a humanoid with a cow's head) is only just around the corner! "Millenium" products are so last decade...

    "Millenium" products being so last decade merely goes to show how late they are with this vital product!!

    But what's 15 years out of a thousand, really? 1.5% - that is significant, but almost within measurement error when putting together a chemical formula in the lab.

    Besides, the Guarantee of World Peace was specific to The Millennium Cow and no other Cow can hope to achieve this lofty goal.

    If it wasn't against the TOS I would accuse DAZ of not wanting World Peace and being secret agents of Chaos and Terror due to their refusal to provide this one essential item.

    And NO morph of Genocide will count!! I recall when V4 came out and they made A4 a morph of V4. I never liked that idea and like Genocide even less. EVERY figure should at least have the option of being "stand alone" - I don't have one huge runtime folder, I have hundreds of them in a folder called Runtimes and only load the ones I need. Enormous runtime folders bog the thing down, waste RAM, and take a long time to simply open the folder. Me no likey. Their system throws my methods out the window, so I still stick with Gen 3 when I need a human for some project. At least I can find them!

    So I'll keep clamoring for The Millennium Cow and Dang the torpedoes!

    You can't sink a ship which sank 15 years ago!!

    An object at rest cannot be stopped!!!!

    Post edited by Sockratease on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited December 1969

    An object at rest cannot be stopped!!!!

    :) I'm going to have to adopt this as my new motto for life

  • DADA_universeDADA_universe Posts: 336
    edited December 1969

    Tim_A said:
    Roygee said:
    DAZ is the company that should work towards a singularity. Combine all those products into one

    Isn't that exactly what they are doing with continual improvements to Studio?

    I've certainly seen remarks in those periodic Daz "magazines" that suggest they have in mind adding the plant generator, terrain generator, surface replicators etc. I'd much rather they went the other way, because I hate that "explosion in a lego factory" UI with a vengeance. I swear 90% of my time in Studio is spent trying to find where it threw my mouse pointer. Grrrrr.

    It's weird, and saying this makes me feel like a sell-out, but I have no real problems with the Daz Studio interface, I only have a separate Daz Studio brain from my Carrara brain and a handy switch for toggling between the two. I enjoy them both for different reasons and I still think one of the best things Daz could do would be to create a proper bridge btw Studio and Carrara that does not involve saving out your work as .Duf and maybe creating a Daz version of iClone's 3D Exchange converter that can chew Daz files, textures et al and spit out well optimized Carrara versions. It would improve sales on the content store, calm down the darn Carrara rebels, but it probably would be very difficult to do, but that's what I'll gun for if I ran the company.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145
    edited December 1969

    Tim_A said:
    Roygee said:
    DAZ is the company that should work towards a singularity. Combine all those products into one

    Isn't that exactly what they are doing with continual improvements to Studio?

    I've certainly seen remarks in those periodic Daz "magazines" that suggest they have in mind adding the plant generator, terrain generator, surface replicators etc. I'd much rather they went the other way, because I hate that "explosion in a lego factory" UI with a vengeance. I swear 90% of my time in Studio is spent trying to find where it threw my mouse pointer. Grrrrr.

    It's weird, and saying this makes me feel like a sell-out, but I have no real problems with the Daz Studio interface, I only have a separate Daz Studio brain from my Carrara brain and a handy switch for toggling between the two. I enjoy them both for different reasons and I still think one of the best things Daz could do would be to create a proper bridge btw Studio and Carrara that does not involve saving out your work as .Duf and maybe creating a Daz version of iClone's 3D Exchange converter that can chew Daz files, textures et al and spit out well optimized Carrara versions. It would improve sales on the content store, calm down the darn Carrara rebels, but it probably would be very difficult to do, but that's what I'll gun for if I ran the company.
    Nice idea but I would be surprised if something that like that happened (go on, DAZ, surprise me!). If any further developments happens for Carrara, I think Genesis 3 generation integration is going to be high on their priorities list.

  • mikael-aronssonmikael-aronsson Posts: 551
    edited December 1969

    Carrara has nothing at all in common with DS so I would guess it's a lot of work to add anything from DS to it, just adding DUF support was hard enough and it is still far away from perfect, the renderer and the shaders in Carrara has nothing at all in common with DS and so on, and that goes the other way around also of course, taking out parts from Carrara (and this is code from the stone age in some areas) and refactor them for DS is pretty much the same amount of work as to start again from nothing.

    So it does take a lot of resources to do anything like that and I would guess DAZ like to spend it's resources on DS and that does not leave much for Carrara.

    I do not think DAZ have much interest in software, they don't make enough money on that, they do need DS to show of genesis, but that's about it.

    The geometry engine in Carrara is 20 years old and is already running on it's knees with G2, G3 will not help and I would think it would be very very very slow (it's already way to slow), it would need a modified file format, .car files are useless for more complex scenes, so making it work nice with G3 would take a lot of resources (that I do not think exist).

    But as many have said before, Carrara is not bad in any way as it is, it has a lot of call stuff and is easy to use, keeping it working with DUF files helps a lot.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    Roygee said:
    DAZ is the company that should work towards a singularity. Combine all those products into one

    Isn't that exactly what they are doing with continual improvements to Studio?

    Makes sense to me. But I had thought that Daz would abandon Carrara and combine Bryce/Hexagon/Studio. Instead, Bryce and Hexagon have gotten no love at all, at least so far. Maybe Studio 5?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,079
    edited December 1969

    the biggest obstacle in DAZ studio for me has to be how it cannot use animated textures natively visible in viewport, just about every other 3D software can
    yes sure there are plugins but the inability to match move 3D animation with real life video is a huge drawback for com-positing CGI effects as most would want to do if animating.
    it is what it is a digital art studio for posing digital figures mostly.

  • MusicplayerMusicplayer Posts: 515
    edited December 1969

    I have read all the pages of posts here, and wanted to add a comment.

    I must confess to being a DAZ Studio user who did dabble with Carrara and liked it, but went back to Studio when I didn't have much luck importing Genesis 2 characters etc, and a freezing up workspace when trying to move around large scenes like those of Howie Farkes. Somehow working in wire frame mode didn't do it for me. :red:

    However, the point I wanted to make is....somebody on another thread, and topic, commented that we never seem to know how well DAZ and their products are doing or selling because such data is never released. The person posting suggested that the 'What's Hot' section on the shop page may give some indication of what is selling well and "bringing in the money" (my translation..not the original posters}

    If this is true, then it is no surprise to see that the Victoria 7 Pro bundle is right at the start of the list and appears to have been since her release. HOWEVER, since I have been looking at that "What's Hot" list for some weeks now, I have noticed Carrara 8.5 Pro always seems to be there too. :ohh:
    I am not sure what this means, but people must be buying Carrara in sufficient numbers for it to appear.

    Of course, another explanation may be that the "What's Hot list" may just be a list of things DAZ feels are good value purchases, and so they also include Carrara in that list. Obviously, I have no idea, but interesting that Bryce or Hexagon are not there if this is the case.

    For my 2 cents worth, I would think that with the rapid development Daz Studio has gone through lately, we could possibly see items from Carrara and Hexagon included in future Studio releases. Maybe I am just fantasising about my ideal 'all round' 3d program', but stranger things have been known to happen. ;-P



  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145
    edited December 1969

    Musicplayer - yes I think with the low entry price and with features that are not available in DAZ Studio, there are many people coming afresh to Carrara, and I am sure they will enjoy using its many facilities. I think it is certain that DAZ will continue to develop DAZ Studio. I hope that they will at least make their latest content usable in Carrara as well, or they will be missing out on sales. But I find new stuff in Carrara all the time, or new ways to achieve things.

  • edited December 1969

    The real sad thing is that they included Victoria 7 in the Carrara Smart Content tab. But if you double click on her then Carrara immediately crashes. That really could have been handled better. I don't think anything in the Carrara Content Tab should cause Carrara to crash.


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