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The keyframes start at the hip not the parent body.
Like I said up earlier... I just tested to be sure... Used an aniblock on Genesis 2, converted to Genesis 3, deleted Genesis 2, selected Genesis 3. Then went to aniMate2, right mouse click and selected Create Aniblock from Studio Keyframes. Which created an unnamed aniblock that from there I could save.
As for exporting to external 3D programs I'm can't be much help... I've never used FBX or any external 3D programs for animation.
Hi DraagonStorm,
As much as I want this to work, I was getting wierd jumping issues on the G3's legs and sometimes arms.
It was as if some kind of gimbal lock issue was taking place.
I was using G2F to G3F.
I'd much rather use your script than have to use something like HumanIK.
To be able to help, I need to know what animation you are trying to convert
Ahh yes, of course.
It's this one:
I've tested it on routine4 and routine7 animations and the same issues are present when using both.
It looks like that product is no longer in the store.
One thing I would suggest to do, would be is to step thru the frames with both Genesis and Genesis 3 after the conversion, where it things looked 'messed' up. And compare the settings on the legs and arms between them... If the settings are way more then just 'adjustments' then there are issue with the converter...
But it did come up during testing on some aniblocks, where arms were twisted, and when the original was looked at.... The arm was twisted in the original...
Another thing it could be is limits is set on Genesis and not on Genesis 3....
Without the product to test with it's hard for me to say what it is....
Thru the magic of being a PA ;) I was able to get a hold of the product:
I just did Genesis 2(Blue) to Genesis 3(Brown) Routine 4 and I didn't see any issues............
and Routine 7
Can you post what you are getting?
Ehh neeeoh, the videos are private.
Could you please make it public, o please o please!
You should be able to see them now... I changed them to unlisted
Hey, thanks for going above and beyond.
Has the exact same issue I was having.
The right leg on the G3F jumps. You can see this most noticable around 10 seconds in.
Is this something you think would be an easy fix or are there any work arounds?
I do see a minor jump around the 10 second mark... There's no 'fix' I could do in the script that wouldn't then break the rest of the conversion. There is so much difference between Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 that some comprimises had to be made.
The only suggestion for a fix I can think of would be keymate or graphmate, or by hand to make adjustments.
OK, thank you for clearing that up.
To be honest, I think I'll stick with HumanIK to do retargeting if the alternative is doing manual clear ups.
Would be great however if eventually this was fixed, as HumanIK has its share of problems!
same problem
Hey DragonStorm,
Trying your product now, I get an error when I run the script: "Genesis 3 Female not loaded in the scene..."
I have a Genesis 3 male loaded in the scene...strange...Does this script only work with the female character?
You need to load Genesis 3 Female. Once you save the converted animation then it can be used with Genesis 3 Male.
So to convert m4 and v4 aniblocks to use with genesis 3 male and female I would buy both versions of the animation converter them convert from m4/v4 to g2f then use the other product to convert from genesis 2 to Genesis 3? I just bought animate 2 the other day so if these will work I'll save up for those too
Yes, that would be the path
Ok cool time to save money
Er, am I missing something here?
I load G2F Base and G3F Base
Apply aniblock to G2F
Bake aniblock to timeline
Run script.
Click "Copy Over and Adjust the Animation"
...Currently, my result is that G3F remains in zero pose the entire time and never animates, and still has no keyframes after the script finishes.....Help?
Verify the names in your scene tab are exactly:
Genesis 2 Female
Genesis 3 Female
Yep, this is what my scene looks like after conversion, at frame 215. (whiter figure is G3F)
I've tried several aniblocks with the same result.
Is G3F supposed to be animating during the conversion process, or is it supposed to be applied afterward? I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be seeing while the script was running..
G3F is suppose to animate during the conversion process.
I just made a quick video to YouTube (Sorry about the video quality) showing converting a G2F animate animation to G3F.
...Well this is very odd... I just did everything exactly as in the video, and G3F still won't move...
The only difference I noticed from my previous attempts was that I didn't have an AniMate slot open for G3F, but that apparently wasn't the issue.
(and yes, I have tried restarting DAZ a few times in case it was an application glitch, no luck.)
I don't know.... Check the log file to see if anything jumps out as an error.
Here's a video of the issue in action (sorry about the random watermarking by the trial screen capture software):
Hmm, log file is filled with Warnings... Mostly "WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): peer performed orderly shutdown errno=0" Is that related to this script or is it something else?
That warning has nothing to do with the script.
I didn't see you bake the animate to the timeline in the video, did you do that before you started the screen capture?
Yes, you can see the keyframes in the timeline. (this particular aniblock is 36 frames)
It's not just seeing the keyframes. In animate you need to bake the animation to the timeline. (Not sure why, but you do).
In that area where you see the arrows, and shoe, right mouse click and you will see a popup menu. Select "Bake to Studio Keyframes". Did you do that?
Nevermind, I just checked, and there are no keyframes before you do the bake.
I just don't see why the animation is not transfering. I even tried to lock Genesis 3, and it still transfered for me.
Yes, I did bake the animation.
Is it possible that there may be incompatibility between plugins? I don't see how they could be interfering with each other, but I do have the OctaneRender plugin installed (which loads immediately upon startup.)?