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At least in Hexagon, I guess I can explain the problem with geometry. (I assume you already know how to Geograft here)
When creating a Geograft you have to have an outer ring that will match with the vertices on the model. In case of Hexagon, sometimes the geometry you add after that ring will split surfaces and displace the vertices - making it impossible to add the geograft. This happens if the surfaces touching the outer ring are non-planar - Hexagon will split them into triangles and it might alter the edges slightly.
In my case, I usually extract an extra inner ring to make sure that whatever I graft onto it will not touch the grafting ring.
Ah, and that ring was messed with. No, I am not able to follow along with that vid in hexagon myself (no clue what is a left click, right click, key-press-and-click, etc). The concept tho, and as you describe, that outer ring of "vertices" (Polygons, N-gons, Pretzel-gons, whatever, etc), on the Geo-graft was not lining up to the figure mesh for some reason.
A Shaping dial didn't get sent to hex for the base shape, the figure in the scene was not the same as what was in hex (V6 vs G2F), The figure in studio was posed differently, or the outer ring of vertices had been moved in hex.
And what of JCM/PCM in the area of the Geo-graft? Do those Joint and Pose control morphs cause nasty things when a Geo-graft is put on polygons they move around. That vid did have that Geo-graft awfully close to a joint, and what of add on muscle movement morphs there?
F.Y.I, G3F uses UDIM texture mapping, Some tools don't support UDIM texture mapping. It's a thought, a dreadful one for hexagon and other older tools. The geometry may work good, just not the texture mapping, possibly.
Pretzel-gons: (noun, adverb, verb) A term used for a surface with so many overlapping mesh lines, it is impossible to distinguish where any individual segments are or what geometry they are made of. lol.
I bet it is the UV mapping that gets you. UV mapping only goes from 0 to 1, UDIM goes beyond 1, with additional maps. Your Geo-graft probably is looking for mapping from 0 to 1, and not beyond that.
AKA spaghetti...pass the marinara and cheese, please.
AKA spaghetti...pass the marinara and cheese, please. Yea, it's a tossup what is worse, spaghetti or Pretzel-gons, lol.
Now that I think about that bit regarding more JCM/PCM things on G3F figures, then there are on G2F. I may have the wrong letters there, it's the morphs that are controlled by bone rotation, and keep the figure skin-mesh looking correct as the joints are moved.
Quite often, I would notice on some outfits, a budge in an area (Armpit, ground, etc) that I just didn't understand why it was there. Now I can understand an artificial bulge one area for G2M, yet not on G2F.
If trying to put a Geo-graft of a gun-holster, or wrist watch on a mesh can be thrown off by such JCM/PCM morphs, What of Conforming Clothing? Is Conforming Clothing also affected by all the JCM areas like Geo-Grafts are? I would say Horns as an example, tho I'm not sure if there are any JCM areas on the top of Genesis's (1, 2, or 3) head, lol.
Yes, this is kind of a led-in question regarding similar on G3F. Do all those extra JCM things make Conforming clothes more difficult to make (or at-least more tedious)? Or do they make things easier by keeping the skin surface from buckling threw itself?
Mixing dials with G3F
Also, here is an example of mixing different head-morphs, using a freebee from Shaarcg.
The dials were just tossed at random here, tho it shows the concept.
Somehow I missed a Head-morph set yesterday, by Pendraia. Otherwise I would have done this sooner :red: Tho now I'm confused with what dial went to what, in the other categories, I installed to much without taking notes, lol. Time to dig a bit in the folders.
I think I figured it out, thanks Pendraia. The dials starting with "pl" are from the "Head Morphs for Genesis 3 Female" bundle. freebee.
Again, I just threw a few random dials. I'm sorry I missed that set yesterday.
Yet another noob question, can you put say G1/G2F morph packs on G3F figures? Are they compatible in any way? I remember reading somewhere that you can load V4 and V6 shapes on G3F, so I am wondering their morph packs would work on G3F as well.
That was because, there was mesh, base-shapes, and other stuff, that could be installed, to give the figure the ability to use those morphs. (I honestly don't know the specific names of the products at this point for G1F/G1M, etc).
As of the last time I looked at the store, I did not see anything for adapting the XYZ data of a morph, to G3F.
Fundamentally (and not an endorsement that it is possibly with everything), it is after all, just a D-form of sorts, that moves an area of a figures mesh around in a specified way as the dial is 'spun' (Many 'Morphs' are more complex then what can be done with a single D-Form). To the best of my knowledge, it is not impossible for a set of products to be made to convert former generation morphs to generation7. Generation7 will need a base shape (Like generation# shapes for G#F), and a dial converter to do the appropriate XYZ coordinate and mesh-name electron-voodoo-stuff to the morph.
Now the kicker. Morphs, were made to be applied to a specific starting shape, results on other shapes may very, lol.
Nadino, had a realy cool 'Morph Zone map' for G2M, to give an idea of the complexity involved with morphs.
At second glance, it looks like the G2M Morph zones are remarkably similar to G3F, in the shaping tab at least.
At the time of this post, there are a few crafty individuals taking there former generation morphs, and threw the use of tools other then just Daz Studio, making them function on G3F. It is allot of work, and as mentioned, not a magic-bullet 'Automated' conversion script.
In a different thread, I described a method, for using former generation shapes, to make new shape dials, specifically made to work for G3F. However, it's allot of work, and requires more skills (and possibly tools) then I have...
A proper set of native G3F body and head morph dials for the old figure.
The process would be the same for the body. Dial the figure head in on the original figure base, and send that to Hexagon (for example), and also send a plane G3F figure to Hexagon. Then in Hexagon, move the G3F head mesh to match the original figures shape. Then send that G3F figure back to Daz Studio as a Morph, and save the morph appropriately. (I am not skilled in any of this, and don’t know how to do half of it).
So, as a Daz Studio hobbyist, with limited funds and skills, Properly converting FW Eve, FWSA Wachiwi, and FW Yasmin, to G3F as native G3F figures Is indeed impossible. Not to say, it would probably piss off Fred, a PA that I respect very much so.
Required morphs for many other add-on figures (yes, predicting the future already).
I have removed ALL the other dial sets mentioned on the former pages temperately (Except the G3F base dials), so I can make a bunch of screen-caps of what dials are included with each of the Head, and Body morph packs by daz. No I will not have the time to do side-by-side comparisons of what each dial dose, not today anyways. The goal of this, is to help figure out what dial goes to what morph set. I've been asked what set that dial is from with G2F figures in the past, and because I never took isolated screen-caps of each set, I had no idea what dial went to what set.
So I took 10 screen-caps of each category of the stock G3F today, and now I need to compile them into a smaller-footprint for posting. Then I can repeat the process with the other two sets. After that, it's just a matter of "Process of elimination" to figure out what is what.
There dose not appear to be any new dials from the first set of screen-caps on page five, so I'll skip posting these, I just wanted to double-check.
So I have allot of cropping to do now, lol.
On second thought, The description ("What's Included and Features") for the Morph packs do have a good listing of the dials. That will work as well.
(EDIT 05Jul2015)
I spent the past day looking at all the dials of each set with the others not installed. For now at least, all the dials are listed at the store, and they all have unique colors for the different sets.
G3F included, dark purple-like color ("Mouth Realism HD" and "Navel" in the example).
G3F head and Body Morphs, red-like color ("Bodybuilder Size" and "Neck Length" in the example)
DA HD Elf Ears, green just like the promo image ("ElfEar01" and "ElfEar01_HD" in the example)
Fantastical Features, light green-ish ("SF Pixie Body" and "SF Orc Head" in the example)
I know some dial sets for G2F, had such a similar appearance, I didn't notice them when I went looking for where they were first time, lol. So colors alone probably will not help identify each morph set from the others in the future. For now tho, there easily identifiable.
yet to read all in this thread and looks like you worked out answers to your questions but from looks of it it is a nice interesting thread on genesis3/v7 zarcondeegrissom on getting mpost out of the new generation
Thanks ANGELREAPER for the intrest. Ive been working on pose controls, and joint rotations, and this forum is broken. I'll try this later on.
No, it's not's brand new, it can't be broken, can it?
mjc1016. I am at a major disadvantage with this new layout, I can't spell to save my life. My apologies everyone, the ability to copy text to past it into another program to spell checheck it is broken. Also when I copy some ones screen name from there post, it now turns all the text typed in after that, into a link.
As for joint controls, I've been looking at the spine controls in regard to posture. With G2F, I had that "Youth Posture" dial from the Zev0 growing up pack. For the time being that is not avalible, so what are the options for G3F being posed without High-heals on, lol.
Making a costum Pose for just the Pelvis and back. Looks good with poses it was made for, assuming the pose dose not involve twisting and other rotations not in your 'Posture' Pose. As they do not Mix, they replace one another.
Zev0's Youth Posture, used another methiod, that was not directly a pose, so it worked with many other poses, and stayed there when the figure's Pose was 'Zero'ed out in the Pose Peramiters manu.
That in a nutshell is what I was looking at, and as of now, I still don't have any good easy answers. Throw the preset pose on from another pose set, and tweek the back yourself every time is All I got for now.
You know what's somewhat funny...Anna being linked to all those poses is sort of, not quite, what you want. A pose that isn't, but yet is...
I think, though, what you are really after is a JCM, instead of a pose...but not a 'hidden' automatic one...a controllable, 'exposed' one. I think a whole series of them would be a nice idea/product...pigeon toes, knock-kneed, bow legged and all the way from a little slouch to hunchbacked.
For copy/paste Ctrl C copies highlighted text, Ctrl X cuts and Ctrl V pastes...
Also, if you don't have a Google aversion, the forum's spell checker does work well in Chrome.
Sorry missed seeing the new comments on this thread for some reason...I'm glad you found the morphs okay in the end ZDG.
@mjc1016, I found her dialing in when applying converted poses also...not sure why? Is there an easy way to fix the poses?
There is an update, that fixed that. Download Anna from there again, and replace the dsf thing. Glitch solved, and still not understood, lol. (same link as befor)
The glitch is discussed further here.
Some images are still broken links, the forum transfer must still be taking place. It may take a few days for the pics to come back (is hoping).
P.S. yes I realy like the morphs, nice ears (cool smile)
And if you have the updated version and she's still doing it, I haven't got a clue what's going on...I don't have any converted (I assume you mean with one of the conversion tools) poses. I've just hand adjusted some and saved them back out. The ones I've done, no she doesn't dial in on...
I must have missed the update thank you both for the replies and information.
I'm glad you like the morphs ZDG...
So I was wondering, does G3F cloth work with G3F derivative characters? What about the reverse? If I have V7 or Eva 7, can they wear G3F's cloth? What about putting cloth for V7 on other G3F or even Eva 7?
Are there mappings involved to make G3F/V7/Eva7 clothes to work on each other?
Also just wondering, G3F by itself doesn't have textures or skin, it's just a white manaquin right? Or does it come with basic human texture in some way?
If I understand what an “Auto-generated morph” is, then this should never happen at all. Two of these figures came with the V7 Pro pack. L to R in the renders below, FWSA Adaline, FWSA Bonnie, and R.S. Summer. All using an AltShader of there original mats for TOS compliance.
I sincerely hope this is not an indication of how future G3F outfits will continue to not fit G3F figures.
No, G3F comes with a basic no-gen skin texture, shown in all the former G3F renders in this thread.
good example is here. Funny how older stuff auto-fit's better then stuff supposedly made for G3F, lol.
and the original unmodified G3F mats here.
I am sorry, I think I might need some further explanation. I recognize 1 of the figure as V7, what are the other 2? I take the other 2 are either G3F or somethign else? I thought G3F is just a white mannaquin with no human texture available, and other stuff must be added onto it.
EDIT: ah, missed your message by 2 minutes.
So G3F outfits don't fit the basic G3F figures? What about V7 outfits on G3F manniquins and vice versa?
Most things, do have adjustments of some kind aside from just throwing them on a figure (under "Actor" in the parameters tab). I just find it odd, that so much stuff just is not falling into place with G3F.
It is far more fundamental then that. When you put an outfit on a figure, and that 'Fit to' thing is set to that figure. If there is no special cloth-morph-thing explicit to that figure, a "Auto-generated Morph" should be created. That Auto generated morph simply pushes the cloth polygons in or out to match the difference between that figure and plane-old G3F. Thus simply making something fit G3F, should, in theory, be all that is possibly needed to make the cloth behave.
In practice, it's a bit more complicated, and complicated more by Joint-shaping-movement morph-things on the figure. Something somewhere in that entire system, is apparently broken or seriously malfunctioning on G3F, lol.
I have a few other things to test, so that may or may not be the entire story. One of those G3F hair styles showed an anomaly on the hair line, and I've had it happen in the distant past once. It may or may not be related.
One outfit that works rather well, tho it is no where near the 'problematic' poke-threw areas, is the sun dresses. Another nice one (again no where near the 'problematic' poke-threw areas), is the Austrani Outfit for G3F.
For some reason, I don't think that anything is broken, but rather not turned on. AutoFollow seems to be being less and less used...and AutoFollow 'On" is a key part of the process.
is that with the tiny indicator thing upper right, or lower left? Been down this road before...
(EDIT) I didn't have Hexagon back then, and I didn't try sending it to hex, and then back as a morph. hmmm. If only hair didn't take so long to render when you want to try something, lol.
(EDIT2) There is a dial (UAbdomen Size) in the "Shape Shift for Genesis 2 Female" set, that dose the same exact thing as the D-Form I was trying to set up, and that dial works on G2F unlike the D-form.
So is this a usage problem or is some sort of official fix required to counter this? All Daz's G3F items are tested by the official team right? I don't think it's possible for them to overlook something as obvious as this. I mean how else would they be able to generate those renders if the clothes don't even fit?
By the way, so despite the fitting problem, can you actually put V7's cloths on G3F? Would you be able to pose poperly (ignoring the collision problems)?
Like, I still don't know whether G3F and characters based on her support each other in both directions or if it's unidirectional.
It should be both directions...
Wait, if that's the case, why would there be any cloth with V7's or Eva 7's name tagged on it? If All of V7's stuff work with G3F and G3F derivatives, then every thing just need to be tagged with G3F, right?
Say something like this, it says it require V7, but it's compatible with G3F, so technically having G3F is really the only requirement, isn't it?
That's not clothes -- the shape may require the V7 shape and the textures may require the V7 UV set.