Genesis 3 Female Impressions

dakkuuandakkuuan Posts: 305
edited June 2015 in Daz Studio Discussion

Well I've took a few minutes and played with Genesis 3 Female. Here are my thoughts:

What I liked:
The Jeanne skin: This skin is awesome. Nuff said.
The Genesis 2 Female dress autofit. It allows for good autofitting for knee length skirt... anything longer doesn't work as well, of course. Actually it really doesn't work much at all, depending on the pose.
The new selection options under the surfaces tab.

What I disliked:
No UVs for Genesis 2, unlike both Genesis and Genesis 2 which had built in UV support for the previous generation.
Lacks any sort of Genesis support.
Creating a great autofit for mid length skirts but leaving out longer skirts.
No Iray settings for Jeanne.
More new surfaces...ugh.

What do you guys think? I just feel the downsides are just designed to sell us more products (Like yet another MFD and Genesis 2 UVs).

Post edited by dakkuuan on


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited December 1969

    I haven't had the time to download G3 yet, but about the UV - the system is entirely different from the one they have used so far. Check here:

    Also, please check here for further questions; a lot of questions you might have have been answered there already:

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,918
    edited December 1969


    Thats all I can say now. Did not expect to see G3 at all!!

  • dakkuuandakkuuan Posts: 305
    edited December 1969

    Here is a quick render with a G2F dress

    700 x 990 - 709K
  • SupernalPhantasiaSupernalPhantasia Posts: 48
    edited December 1969

    Here is a comparison of G3F vs G2F.
    My impressions are that the grouping on the figure is vastly improved, as are the bends, and the topology is much cleaner. I absolutely love how the feet are behaving! And the hideous armpit/shoulder bending is a good step towards resolved - not there yet but so, so much better. The way the breast reacts to the raised arm is improved as well. I also think that the buttocks are responding to the bent leg better too.
    In short: Bends! Better! Yay! and topology/grouping/surfaces = more intuitive and clean =)

    1920 x 1080 - 330K
    1920 x 1080 - 324K
    1920 x 1080 - 323K
    1920 x 1080 - 335K
  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,918
    edited December 1969

    Here she is : )

    556 x 900 - 774K
  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438
    edited December 1969

    Ah wow!

    As I see you already spent a lot of money to purchase all the additional morhps ... ;)

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,276
    edited December 1969

    I don't like this "market operation" too much.
    I spent hundred dollars on Genesis1 stuff and they decided to not support it... But they still release Victoria 4 versions of Genesis 3 clothing!
    Total dumb, if you asks me! The only good thing are those Torso/arm/leg new rig. But it's something that can be done just upgrading Genesis 2!

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839
    edited December 1969

    I don't like this "market operation" too much.
    I spent hundred dollars on Genesis1 stuff and they decided to not support it... But they still release Victoria 4 versions of Genesis 3 clothing!
    Total dumb, if you asks me! The only good thing are those Torso/arm/leg new rig. But it's something that can be done just upgrading Genesis 2!

    Unfortunately it isn't possible to upgrade rigging without making a new figure.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    I don't like this "market operation" too much.
    I spent hundred dollars on Genesis1 stuff and they decided to not support it... But they still release Victoria 4 versions of Genesis 3 clothing!
    Total dumb, if you asks me! The only good thing are those Torso/arm/leg new rig. But it's something that can be done just upgrading Genesis 2!

    Unfortunately it isn't possible to upgrade rigging without making a new figure.

    It is...but all the tweaks involved to make the old mesh work with the new rigging will probably be more time and effort to do, than to start from scratch. So while it's technically possible, it is far from the practical thing to do.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    I don't like this "market operation" too much.
    I spent hundred dollars on Genesis1 stuff and they decided to not support it... But they still release Victoria 4 versions of Genesis 3 clothing!
    Total dumb, if you asks me! The only good thing are those Torso/arm/leg new rig. But it's something that can be done just upgrading Genesis 2!

    Unfortunately it isn't possible to upgrade rigging without making a new figure.

    It is...but all the tweaks involved to make the old mesh work with the new rigging will probably be more time and effort to do, than to start from scratch. So while it's technically possible, it is far from the practical thing to do.

    Especially if you read this post by the creator, if you haven't already done so.

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,276
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Especially if you read this post by the creator, if you haven't already done so.

    Ok, I got it.
    What I don't get is why V4 is still supported when Genesis 1 has been abandoned in no time for Genesis 2.
    I hope there will be some kind of "clone" system or Genesis 3 will be totally wothless for me!
    I'm a little movie producer and I spent a lot of money to build up a good library... I'm afraid that all that stuff will be wasted...

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Especially if you read this post by the creator, if you haven't already done so.

    Read it...before I posted. Technically possible...practical nightmare. Mallenlane would still be working on tweaking the G2 mesh to fit...and probably still be working on it come December.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited June 2015

    What I don't get is why V4 is still supported when Genesis 1 has been abandoned in no time for Genesis 2.

    V4 was massively successful and lasted about 6 years.

    G1 lasted 2 years and was not widely adopted.(many here loved it though, like me)

    This is just talking about the world outside this community. Apparently here V4 died much faster than externally where she still is more popular than any Daz figure ever released.(though you can see many attempts at dethroning her, they all flickered away very quickly. No need to name the's just cruel)

    G2F was just gaining traction, not sure what to expect outside of this community, will see how other markets react out of curiosity. While G1 was largely ignored, it seemed G2F was finally picking up steam...

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,276
    edited June 2015

    V4 was massively successful and lasted about 6 years.

    G1 lasted 2 years and was not widely adopted.(many here loved it though, like me)

    This is just talking about the world outside this community. Apparently here V4 died much faster than externally where she still is more popular than any Daz figure ever released.(though you can see many attempts at dethroning her, they all flickered away very quickly. No need to name the's just cruel)

    G2F was just gaining traction, not sure what to expect outside of this community, will see how other markets react out of curiosity. While G1 was largely ignored, it seemed G2F was finally picking up steam...

    It's something that really astonished me.
    Genesis 1 was THE PERFECTION, imho.
    One figure for everything. Any piece of clothing/hair/shoes/accessories was usable on any morph.
    But the worst thing is that Genesis 3 is going to totally ignore Genesis 1 content.

    Post edited by Imago on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    I hope there will be some kind of "clone" system or Genesis 3 will be totally wothless for me!

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited December 1969

    It's something that really astonished me.
    Genesis 1 was THE PERFECTION, imho.
    One figure for everything. Any piece of clothing/hair/shoes/accessories was usable on any morph.
    But the worst thing is that Genesis 3 is going to totally ignore Genesis 1 content.

    That's just the default clone. When G2F came out, she only was able to handle G1, but nowadays, with extra clones, you can even have her crossdress with G3M and V/M4.
    I'm pretty sure that in no time (give it a week or two), a clone will be realeased, which will allow you to use G1 content on G3 the same way you use it on G2. With the exception of shoes, I guess. ;-)

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited June 2015

    Simple impression about gen2F clone of gen3female.
    and other clones, which can transfer, from gen2F clone.

    to use them for auto-fit, most of case work well.

    to use it transfer character,, you may find many detail problem around eye and mouth.
    because the offered G2F clone is not so good .

    (yes you feel it looks a like, but not so good as clone shape to transfer morph)

    I tried to transfer my moprhed character head moprh of gen2F to new gen3female, with default gen2female clone.
    it seems worse, when I try genesis head morphs to genesis2female with offered clone,,,

    I needed re-arrange and merge around eye and inner mouth by blender,
    from gen3female base,
    then adjust size of these part for transfered head morph sahpe.

    next I use, "adjust rigging to sahpe" it was not work well too,, about head rigs,,,
    there still problem.. and I needed more work,, simply because,, gen3F have many facial tyny rigs,,

    I needed many work to adjust rigs to fit current head shape...

    I may try to make new clone , if I trasnfer character many.
    (then hope gen3 exchange release,, with more precise clone shape,.
    or some vendor offer , perfect clone only ,,, to transfer character,,)

    and hope daz improve current "adjust rigging to the shape"
    new gen3female have many small facial rigs to expression,,they need to fit current sahpe more precisely.

    without it,, everytime morph vendor need to adjust them manually,,
    (or they offer moprh product, not keep expression quality, I think)

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • hellbornhellborn Posts: 59
    edited June 2015

    Posted in wrong thread.
    Removed duplicate post.

    Post edited by hellborn on
  • LaMa.CookLaMa.Cook Posts: 8

    Is there any chance that there will be a g3 clone for G2F? Or could someone make on or tell me how to do it?

    I prefer Genesis2 from the texture to the bone structure, but I cannot use G3 clothes on it.

    Can someone help me here, please?

    Thank you.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited July 2015
    dakkuuan said:

    Well I've took a few minutes and played with Genesis 3 Female. Here are my thoughts:

    What I liked:
    The Jeanne skin: This skin is awesome. Nuff said.
    The Genesis 2 Female dress autofit. It allows for good autofitting for knee length skirt... anything longer doesn't work as well, of course. Actually it really doesn't work much at all, depending on the pose.
    The new selection options under the surfaces tab.

    What I disliked:
    No UVs for Genesis 2, unlike both Genesis and Genesis 2 which had built in UV support for the previous generation.
    Lacks any sort of Genesis support.
    Creating a great autofit for mid length skirts but leaving out longer skirts.
    No Iray settings for Jeanne.
    More new surfaces...ugh.

    What do you guys think? I just feel the downsides are just designed to sell us more products (Like yet another MFD and Genesis 2 UVs).

    The no IRAY is a problem, unless you have bought vicy 7, then just use her material but hold down ctrl to keep the existing textures. I agree that an IRAY option should be included in the default install.

    I've had a lot of success with outfits and footwear with the exception of heals from g2f; not always perfect, but very often at worse, minor tweakage..

    Post edited by nicstt on
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