Using Supersuit
Just bought and installed Supersuit. Since there were only two files for the Mac, the other two being .exe files, I am going to think everything was down loaded and installed correctly. I loaded the basic suit but I cannot get the materials to load to the suit. The "read me" files do not tell how to do this. They say it takes a long time but didn't say how long.
How can I get the materials, presets and shape presets to work with the basic suit?

1234 x 758 - 79K
As far as I know the presets are only for the SuperSuit, not the Basic Suit, for that, use Shader Presets Folder and apply manually.
The Presets are for the Supersuit only. You use the Shaders for the Basic Suit.
Is there a tutorial for supersuit? Video? Where?
There is a set of Videos that explain how to use the Suit to it's best. I will try to find a link to that thread for you.
Found them Follow this LINK Supersuit Videos