limiting 3d delight?

alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

when rendering with 3d delight ... daz pulls so much cpu time
that windows flash and the cursor is next to impossible to move
(a nuisance if you want to cancel the render)
is there any way to throttle 3d delight.
I can throttle Daz which is good while rendering ... but not while working on scenes.
I don't see a separate process for 3d delight, so I can't throttle it down.
Is there a setting some where I'm missing?
If I throttle Dazs cpu access back to a third of maximum,
I can even do other things with a render in the background
(and the processors will run for a long time at 50% as stay much cooler than half the time at 100%
But then we I want to work on the scene, I have to turn off the throttle down in order for daz to react smoothly while moving scenes....


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,955
    edited December 1969

    If you are using windows, lauch DS, then bring up the task manager, right click on DAZ Studio.exe and set affinity.

  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,870
    edited December 1969

    Mattymanx said:
    If you are using windows, lauch DS, then bring up the task manager, right click on DAZ Studio.exe and set affinity.

    What I do is set priority to below normal or low. It lets me do stuff and at the same time when I am just browsing the render is still using as much CPU horse power as it needs without slowing things down.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191
    edited December 1969

    nDelphi said:
    Mattymanx said:
    If you are using windows, lauch DS, then bring up the task manager, right click on DAZ Studio.exe and set affinity.

    What I do is set priority to below normal or low. It lets me do stuff and at the same time when I am just browsing the render is still using as much CPU horse power as it needs without slowing things down.

    My process for starting below normal priority:

    Make a copy of your desktop shortcut (updates to Studio will replace the original but leave the copy unchanged)
    Right-click the copy, select Properties and then shortcut
    Change the Target to: C:\Windows\System 32\cmd.exe /c start /belownormal DAZStudio.exe
    And you will probably want to change the icon
    Click on 'OK'

    Studio will now use all cores and threads unless something of a higher priority needs some cpu.

  • alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
    edited December 1969

    thanks for the feedback...
    I was hoping that somewhere 3d delight popped up on it's own.
    I have reality but since I'm going to be upgrading the computer and cards etc in a few weeks
    didn't want to mess around with all that.
    since my cat characters take about 1.5g of ram each, if I throttle back daz for the renders it doesn't want to let me manipulate the scene files.
    the new cpu is about 2.2 times faster ... so even if I cut daz back it should still be happy.

    867 x 299 - 240K
  • mikael-aronssonmikael-aronsson Posts: 588
    edited December 1969

    Change the affinity works best if you ask me, you can do it with a shortcut also so it always works:

    C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start /affinity 1 myapplication.exe

    Where 1 should of course be the affinity you want, half of your cores or something like that.

  • alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
    edited December 1969

    after discovering I had to switch it on and off so I can have full cpu when I'm working etc
    and noticing an $200 drop in the cpu price I've been watching.
    I decided to go ahead with the upgrade ... which will replace my old i7920/24gb with a xeon2630v3 and 64 gigs... prices have dropped, I have the box and power etc and a couple video cards ... so it looks like I can bring this through for about $1500 in parts.
    once I have the new computer up, I'll add reality as the render engine ... which I think will run separate so I can cut it back some and not affect work in the program...
    not certain if the cards support iray, but they do have the gpu stuff that lets the renderer use them...

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