Smart content disappearance

golem841golem841 Posts: 127

After my latest update of Daz Studio 64 bits, all the smart content pane is empty. The "dumb" content is populated as before.

When I try to edit the content directory manager, there are Daz files in all sorts of weird places.

I don't know how to solve this problem.

I already tried to erase and rebuild the Data Base.




  • Is PostgreSQL running? If it isn't, or if Daz Studio can't connect, you will get an error message. Do other CMS-related featues work - e.g. marking products as New, or having the type tags at top-right of the thumbnails? Are the Categories and Products cotnainers of the Content Library populated?

  • golem841golem841 Posts: 127

    Thank you Richard,

    I have access to all "files" in the smart content, but the "products" is totally empty.

    I will try to reinstall the Postgre SQL CMS.

  • That almost certainly meant you had something like Pending or Updates selected in the Install State filters along the bottom. Switch to All or Installed and you should see your products.

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