Now Four Tutorials - Stuff for Genesis 3 too



  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    So how is it going?

    After the fingernails are done, the toenails are done in a similar fashion ... just to be sure the toes are in the right order.

    I've started on the legs.

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  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Downloaded the Stuff for Genesis 3 tutorial, but it will probably be tomorrow before I can try it. Thanks a bunch.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    You're welcome ... and that's okay. It'll be a little bit before the next tutorial comes out. Hoping to get the bod in the next one.

    Found a little something special from a Japanese site, everything appear legit but I do not read Japanese so ...

    Anyhow, they some nifty skin extras for texturing a little more realism all over.

    AJ Blood Vessel Textures V4, V5, G2F, G3F, V7

    They also have a couple of bathing suits, a corsage, Japanese/Samurai courtesy poses [with good notes to read for those creating such things] and a traditional Japanese sailor-uniform top and skirt, etc.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the Amari Jun info. I pick up several things. The additional info on the poses was very much appreciated. I know very little about Japanese culture.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    This project is temporarily on hold while I attempt to fix a whole bunch of links. Cheers :-)

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    Having the forums zap out while doing that, decided to come back to this for a bit today. Temperatures soaring so 'puters will be off soon.

    One may wish to make a copy of the seam guides and actually colour a few rows around the lines ... as in each row to a different colour. It would be for a visual aid.

    Uvmapping the legs takes an interesting curve. It is not straight forwardly a match this leg to that leg ... it becomes that however the journey would not exactly get the tutorial listed as for beginners. Hopefully I can explain all the steps well enough for a beginner to follow through.


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  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    And the idea appears to be working for the arm to torso seam as well. In another thread there seems to be a lot of negativity about the concept of making G3 to fit V4's template and concern about jagged edges. Maybe we are talking about apples and oranges ... I don't see any jagged edges here. This is a rough draft to be sure the idea works before committing hours of work to the project.



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  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966

    I have downloaded tutorial but no time to read trough it now winklooks good though.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    Well for now reading is just fine. This is not your typical beginner's project ... at all. I hope to get the tutorials easy enough reads that beginners can follow it ... but first there is a lot of work to do.

    For those who have done the toes and fingernails, logically next would be the legs. BUT there is a twister coming. Those forging ahead may have found it.

    It is solvable. I would recommend before getting too carried away fixing the legs, FIRST do the LOWER half of the Torso. That's fun ;-) Generally 1 square of G3 goes to 4 of V4's. [2 x 2] ... move lines more so than "dots" ... be VERY careful when moving just dots. There are a lot of other dots on the page unrelated. Smooth out on lines or faces.

    After the lower half of the torso is done, then we can proceed with the legs. For the legs I will be making a special texture to assist folk because it will be a learning experience for those not accustomed to "sewing".

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    Just an update ... yes I'm still working on this in between heat waves and T-storms and other stuff.

    This is the FIRST project though which is a "sleeper". It is BORING. So if one has any problems with tedious projects you seriously might wish to consider "baking" the V4 textures or painting or whatever it is some people are doing to get their V4 textures to apply on G3. That being said, one leg is nearly done.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    Had some time today to work on the leg uvs ... sadly yes thers is a problem ... something weird about some of the face normals and how they would have to go to make the seams match PLUS there is that area of V4's leg seam which is a no match area anyhow ... so ... in the thinking basket for awhile ....



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  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    If at first you don't succeed, try another program ;-)

    And it worked! A lot of sewing to do but hay, this way it is redistributable :-)


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  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited August 2015

    Think I'll skip making a massive tutorial on how to do "the whole thing".

    In a nutshell, From D/S4.8anything send over the bridge to Hexagon Genesis 3. Export said figure out from Hexagon. Import it into a program like Black's 3D Paint [I'm using an old edition], Have it create one of those fantastic jigsaw puzzle uvmaps ;-) Export out the figure. TEST the figure in D/S first to be sure the uvmap can be made. [as with morphs, if any mesh changes were made, it will not work]. If it works, great. Then in Hexagon import this masterpiece and start "sewing" the iddity biddity islands back together. Export out a new obj now and then to test in D/S to be sure it will still work. Remember "Edit > undo" is NOT an option when welding uvmaps.

    While the initial bridge transfer had to be from D/S4.8, I am making the actual uvmap in D/S4.6 so it should work in all editions 4.6 and upwards.

    Edit to update:

    Okay, in another nutshell, consider V4 dead in the water.

    However it is the uvmap was made for Genesis 3 and/or whatever it is D/S does with uvmap areas is a mystery unto itself.

    Areas which should have been "solid colour" it being that the new uvmap for said areas was outside of bounds, was indeed randomly textured. Possibly goes along with the notion D/S has to reuvmap stuff it doesn't comprehend like how Hexagon welds together groups in an import/export merger. Everythng will look fine in Hexagon and other programs, but not in D/S. Okay ...

    So ... areas wherein the new uvmap was actually knit together on the V4 template DO appear on the Genesis 3 figure where they should be.

    For those interested in plowing through the project, it helps if first one selects all the 'seam' faces, matching them to V4's seams, then fill in the spaces. Remembering in Hexagon to save often BUT NOT in face mode. If/when those error could not save file messages happen, do NOT panic. Simply continue working a little bit and then do a "save as" or "incre-save" ... close program, open program and project ... if all is well, carry on.

    My interest in getting a uvmap to match with V4s template is because I have a collection of MRs for which I have permission to make freebies with. Other things in RL are going on right now so this delightful "let's do a 15,000 jigsaw puzzle of blue sky" project of mine is being shelved for now. It would have been nice if some of the dear folk releasing MRs for Genesis 3 realized that nobody in their right mind "buys stuff just to give it ALL away" ... but to have "something to start with" would be nice you know. As the ST fanart group seem to be extremely anti-Genesis 3 [I made the mistake of promoting the item in there], I shall not be concerned about this for now. Genesis 3 has great facial bones, etc. and I like it, green and purple and yellow and black/white and .... :-)

    As the summer storms swirl around, I hope everybody has a safe and secure rest of summer.

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    Post edited by patience55 on
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