Skin properties missing when exported to Blender
I tried DaztoBlender and Diffeomorphic but neither was able to transfer the right skin properties. I wanted the character's skin to be kind of shiny.
(I tried using this product:
It seems that the skin effect is created through a shell, which cannot be exported to Blender?
Does anyone have any exprience?
Another issue: I can change some parameters in the skin shader I got from DaztoBlender to make the skin shiny. However, the shader generated from Diffeomorphic (screenshot) does not seem to have any options to control the reflectibility or other skin properties. I tried moving those sliders but it didn't work. The skin is just looking too dry and dull (not realistic).
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
As for the wet skins be sure to get the latest version of diffeomorphic that's actually 1.6.2. It does import refractive shells be sure to use the bsdf option for materials and the material option for shells, since the new geonode shells are experimental and may not work fine yet.
As for your skin example you probably imported a daz skin with zero specularity in all channels. The plugin actually imports glossy, dual lobe and top coat. Again use the bsd option for the best result.
Or you can import with the principled option for materials then adjust specular and clearcoat as you wish.
Thank you so much! Now it works.