Blurry Reflections

Can someone point me toward the appropriate IRay slider to blur reflections? Not all floors should have crystal clear reflections :) I've been tryin different things, but having to render each time to see the results gets time consuming, especially when some kind soul might know the answer right off the top of their head.
Many thanks for what may be a silly question!
Difficult to say without knowing the material and settings currently used.
As you mention "floor reflections" I will show how I would currently set material (I am still learning myself, so may find better material/settings in the future)
I have default scene. Have added a sphere (sphere added just for something to reflect).
Have added Plane with default "Iray Uber Base" shader. Have changed base mixing to "PBR Specular/Glossiness" and Base color to 0.63,0.63,0.63. (Render Pic01)
In shader change Glossy > "Glossy / specular" color to 0.69,0.69,0.69, which increases glossy reflection (Render Pic02)
Change Glossy > Glossiness value down to 0.9 which will blur the reflection (the lower that number, the more blurred the reflection will become.(Render Pic03)
Shader settings pic attached.
Those settings do not need to be that specific, I just set those for example. But it may give you an idea of what settings to use.
I hope that helps.
This is more the effect I am looking for...
Difficult for me to see that image. Is that reflection from water or similar?
For that type of reflection, looks like ripples, I would just add a (noise)bump map into the material.
Quick, not very good example.
That'll work... thanks!
I used the same method for bluring the dome reflection. The same method can be used to blur reflections in glass. What confused me before is that I needed to select PBR Specular/Glossiness base mixing to get the Glossiness setting.