How do I isolate sliders to individual body parts.

arrjeearrjee Posts: 41

If a sliders has an effect to one area that I want, but changes another area in a way that I don't, is there a way to have it only affect the first area or stop it from affecting the second area?  My example would be the gen 8 female bodybuilder detail slider.  I want the effect it has on the abs but don't want what it does to the thighs.  Is there a way to have it just give the figure abs or to mask the thighs so that it has no effect on them?


  • A detail morph is probably HD, though I haven't checked, and those cannot be adjusted. However, there are several options for splitting morphs. If you don't need a soft transition you can just make the morph a favourite (click the heart icon on the slider, and make sure nothing you don't want to remove is also favourited), use the Geometry Editor to select the areas you want to exclude (you need to be in vertex mode, but you can select in polygon mode if it's easier and then convert to vertex mode from the right-click menu), right-click>Morph Editing>Remove selected from Favourites (from memory). Another option, which does give smooth transitions, is to set up a dForm, edit its weight map to cover the area you want to remove (or keep, whichever is easier), export the morphed figure (base resolution) as OBJ, then import as a new morph with Edit>Figure>Morph Loader Pro and use the Attenuate By options to select the dForm - the downside here is that a lot of morphs have additoonal morphs to improve their interaction with other shapes or posing, and you would really need to split and reconnect those. A third option is

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