Transparency when exporting

I'm sorry if there is a thread for this, but again the search engine is being a pain. Is there anyway to save images with transparency besides gifs because when I use gifs I get the image that is going to be posted.

640 x 480 - 21K
png, tiff, and psd all support alpha channels.
They're all superior to gif which is limited to 256 colors. It's kind of an outmoded file format in my opinion.
Yeah but the thing is I can't find nothing to do with transparency when it comes to exporting an image except for gif. Maybe I missed something.
The Alpha check box needs to be checked in the render room. TIFF, Photoshop and png don't need anything else done to them. You do need to make sure that you have a photo editor that displays alpha channels to edit them. Most modern web browsers can handle and display the alphas in pngs.
The picture below is a png with an alpha channel. The forum displays a kind of purple/blue background for the thumbnail, but if you click the image and open it in the new window, it displays as a white background. The original scene settings had a red background, but it became invisible when the alpha box was checked.
I feel stupid I forgot about the alpha check box lol sorry for the bother thanks. The alpha check box is tiny and out of site which makes it is easy to miss.
Tiny? Yes, Out of site? No. It's just something you need to get used to using.