Displacement with iRay - strange effect

AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438
edited June 2015 in Daz Studio Discussion


using iRay I tried to show the joints between the tiles in the floor as I did with 3Delight (clearly visible depth).
1. It was not possible to let the joints show up,
2. The floor bent down the more the nearer it is to the origing of the world coordinates.

See the attached pics. (top: 3Delight, bottom: iRay)


840 x 514 - 46K
833 x 441 - 44K
Post edited by AndyS on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    I suspect the bending is down to the camera focal length behaving slightly differently in preview and in Iray. What happens if you move the camera to be looking from beside the rear units? I see you have already found the thread on Iray displacement http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/57100/P15/#831541

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Doesn't look at all like 'bending' to me...it looks like instead of displacing just the joints, it is displacing the whole floor.

    If you look closely, the displaced image is now showing a gap, under the wall. That is a sign of displacement occurring, just not where/amount expected.

    What is the construction of the floor? (How was it made).

    Is the floor actually UV mapped?

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438
    edited June 2015


    the object is the WP_Room from the WestPark product.
    Only the author knows, how it is constructed. I only created clean maps by my own based on the abandoned set.

    The bending results out of applying the iRay-Uber-Shader. The original object don't show that effect.

    The bending is only near to the coordinates origin. If you have a close look, you'll see that it is getting to the correct level extending into the room. The effect is totally independant from where the camera is looking. It only depends on the displacement parameters (strenth, min, max). SubD deplacement is set to 0.


    Post edited by AndyS on
  • Mostly HarmlessMostly Harmless Posts: 25
    edited December 1969

    smftrsd72 said:

    using iRay I tried to show the joints between the tiles in the floor as I did with 3Delight (clearly visible depth).
    1. It was not possible to let the joints show up,
    2. The floor bent down the more the nearer it is to the origing of the world coordinates.

    See the attached pics. (top: 3Delight, bottom: iRay)


    This should be a simple fix, setting the negative displacement to 0, and adjusting the positive displacement accordingly. Whatever texture you are using as a displacement is apparently reading the floor as slightly negative.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    If you switch to one of the wireframe draw styles you will see that the room is made up of very few polygons with bevelling at the joins where needed - as a result the floor has only one polygon, which is why it need high values of division to get the displacement to work. What I would suggest is using the Geometry Edit tool to select the floor, hide all un-selected polygons, then delete hidden, then load a second copy of the room and hide the floor. That way you can divide the floor as needed without needing to divide the rest of the model

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