"Bryce replaces your screen"?
Posts: 113
I know that by default Bryce replaces your screen on launch ... but in past versions I recall being able to change that. I would still like to change that. How can I do that. I feel silly, I used Bryce for 10 years ... migrated to other software and now I'm back. Not use to having to get help for Bryce. LOL.
Bryce prefers to work in full screen mode, but it doesn't actually replace your screen. You only have to minimise it to see what else you are working on
I understand the minimize, but you can't shift to floating window. Is there a way to do that? I prefer my Bryce screen smaller than my monitor, I'm visually impaired and having to search all over my screen for tools is a bit awkward. Can this feature be altered?
@Zooks - so do I. It's called WindowS, after all, not Window. However, Bryce works only in full screen (or minimised) mode. And there is no way to move it over to a second screen, if you have one. It's always on the main screen and it is always full screen.
LOL. Thank you Horo. Good to know I can stop pulling my hair out and say a couple "omms" and move on!
Horo wrote, "And there is no way to move it over to a second screen, if you have one."
Thanks for that info.
I have a spare flat screen and I tried to use it as a second screen for Bryce. Nothing happened so I thought there was something wrong with my laptop dual screen thingo.
I hope I've I understood you correctly on this two screen limitation of Bryce.
When Bryce takes over my main screen, clicking on the small blue button on the bottom right of the taskbar returns me the main icons window.
@FlashGarcia - Under Edit > Preferences, you find an option Use multiple monitors. If it is enabled, you can move some labs over to the second screen but I found it not very useful.