Can't start CMS since yesterday

I about 3 days ago installed Studio 4.8 with installer ober 4.7. It worked for 2 days.
Since yesterday, I have no access to smart-content (remains empty. At the bottom i see on a green tab "start CMS"
I tried it several times, but no effect. I tried deinstall and reinstall manually and by file-installer from daz.
Iinstalled 4.6 manually and back again 4.8. No effect. I don'T getr access to smart-content and cms doesn't start.
I stopped firewall for starting cms, no effect.
I deinstalled and reinstalled MS Visual C++ 2005 and 2010
I also tried this method:
I found the following error-message in my
C:\User\MyName\AppData\Roaming\Daz 3D\cms\ContentCluster\dblog.txt
LOG: could not translate host name "localhost", service "17237" to address: Unknown server error
WARNING: could not create listen socket for "localhost"
FATAL: could not create any TCP/IP sockets
How can I get a connection to the db again?
I've got the exact same problem here..
found any solutions since your post ?
What AV are you using?
That particular error screams of something blocking/preventing CMS from working.
thanx for your quick answer.
I also thought about firewall or anti-virus.
I have a OSX Yosemite system, firewall is turned off and I have no anti-virus.
I also have on the same machine a windows8 system installed and the exact same installation of daz3d with the same content library (external hd) went perfectly well.
I really can't find what may be wrong on yosemite.
have already properly deleted and reinstalled many many times.. changed cms port back and forth...
If you have any idea?? thank you so much for your time.
CMS is a separate program from DAZStudio so uninstalling re-installing Studio will never fix the problem. As mjc1016 said the error suggests some sort of access permission problem.
thx, I guess I'll stop doing that ;)
I've been looking around the permission issue, but I miss some knowledge.
Also, I used apple's disk utility to repair permissions and to repair hard drives.
I tried to install an efficient firewall, blocking every connections except for the highway I left to "postgres" to the desired port.
reboot, empty the vram cache etc...
I don't know what other osx tools to use to fix that.
but I know there's hope :)
I am having the same issue on Mac with 4.9 - when I reset the db its making my port 1024, my log is saying WARNING: /src/sdksource/cloud/dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): Unexpected exception in contentGetByRelativePath: Unable to connect to the database, can not quote.
Clearly I have issues with connecting to the db on Mac, I have "
install the PostgreSQL CMS.
You can find this in the Install Manager when searching for "sku::18869" without the quotes. If it is already installed, uninstall and re-install.
Make sure DAZ Studio is not running during this process.
If you are running the 64 bit version of DAZ Studio, there is no need to install the 32 bit version of PostgreSQL.
By installing the 32 bit version, it is automatically uninstalling the 64 bit version. In this process, it must stop the CMS. If the CMS is stopped, then tries to install the 32 bit with it stopped, it in some cases, this crashes the Install Manager. And causes the Smart Content to not work correctly.
You may need to...
Reset the Database
To do this, right click on the Content Library pane, choose Content DB Maintenance, tick Reset Database, click Accept.
Reimport Metadata
With the box checked that userdata overwrites product data.
To do this, right click on the Content Library pane, choose Content DB Maintenance, tick Re-Import Metadata, click Accept. Tick User Data and All Products and click Accept."
but still I cannot connect.
Any ideas?