Injection Morphs for Michael4 problem

Hi People,
My name is Guus and I have a problem with Michael 4 I just purchased. I installed the whole package.
After some confusing install and search in the library I found michael and set him on the main stage.
All looks fine. Exept when I want top use the Morph injections in Base for the face. When i put a morph on the face
it just does do anything. I see like it instals it but nothing change visual ??? can someone help me out here please ?
thx ,
Select the head of M4 in the Scene tab, and any morphs associated with the head will appear in the Parameters tab. When you INJext the morph, there should be a slider in the Parameters tab that you can use to apply the morph, in most cases it requires you to use the slider, it does not apply automatically.
Oh, ok thanks so much, I just work only for a few days with DAZ, it looks like it has many possibilities, thanks for you help :)))
Only on more question, I see some small thumbs in the morph library for the face mouth etc... arent they suppose to set auto like the thumb image when you inject ??
No, the morph icon only supplies the slider in the Parameters tab. You do not need to inject them one at a time, you can load the morphs using the Powerloader when you first load the character.
Oh, great, thanks a lot for the info, i ow you a favor :)
You are very welcome.
There are always members here to help, so feel free to post any questions that you may have.
Thanks Jimmy,
I just bumped in another issue, I installed a model props DZ_major and A-major upgrade these are outfit for michael3 witch I have purchased also, After instal
I see a map indeed in libraries > props> DZmajor , but nothing to see in there aldough there are thumbs and material when I look in my user content on my hardisk ?
Can it happen that DAZ have a problem with refresh or so ?
If you install new content while DAZ Studio is running, you would need to choose the right-click 'Refresh' option on the DAZ Studio Formats for the new stuff to show. If that doesn't work, exit from DS4 and restart it again. It may be a bug on the version you are using, but I haven't heard of any.