DAZ Studio is starting but UI doesn't appear


I am facing a frustrating issue where DAZ Studio is starting, but I can't see the UI after it finishes loading. I can even load a scene but can't see the UI. If I hover over the icon in on the windows taskbar I see a white UI.

Uninstalling PostgrateSQL and DazStudio didn't help. I don't know what to do. Other discussions about restoring Daz to defaults, but I can't find this script (maybe it's not relevant anymore).

I am attaching the log, and maybe someone will have an idea of what could cause the issue and how to solve it.

Thank you.



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875

    A white UI is usually caused by updating Daz Studio while it is running. Close Daz Studio. Check the Windows Task Manager to be sure the Daz Studio process has stopped (disappears from the Task Manager). Then install Daz Studio again.

  • dogcatdogcat Posts: 52
    I didn't update it. I can't see the UI At all. If hover over the DS icon on the taskbar I see nothing but white.
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875

    You said "I didn't update it". Your log file says you are running version DAZ Studio Are you saying that is the first version of Daz Studio that you ever installed? That was only released on April 29, 2022. I see you joined the forum in 2020, so it seems unlikely that you did not update from a previous version. Please clarify.

    Version was supposed to have fixed the problem with the previous version not saving user interface files, so that should not be your problem.

    I have no advice other than what I suggested above. Perhaps someone else will have more insight.

  • dogcatdogcat Posts: 52

    @barbult maybe I wasn't clear. I updated it but not while Daz studio was open. The update wasn't the reason for the situation. That's what I meant.

    I rendered an image. After that, I closed DS without saving the render. When I tried to open DS again after that I couldn't see the UI anymore.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    edited May 2022

    It sounds like maybe something got corrupted when Daz Studio closed down. I don't know. From looking at the log file, I see warnings related to loading some of the interface files.

    2022-05-22 20:19:05.297 [INFO] :: Reading style definition C:/Daz 3D/Applications/64-bit/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/resources/style/Darkside.style
    2022-05-22 20:19:05.297 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\interface\style\dzstyle.cpp(443): Failed to load style definition file "Darkside". Loading default style...
    2022-05-22 20:19:05.297 [INFO] :: Reading style definition C:/Daz 3D/Applications/64-bit/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/resources/style/Darkside.style
    2022-05-22 20:19:05.298 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\interface\style\dzstyle.cpp(446): Failed to load style definition file Darkside
    2022-05-22 20:19:05.298 [INFO] :: Creating Import Manager...
    2022-05-22 20:19:05.298 [INFO] :: Creating Export Manager...
    2022-05-22 20:19:05.298 [INFO] :: Creating File IO Preset Manager...
    2022-05-22 20:19:05.298 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzfileiopresetmgr.cpp(411): Unable to open file fileiopresets.dsx

    And later:

    2022-05-22 20:19:08.545 [WARNING] :: QImage::scaleHeight: Image is a null image
    2022-05-22 20:19:08.795 [WARNING] :: QCursor: Cannot create bitmap cursor; invalid bitmap(s)
    2022-05-22 20:19:08.821 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\interface\panes\dzpanemgr.cpp(2477): Could not find file for image Default in DzPaneMgr::setActivityBarImage()


    2022-05-22 20:19:09.220 [WARNING] :: QPainter::begin: A paint device can only be painted by one painter at a time.
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::font: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::setFont: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::fontMetrics: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::begin: A paint device can only be painted by one painter at a time.
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::font: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::setFont: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::fontMetrics: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::begin: A paint device can only be painted by one painter at a time.
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::font: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::setFont: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::fontMetrics: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::begin: A paint device can only be painted by one painter at a time.
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::font: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::setFont: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::fontMetrics: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::begin: A paint device can only be painted by one painter at a time.
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::font: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::setFont: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::fontMetrics: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::begin: A paint device can only be painted by one painter at a time.
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.221 [WARNING] :: QPainter::font: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.222 [WARNING] :: QPainter::setFont: Painter not active
    2022-05-22 20:19:09.222 [WARNING] :: QPainter::fontMetrics: Painter not active

     I don't know what any of these warnings mean. If you have already followed the advice to make sure Daz Studio is not running and then reinstall it with Daz Install Manager, and that didn't fix it, you should file a help request and attach the log file to see if customer service can assist you.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Had you changed the number of displays attached, or the number of virtual desktops? This script may help to reset the window http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/specific_ui/screen_size_fhd/start

  • dogcatdogcat Posts: 52

    @Richard Haseltine no, I didn't. Only use one monitor. I'll try the script. Thank you.

  • dogcatdogcat Posts: 52

    The script didn't work.

    I found a post on Reddit that suggested uninstalling everything and deleting the AppData of Daz. I also deleted 3 registry files and then installed Daz Studio again. Only then did it work but I needed to install all my product from scratch.

    Other than that it works fine now.

    Sharing the post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Daz3D/comments/mus68v/daz_not_opening_properly_even_after_reinstall/

  • edited May 2023

    That happened to me too. I have two users in my pc, one as administrator and the other as simple user, and this was affecting only the simple user, not the administrator. So I guessed that was not an installation problem. I fixed it not by unistalling, somehow the main interface was opening minimized, don't ask me how i exactly did it but I used thw WINDOWS + TAB to go thru the programs and the mouse buttons and maximized that window and it became normal again. 

    Post edited by vision_3d_3cc7aa5442 on
  • ShelLuserShelLuser Posts: 749

    To add a bit more to this: uninstalling software, this includes Daz Studio, is pretty much useless each and every time. For the simple reason that when you remove DS you'll only remove the executables, in other words: only the program gets removed. But the settings are always left alone, this applies to pretty much every piece of software out there.

    If you want to reset Daz Studio there's a much better (and safer!) way:

    • Make sure Daz Studio isn't running!
    • Open the Windows filemanager: press Win + r, then enter "explorer" (without the "").
    • Paste this location into the address bar: "%appdata%\DAZ 3D" (without the "").
    • Now... if you want to reset Daz Studio simply rename the "Studio4" folder, maybe name it "Studio4.bck" or something.
    • Same applies to the cms and other Daz 3D products (you may also find a folder called "Hexagon" in here).

    See, the best part about this is that you won't lose anything. If resetting DS resulted in the exact same issues then.. just delete the new folder that got created and rename your old folder back. Now you're back to where you started: you didn't lose any of your settings.

    Also important: if this trick did fix the problem you can now move some of your settings back into your new setup. For example your custom user layouts are also saved in this location, and if you heavily customized Daz Studio then you really don't just want to loose that!

  • Solved this issue - it's a Windows quirk not a Daz problem. Daz is loading but is located somewhere offscreen, to fix this do the following:

    1. Click your DAZ icon to open the program.

    2. [SHIFT] + [RightMouseClick] the now visible DAZ icon in the system tray

    3. select 'Maximize', your DAZ window should appear.

    4. Drag the now visible Daz window by its title bar to midscreen, then use the fullscreen/windowed icons to set your new 'fullscreen' and 'windowed' modes to one that doesn't disappear offscreen when minimized.

  • Solved this issue - it's a Windows quirk not a Daz problem. Daz is loading but is located somewhere offscreen, to fix this do the following:

    1. Click your DAZ icon to open the program.

    2. [SHIFT] + [RightMouseClick] the now visible DAZ icon in the system tray

    3. select 'Maximize', your DAZ window should appear.

    4. Drag the now visible Daz window by its title bar to midscreen, then use the fullscreen/windowed icons to set your new 'fullscreen' and 'windowed' modes to one that doesn't disappear offscreen when minimized.

    Thank you!!!!
  • None of the solutions worked for me, so I started thinking it was a layout issue because all the menus were working, So I went: Window>Workspace>Select Layout... choose a layout, and It got fixed. No Idea what caused it but It looks like for some reason after not using Daz for a while, it forgets to load the layout, and starts the program with nothing on screen. After doing it once, it remembers again.

    Hope this helps.

  • DazzleRazzle said:

    Solved this issue - it's a Windows quirk not a Daz problem. Daz is loading but is located somewhere offscreen, to fix this do the following:

    1. Click your DAZ icon to open the program.

    2. [SHIFT] + [RightMouseClick] the now visible DAZ icon in the system tray

    3. select 'Maximize', your DAZ window should appear.

    4. Drag the now visible Daz window by its title bar to midscreen, then use the fullscreen/windowed icons to set your new 'fullscreen' and 'windowed' modes to one that doesn't disappear offscreen when minimized.


    Thank you


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