Daz3D experimental Dress-up game: Legal matters

Oddity101Oddity101 Posts: 2
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi. After months of using daz3d, i found it odd i havent found any dressup games (using 2D or 3d builds and animations), so i decided to try it for myself. I have a few questions concerning legal matters.

1. Is virtually all content i purchase legal to use with 2D animation renders (sprites),
2. Is 2D animated nudity allowed or prohibited (i was going to use a nude figure as the base, and a player would be allowed to choose clothing to dress them. But i was afraid people would abuse this. The nudity is strictly for the player to be able to dress the figure from scratch, and nothing for provocative uses).
3. Can the game be sold for a low price (all content will be 2D rendered).

This is the process of how i developed the game

1. Buy high quality products from daz and make my own unique characters with them.
2. Export the character to Mixamo Studio, and purchase their animations.
3. Import the figure back to daz3d an render 2D sprites with the animations

Is all of this legal? Thank you.


  • BrotherHadesBrotherHades Posts: 89
    edited December 1969

    You would have to read the EULAs (Not only DAZ's but also the EULA of any vendors or stores products were purchased from) to make sure, but in the past as long as the mesh was not being redistributed and the mesh could be extracted from the work it was fine to use in commercial projects such as games, and content add ons. Which with a 2d sprite or animation the mesh can't be extracted.

    Nudity part of it would likely be fine legally depending on where you live and local obscenity rules and regulations, also depending on where you plan on hosting as some web hosts seem fine with nudity in artwork on sites hosted by them and others are not.

    Keep in mind if using freebies a lot of them are for non-commercial use only.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I'd avoid freebies if you plan to do commercial work.

    DAZ has a single policy, as far as I understand, for all works sold on the site except for the figures which were scanned explicitly from specific human beings. I think Reby Sky and one other...and those are essentially that you can't promote products with their likenesses, or something.

    If you're just doing 2D renders, and the 3D mesh can't be recovered from your product, you're pretty much set for items you buy here.

    Mind you, the various app stores (iOS especially) have very restrictive charters on what kind of content they allow, so nude characters might not be acceptable.

    -- Morgan

  • Oddity101Oddity101 Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the information. All of the content within the game is bought (over 600$ worth), as I don't like to use freebies. Personally, I believe the cheaper it is, the more likely other people have it. And that's just unprofessional having content in a game that millions of others have. As for reading up on the EULA for the vendors/brokers I'm purchasing from, where would I go to read their terms and agreements? I can't seem to find one on their Daz3d webpages

  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,582
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    ...one other...

    Anna Marie Goddard
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,601
    edited May 2015

    You can use Reby Sky renders commercially but prob best if you do not call her Reby Sky even though AFAIK no rule against that it is just politeness.
    Especially if doing adult renders
    Nude figures can be avoided if you render skin with the clothes to match where underwear revealed, you can cut them out in photoshop, Gimp whatever adding a blurred edge to blend in esp if using png with alpha

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Gusf1Gusf1 Posts: 257
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the information. All of the content within the game is bought (over 600$ worth), as I don't like to use freebies. Personally, I believe the cheaper it is, the more likely other people have it. And that's just unprofessional having content in a game that millions of others have. As for reading up on the EULA for the vendors/brokers I'm purchasing from, where would I go to read their terms and agreements? I can't seem to find one on their Daz3d webpages

    Every Item comes with a 'read me' file and a 'license' file, or at least they used to. I'm not sure where DIM puts the license file. Most other store's products have both. I've always found the in the Readme Folder in your content library.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    EULA is linked to at the bottom of every page in the forum, glance down and you will it says "Licensing Agreement" And the section on 2D works is very well set out.

    Terms of Use. Two Dimensional Works. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, User may (i) access, use, copy and modify the Content in the creation and presentation of two-dimensional animations and renderings, (ii) incorporate two dimensional images (including two dimensional images that simulate motion of three dimensional objects) derived by User from the Content in User’s other works, and (iii) publish, market, distribute, transfer, sell or sublicense User’s two-dimensional animations, renderings and other works; provided that User may not in any case publish, market, distribute, transfer, sell or sublicense any renderings, animations, software applications, data or any other product from which any Content, or any part thereof, or any substantially similar version of the Content can be separately exported, extracted or de-compiled into any re-distributable form or format.
  • Oddity101Oddity101 Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    EULA is linked to at the bottom of every page in the forum, glance down and you will it says "Licensing Agreement" And the section on 2D works is very well set out.

    Terms of Use. Two Dimensional Works. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, User may (i) access, use, copy and modify the Content in the creation and presentation of two-dimensional animations and renderings, (ii) incorporate two dimensional images (including two dimensional images that simulate motion of three dimensional objects) derived by User from the Content in User’s other works, and (iii) publish, market, distribute, transfer, sell or sublicense User’s two-dimensional animations, renderings and other works; provided that User may not in any case publish, market, distribute, transfer, sell or sublicense any renderings, animations, software applications, data or any other product from which any Content, or any part thereof, or any substantially similar version of the Content can be separately exported, extracted or de-compiled into any re-distributable form or format.


    So basically i can use 2D renderings as long as i program the game to disable screenshotting. And also preventing the player to export the 2D animations or part of the animations in any way?

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    HI,, I have question t,,

    If some game company or movie studio, anime studio, collect character design image, or character costume design,
    then I use daz characters and prodcuts (wears) ,modifed and mix , then render as my character (or costume set) design,
    and subscribe. of course I never send any 3d mesh. it is illegal? :roll:

    (Of course I have not tried, but I sometimes hoped to send character design for games or movies )

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,251
    edited December 1969

    HI,, I have question t,,

    If some game company or movie studio, anime studio, collect character design image, or character costume design,
    then I use daz characters and prodcuts (wears) ,modifed and mix , then render as my character (or costume set) design,
    and subscribe. of course I never send any 3d mesh. it is illegal? :roll:

    (Of course I have not tried, but I sometimes hoped to send character design for games or movies )

    this might explain it better than we can

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited May 2015

    mm,, I know if the 3d mesh used for game as 3d actor or scene prop, it should be illegal,
    then I need to buy licences.

    but I said about 2d character and costume design consept only.

    eg game maker plan new download contents of costume set, then collect design image from user.
    then I send render image by mix parts and modify. it is 2d design image only. (no texture file, no 3d data)
    it is illegal?

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
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