DAZ Studio Pro, General Release, Now Available! [*UPDATED*]



  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited May 2015

    gulan7 said:
    I installed DS4.8 and it looks good, thanks for update. Just one question does my older Nvidia 8600GT works with this Nvidia Iray Rendering http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/new_features/4_8/start#nvidia_iray_-_physically_based_render_engine

    Here I found answer for my card though I don't know really what does it mean https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/413843/geforce-8600gt-cuda/

    Also here is about CUDA info for GeForce 8500 http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce_8500.html
    and I have 8600GT but it doesn't say anything for CUDA http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce_8600.html

    Someone probably will come along with a good link. Until then there are a couple ways to check.

    If you have the nVidia control panel open it and there should be a link to system information (it goes directly to the 'display' info). There are the specs for your video card. Look for the number of CUDA cores and look for 'Total available graphics memory' and 'Dedicated graphics memory'. The second is important because your entire scene has to be able to fit in the 'dedicated graphics memory..

    Also open Studio and go to Render Settings pane. Select the Advanced tab. There look for checkmarks next to CPU and your graphics card. If the graphics card checkmark area is greyed out and you can't check it, that means you probably need a new driver. My graphics card is about the same age as yours, has only 144 CUDA cores, and only 1024 Megs of dedicated video memory. I couldn't use it for iRay until I updated my nvidia driver.

    The log file from Studio can give you some information but there's a lot of stuff you have to get through to see it.


    Post edited by Spit on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    McGrandpa said:
    How do I make D:\3D Work DS CONTENT the default base location for ALL DS content?
    Configure your DAZ Install Manager to point to that for the content directory; that should get you what you need.


    Most of the DAZ Studio specific stuff will not show up in the Poser Format tree; it's just something to get used to.

    I used to be anti-DIM too. I had spent years organising my Poser style library exactly as I wanted it. However, when I moved to a Mac, it is no simple matter to install manually from zip files. Merging folders is one of the few things that Windows does better and trying to do the same on a Mac ends up with unwanted overwrites and deletions.

    So I kept my Poser format stuff in one library and created another called DIM Content and allowed DIM to install to that (NOT in the public users folder that it uses by default). Over time, I reinstalled all my old Genesis and V4/M4 content using DIM so now it is all together. The old Poser library still has stuff from other stores that obviously can't be installed by DIM but I know where to find it.

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited May 2015

    Here is what I have 32 CUDA cores, Total available graphics memory 1023mb, Dedicated graphics memory 256mb GDDR3

    I can check my Nvidia 8600GT in Advanced Render Setting tab.

    I am hoping that I can use it :)

    Post edited by MilosGulan on
  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    gulan7 said:
    Here is what I have 32 CUDA cores, Total available graphics memory 1023mb, Dedicated graphics memory 256mb GDDR3

    I can check my Nvidia 8600GT in Advanced Render Setting tab.

    I am hoping that I can use it :)

    No, I'm afraid. After handling the screen, you don't have enough dedicated memory left for iRay. However, you can still use iRay. It will just use your CPU to render.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    gulan7 said:
    Here is what I have 32 CUDA cores, Total available graphics memory 1023mb, Dedicated graphics memory 256mb GDDR3

    I can check my Nvidia 8600GT in Advanced Render Setting tab.

    I am hoping that I can use it :)

    Well...it's not going to do much...even if it starts. 256MB is all the memory that counts...and that will fill up very fast, which would make the card drop out.

    You are pretty much stuck in CPU mode.

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited December 1969

    True, it works but probably only on CPU. Good enough for me :)

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited December 1969

    But new is that Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 Starter Essential has been updated too. For me Genesis 2 is larger for 200mb each but Genesis 1 it seems hasn't been changed or for me it has less 10mb then before?

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I am not seeing an update for Genesis/Genesis2 in DIM.

    I know that one is due, are you seeing this in DIM?

  • HoMartHoMart Posts: 480
    edited May 2015

    * I can't stop the scene filling with light from the open end. I thought I'd completely turned off the environment dome so I can play around with emissive settings on the glowy bits of the scene. The light flooding in is totally overwhelming any settings I use.

    * Do I only need to apply the Emissive shader with "ignore maps" set? Or is there something else I need to do? E.g. when I set up the LED surfaces, the "coloured" settings all changed to white. Shouldn't the colour setting have been preserved?

    * I remember coming across mentions of having to turn the Luminance value way, way, way up. What sort of range should I put it in for e.g. a small LED or a light big enough to illuminate several square feet of floor? I'm not sure any of my light settings are actually bright enough to glow visibly when I try a render.

    1. if you set the environment to "scene only" and still have flooding lights, check if you set your camera headlight to off (in auto mode it is still "on" as long as you do not use a light in your scene - emitters do not count as light) also change your viewport to any camera ( in "perspective view" there is also a headlight, which I do not know how to turn off) maybe by setting a small spotlight at 1% behind the arc??

    2. I would expect that too, but had to change all LED colors to my liking, but since I had to choose the right temerature, setting the color was just a little extra step.

    3. I played a little with the Arc some days ago, if I remember right I had set the red LED on the flor and the wall to "luminance" 50 kcd²

    Post edited by HoMart on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited December 1969

    I am not seeing an update for Genesis/Genesis2 in DIM.

    I know that one is due, are you seeing this in DIM?

    No I have checked it here and with my files on my external HD:

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited May 2015

    New thing there beside size for Genesis 2 seems to be files for 3d print while for Genesis 1 there seems not to be any.

    Post edited by MilosGulan on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited May 2015

    In the first post of this thread it is said in chapter: Has the Genesis Starter Essentials, the Genesis 2 Starter Essentials (Male/Female), or the Default Lights and Shaders packages been updated too?

    Yes, the “Genesis Starter Essentials”, “Genesis 2 Starter Essentials” and “Default Lights and Shaders” packages provided with the product have each been updated recently (or will be shortly).

    *Note: Install Manager users are notified of product updates when they occur.

    and there are also link I posted for:
    Genesis Starter Essentials”, “Genesis 2 Starter Essentials” and "Default Lights and Shaders”

    Post edited by MilosGulan on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    OK - finally ready to download and install but ... in my DIM I can only see products marked "Beta" - how can I get the general release?

    710 x 317 - 88K
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    You need to adjust your download filters in DIM.

    Un-tick the 'Public Build' box for now. It doesn't look like you have the release build anyway, so maybe post a screenshot of your 'Download Filters' so we can see what is going on?

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    You need to adjust your download filters in DIM.

    Un-tick the 'Public Build' box for now. It doesn't look like you have the release build anyway, so maybe post a screenshot of your 'Download Filters' so we can see what is going on?

    Here you go ...

    576 x 999 - 155K
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    Oh - silly me!

    I had done a search on "beta" to find out where my previous beta was installed. So that restricted my list when I switched to the Ready to Download tab. Removing the search criteria showed me what I want to see ...

    918 x 548 - 124K
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    I still don't see any content ... the beta version had "Public Beta Iray Support Content".

    I'm dithering about uninstalling my beta version - should I update 4.7 to 4.8 without the content?

  • HoMartHoMart Posts: 480
    edited May 2015

    marble said:
    I still don't see any content ... the beta version had "Public Beta Iray Support Content".

    I'm dithering about uninstalling my beta version - should I update 4.7 to 4.8 without the content?

    DAZ Vince posted:

    but you can use the beta contend with 4.8

    Post edited by HoMart on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    marble said:
    I still don't see any content ... the beta version had "Public Beta Iray Support Content".

    I'm dithering about uninstalling my beta version - should I update 4.7 to 4.8 without the content?

    DAZ Vince posted:

    but you can use the beta contend with 4.8

    I guessed as much. Only thing is that the beta content is installed in a different place. They say the new content will be available today so I'll just hang on a while.

  • McGrandpaMcGrandpa Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    McGrandpa said:
    How do I make D:\3D Work DS CONTENT the default base location for ALL DS content?Configure your DAZ Install Manager to point to that for the content directory; that should get you what you need.

    A second issue: I do not want Studio to use any "Smart Content" system. I want Studio to use the old scheme where everything is sorted according to the Poser content type hierarchy.

    Most of the DAZ-specific content does not install in the Poser hierarchy.

    That said, you don't have to use Smart Content. Just use the Content Library tab, and delete the Smart Content tab. The Poser Formats directories will have the standard 'poser' layout, and the DAZ Studio Formats will have the view that gives access to People/Genesis and People/Genesis 2 [Male/Female] as well as the Shader Presets, and other similar directories that you'd need access to.

    Most of the DAZ Studio specific stuff will not show up in the Poser Format tree; it's just something to get used to.

    -- Morgan

    thanks Morgan!

  • HoMartHoMart Posts: 480
    edited December 1969

    marble said:
    marble said:
    I still don't see any content ... the beta version had "Public Beta Iray Support Content".

    I'm dithering about uninstalling my beta version - should I update 4.7 to 4.8 without the content?

    DAZ Vince posted:

    but you can use the beta contend with 4.8

    I guessed as much. Only thing is that the beta content is installed in a different place. They say the new content will be available today so I'll just hang on a while.

    did the same - Iraybeta to different path - I just added that path as extra content path to my 4.8 - works fine
    Who will know how long we have to wait for the non beta stuff ;)

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited May 2015

    Ok thanks for info, no worries we can wait for a day or two. Just one quick question. I have done one render it seems my shiny non Iray shader doesn't look so good as before in Iray render. I am not sure now why but first thing I don't know how to set gamma as before I use to have gamma most of the time 2,4. Second thing I was wondering are Iray shaders compatibile with 3Delight version of shader and other 3Delight DS shaders do they work in Iray Render or are those two different shaders. Basicaly will I need to sort them in different groups or can they go in shaders together?

    Post edited by MilosGulan on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    HoMart said:
    marble said:
    marble said:
    I still don't see any content ... the beta version had "Public Beta Iray Support Content".

    I'm dithering about uninstalling my beta version - should I update 4.7 to 4.8 without the content?

    DAZ Vince posted:

    but you can use the beta contend with 4.8

    I guessed as much. Only thing is that the beta content is installed in a different place. They say the new content will be available today so I'll just hang on a while.

    did the same - Iraybeta to different path - I just added that path as extra content path to my 4.8 - works fine
    Who will know how long we have to wait for the non beta stuff ;)

    I'm in no rush because I'm not even sure I will be able to use IRay. I've tried it in the beta and my NVidia 2GB card is not up to the job so it will have to be CPU. That was much, much slower than 3Delight on my iMac so I'll probably stick with 3Delight until the new "super quick" Luxender 1.5 is released. Unfortunately, iMacs are not upgradeable so the GPU has to last the lifetime of the computer.

    Also, I noticed that detail such as HD and vascularity get smoothed out in the few IRay renders I tried. Those features were among the main reasons I moved from V4 to G2F.

  • HoMartHoMart Posts: 480
    edited December 1969

    marble said:
    HoMart said:
    marble said:
    marble said:
    I still don't see any content ... the beta version had "Public Beta Iray Support Content".

    I'm dithering about uninstalling my beta version - should I update 4.7 to 4.8 without the content?

    DAZ Vince posted:

    but you can use the beta contend with 4.8

    I guessed as much. Only thing is that the beta content is installed in a different place. They say the new content will be available today so I'll just hang on a while.

    did the same - Iraybeta to different path - I just added that path as extra content path to my 4.8 - works fine
    Who will know how long we have to wait for the non beta stuff ;)

    I'm in no rush because I'm not even sure I will be able to use IRay. I've tried it in the beta and my NVidia 2GB card is not up to the job so it will have to be CPU. That was much, much slower than 3Delight on my iMac so I'll probably stick with 3Delight until the new "super quick" Luxender 1.5 is released. Unfortunately, iMacs are not upgradeable so the GPU has to last the lifetime of the computer.

    Also, I noticed that detail such as HD and vascularity get smoothed out in the few IRay renders I tried. Those features were among the main reasons I moved from V4 to G2F.

    Yes I've been too waiting impatiently for Reality 4.1.
    I dont know nothing about mac´s - but you should be able to render the same quality with CPU as with GPU.
    For the Speed - using the ricght settings is importent. Iray on CPU is as fast as 3Delight on CPU (with the right settings)
    in this thread is a lot of info regarding settings http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/56019/

    For the HD Details - you have to increase the subdivision level - like you have to when using Reality/Luxrender.

  • MasterstrokeMasterstroke Posts: 2,051
    edited December 1969

    I need some help. please. I don't know, what happend. All my listed morphs in the parameter and shaping tabs are gone. I can't renember having anything deleted. I have a DS 4.8 and 4.7 paralell install on D:drive. Since it occured at 4.8 it also occured on 4.7 too. What happend and how do I get them back?

  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    I need some help. please. I don't know, what happened. All my listed morphs in the parameter and shaping tabs are gone. I can't remember having anything deleted. I have a DS 4.8 and 4.7 parallel install on D:drive. Since it occurred at 4.8 it also occurred on 4.7 too. What happened and how do I get them back?

    Sounds like you just need to map the new version to the old content directory. I've got about ten versions of DS 4.x (4.0, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, in 32- and 64-bit versions each) all mapped to a single DS4 content folder. But I'm weird.
  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 435
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_Vince said:
    Known Issues:

    Here is a list of some known issues that we are currently working on resolving. We will give you some tips on how to avoid them when possible.

    Iray related:

    - If your CPU is overclocked it could result in instability that makes the renderer crash. If you encounter frequent crashes during render try removing your CPU from the list in Render Settings > NVIDIA Iray > Advanced > Devices, this will render using only your GPU. If the render works without the CPU in use, try "un-overclocking" your CPU and adding it back in to the render pool.

    Will be needing a walkthrough tutorial on how to do that if said problem arises.
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited December 1969

    I need some help. please. I don't know, what happened. All my listed morphs in the parameter and shaping tabs are gone. I can't remember having anything deleted. I have a DS 4.8 and 4.7 parallel install on D:drive. Since it occurred at 4.8 it also occurred on 4.7 too. What happened and how do I get them back?

    Sounds like you just need to map the new version to the old content directory. I've got about ten versions of DS 4.x (4.0, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, in 32- and 64-bit versions each) all mapped to a single DS4 content folder. But I'm weird.

    I would like to have that too :) but DS uninstall my previous version and install new one. How can You install more than one I wonder :/

    Btw for Gamma I found it. For Shaders I guess I better learn how to make them :/. Anyway so much good new things I wish I could really follow this Iray, though I can but barrely. I really need to take DS more seriously and start to learn it faster :) and Bryce too :/

  • MasterstrokeMasterstroke Posts: 2,051
    edited May 2015

    I need some help. please. I don't know, what happened. All my listed morphs in the parameter and shaping tabs are gone. I can't remember having anything deleted. I have a DS 4.8 and 4.7 parallel install on D:drive. Since it occurred at 4.8 it also occurred on 4.7 too. What happened and how do I get them back?

    Sounds like you just need to map the new version to the old content directory. I've got about ten versions of DS 4.x (4.0, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, in 32- and 64-bit versions each) all mapped to a single DS4 content folder. But I'm weird.

    It seems, that for some reasons, DS4.8 and 4.7 cannot access the asset files. The public beta still works, which is very weird. I have not deleted or moved anything.

    Image removed

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    HoMart said:

    Yes I've been too waiting impatiently for Reality 4.1.
    I dont know nothing about mac´s - but you should be able to render the same quality with CPU as with GPU.
    For the Speed - using the ricght settings is importent. Iray on CPU is as fast as 3Delight on CPU (with the right settings)
    in this thread is a lot of info regarding settings http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/56019/

    For the HD Details - you have to increase the subdivision level - like you have to when using Reality/Luxrender.

    Ahh - should've guess that about the subdiv level - makes sense. Thanks.

    Clearly there's a lot to learn about the correct settings but I'm going on comments from others (admittedly those who seem to have wads of cash to throw at hardware) about CPU being tediously slow. I'd be happy to render an indoor scene with a room, furniture and two (clothed) people in 30 minutes. 3Delight takes about 15 minutes on my iMac. Reality 2.5 took about 2 hours (1 hour if I used Network Rendering). Reality 4 takes many hours and I still have ugly red hot spots on SSS skin. That's why I went back to 3Delight.

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