June 2015 New User Contest - Scenes and Landscapes [WIP Thread]



  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230
    edited December 1969

    In this render I used one of Terragen terrain scene and put it in DAZ as environment, added this surfer boy and used Iray render preset.

    I hope I'm doing it right :) what do you think?

    957 x 576 - 336K
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Looks pretty good so far. My only quibble is with the arm positions. I know the paddling look you're going for, but I wonder if you caught the action in a slightly different phase of the motion if it would look more appealing?

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited December 1969

    h_habash said:
    In this render I used one of Terragen terrain scene and put it in DAZ as environment, added this surfer boy and used Iray render preset.

    I hope I'm doing it right :) what do you think?

    First of all I think you should have used the first image in your series and worked on the lighting.

    Now to this scene. I feel tthat there is too much water in the scene. I would try raising the camera; move it closer to shoreline and tilt it down. The view should be of the sea and land, at the moment the main focus is on the surfer and the water with the land taking a back seat.

  • giovannipaologiovannipaolo Posts: 249
    edited June 2015

    Greetings all!

    Have been following discussion while working on this piece. My goal is to bring a sense of drama, central interest, and romance to John Constable's well known landscape. I'm sufficiently satisfied to ask for your comments and suggestions. This is a tough assignment. Once again the organizers know how to "stretch" us.:)

    2000 x 1334 - 2M
    Post edited by giovannipaolo on
  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Greetings all!

    Have been following discussion while working on this piece. My goal is to bring a sense of drama, central interest, and romance to John Constable's well known landscape. I'm sufficiently satisfied to ask for your comments and suggestions. This is a tough assignment. Once again the organizers know how to "stretch" us.:)

    Lovely image gionanni. The colors are very beautiful and I think you have achieved what you want to do. I think I would work on the fire. The flames seem to be too high and there is a space between the rocks and the bottom of the flame that does not seem to be realistic. This could be because of the lighting but if you can I would lower the flame a bit. I would also replace the human made bench with something more natural like a pile of rocks made into a seat. I would also scale down the fire to something a bit smaller, to me the scale between the girls and the fire seems to be off.

  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230
    edited December 1969

    Fishtales said:
    h_habash said:
    In this render I used one of Terragen terrain scene and put it in DAZ as environment, added this surfer boy and used Iray render preset.

    I hope I'm doing it right :) what do you think?

    First of all I think you should have used the first image in your series and worked on the lighting.

    Now to this scene. I feel tthat there is too much water in the scene. I would try raising the camera; move it closer to shoreline and tilt it down. The view should be of the sea and land, at the moment the main focus is on the surfer and the water with the land taking a back seat.

    Thanks, I thought so as well, but this particular scene takes most of the recourse of my laptop, anyway I'll give it another try.

    And about water scene, I've used Terragen software to render the scene and added it to DAZ as environment (Background) as I mentioned, it was just a trial to see how I can benefit from this nice software.

    Thank you all for the advise, I'll go back to DAZ to work on the main scene (Hidden Place) and give it another try.

    1306 x 576 - 437K
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    Greetings all!

    Have been following discussion while working on this piece. My goal is to bring a sense of drama, central interest, and romance to John Constable's well known landscape. I'm sufficiently satisfied to ask for your comments and suggestions. This is a tough assignment. Once again the organizers know how to "stretch" us.:)

    I'm nosy, you used Constables image as a backdrop and set up your scene in front? Guess the challenge is to set the lights to fit the image, but intersting idea. Great tree by the way.

  • giovannipaologiovannipaolo Posts: 249
    edited June 2015

    Dollygirl said:
    Greetings all!

    Have been following discussion while working on this piece. My goal is to bring a sense of drama, central interest, and romance to John Constable's well known landscape. I'm sufficiently satisfied to ask for your comments and suggestions. This is a tough assignment. Once again the organizers know how to "stretch" us.:)

    Lovely image gionanni. The colors are very beautiful and I think you have achieved what you want to do. I think I would work on the fire. The flames seem to be too high and there is a space between the rocks and the bottom of the flame that does not seem to be realistic. This could be because of the lighting but if you can I would lower the flame a bit. I would also replace the human made bench with something more natural like a pile of rocks made into a seat. I would also scale down the fire to something a bit smaller, to me the scale between the girls and the fire seems to be off.

    Thanks Dollygirl for the kind comments and great suggestions. Campfire is 70% of its former size and I moved the flame down and forward. Bench has been replaced with a boulder and added grass/weeds. Also had to adjust the girl with tiger as the tiger was showing through her coat. Again, thanks.:-)

    2000 x 1334 - 2M
    Post edited by giovannipaolo on
  • giovannipaologiovannipaolo Posts: 249
    edited December 1969

    Linwelly said:
    Greetings all!

    Have been following discussion while working on this piece. My goal is to bring a sense of drama, central interest, and romance to John Constable's well known landscape. I'm sufficiently satisfied to ask for your comments and suggestions. This is a tough assignment. Once again the organizers know how to "stretch" us.:)

    I'm nosy, you used Constables image as a backdrop and set up your scene in front? Guess the challenge is to set the lights to fit the image, but intersting idea. Great tree by the way.

    Curiosity is a great trait in my view. Yes, the Constable landscape is a backdrop. The challenge is multi-faceted, lighting, perspective, color, believability. I took his landscape into Corel painter in order to adjust the color. I felt it needed to be warmer. I went this direction because I don't own Bryce. Thanks for your kind remarks.:-)

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Dollygirl said:
    Greetings all!

    Have been following discussion while working on this piece. My goal is to bring a sense of drama, central interest, and romance to John Constable's well known landscape. I'm sufficiently satisfied to ask for your comments and suggestions. This is a tough assignment. Once again the organizers know how to "stretch" us.:)

    Lovely image gionanni. The colors are very beautiful and I think you have achieved what you want to do. I think I would work on the fire. The flames seem to be too high and there is a space between the rocks and the bottom of the flame that does not seem to be realistic. This could be because of the lighting but if you can I would lower the flame a bit. I would also replace the human made bench with something more natural like a pile of rocks made into a seat. I would also scale down the fire to something a bit smaller, to me the scale between the girls and the fire seems to be off.

    Thanks Dollygirl for the kind comments and great suggestions. Campfire is 70% of its former size and I moved the flame down and forward. Bench has been replaced with a boulder and added grass/weeds. Also had to adjust the girl with tiger as the tiger was showing through her coat. Again, thanks.:-)

    Your Welcome and Looks good Giovanni. Yes making the fire a bit smaller did the trick. Glad you put the grass in too.

  • Babalar1Babalar1 Posts: 71
    edited December 1969

    More fun with Bryce This time I wanted to go for a greener, more vegetated (?) direction than my first canyon render so thought a nice lake shore scene would do the trick. Always something new to learn.

    667 x 500 - 466K
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited December 1969

    @giovannipaoloartist That looks really good. Very nicely done.

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    More fun with Bryce This time I wanted to go for a greener, more vegetated (?) direction than my first canyon render so thought a nice lake shore scene would do the trick. Always something new to learn.

    Very nice. I like your vegetated direction.

  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,413
    edited June 2015

    The picture looks really nice. But you will have to move the tree a bit forwards (nearer to the place where the grass starts to look detailed), else he is much too big in size to look natural.
    A tiny little bit of difference in the placement would do the trick, I think.

    Post edited by cherpenbeck on
  • giovannipaologiovannipaolo Posts: 249
    edited December 1969

    gulan7 said:
    @giovannipaoloartist That looks really good. Very nicely done.

    Thanks for the encouragement gulan7. :)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    I managed some more steps for my learners-landscape:
    added light (planned that already cherpendeck, but you are certainly right, its much better with a bit of sunlight)
    put a bit of green stuff here and there
    added DOF ( and only now noticed that this screwed up my camera cut, will have to chnge that back again, except if you tell me that this cut is better thought )
    and tried my hand at some haze: I added a huge plane across the landcape made it transparent and applied omnifreakers uebervolume dust in a lightblue tint and a really low density. I guess the effect is not to bad but render time got very high as well.

    Still have to find something fitting for the story that moves across the place.

    Sorry for commenting so little this month, but as most of you are using something else than DAZ for this, there is not much help I can provide, but enjoy very much seen the render develop

    1000 x 800 - 915K
  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230
    edited December 1969

    Back to the "Hidden Place", I've lighten the scene and added some life to it, what do you think??

    In first scene I've added as much leaves to the scene, but I stopped the render at 15 hours with 89% with 3Dlight settings :sick:

    the second one I've used the normal render as Environment as background and added some birds to give it some life instead of solid rocks and water.... :-)

    1306 x 576 - 498K
    1306 x 576 - 727K
  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,413
    edited December 1969

    I would love to go there for my next holidays!

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,322
    edited December 1969

    Yes, it's a beautiful scene.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited December 1969

    Both scenes are looking good. I prefer the lighting in the first though.

  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Cherpenbeck, Frank0314, and fishtales for your complements, I've used the first scene and used the birds to hide the unfinished render "as marked in the first scene, I hope I've done it in proper way.

    1306 x 576 - 559K
    1306 x 576 - 357K
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited December 1969

    There is something not quite right about the composition. Try moving the two wading birds at centre to the left of the sitting bird and move all three until the sitting bird is just on the edge of the shadow. That will give a circular lead-in to the centre of the image and then round to the two pink birds on the right. ATM the viewers eyes are either drawn to the flying group on the left, then to the centre group and up to the pink ones at the back; or to the centre group then the pink ones at the back; then the white flying group and the two pink ones on the right get lost because the viewers eyes are flicking from one focal point to another all over the scene.

    This is just my opinion yours and others may vary which art and composition are all about. If the scene looks pleasing to you then leave it as it is.

  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230
    edited December 1969

    Fishtales said:
    There is something not quite right about the composition. Try moving the two wading birds at centre to the left of the sitting bird and move all three until the sitting bird is just on the edge of the shadow. That will give a circular lead-in to the centre of the image and then round to the two pink birds on the right. ATM the viewers eyes are either drawn to the flying group on the left, then to the centre group and up to the pink ones at the back; or to the centre group then the pink ones at the back; then the white flying group and the two pink ones on the right get lost because the viewers eyes are flicking from one focal point to another all over the scene.

    This is just my opinion yours and others may vary which art and composition are all about. If the scene looks pleasing to you then leave it as it is.

    Thanks, your and others opinion is appreciated and valuable, I'll give it a try and see.... :)

  • h_habashh_habash Posts: 230
    edited December 1969

    Well, I think I did my best to re-arrange the scene to reflect as much as "Hidden Place" as possible :cheese: I don't want to increase number of figures more than this, otherwise it'll corrupt the environment and landscape scene which is the main purpose of this contest.

    I hope this will grasp the judges attention :)

    I want to thank you all for your remarks and opinions to my work, I liked everyone's wok, especially who's creating their landscapes with Bryce, with I've tried to understand the way it's working but couldn't get it although I've read and watched many learning videos but unfortunately it seems my brain cant grapes how to use it at this time :-S

    1306 x 576 - 559K
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,322
    edited December 1969

    That looks really good. Well done

  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,413
    edited December 1969

    I think you made your own version of paradise.

  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,413
    edited December 1969

    I'm still working on my Bryce mountains. The canyon will have to wait for another time, now it's the mountains scene I want to finish.
    The background is made, I still need a cliff which is caving in (so that a human can take cover), but don't find a way to do this in Bryce.
    The terrain editor works from the top down, but I need to work from the side in (if that makes sense).

    This picture uses 4 stacked terrains in front, three more stacked terrains in the background., and haze.

    751 x 496 - 364K
  • ewcarmanewcarman Posts: 180
    edited December 1969

    Daz 4.8 iray - no post work

    I've done a lot to this which is probably not readily obvious. So many items it is a challenge to navigate the image. I think I've got the foreground broken up a bit. I've tweaked a couple hundred thousand trees to make it less obvious that they are copies of themselves - only a few hundred thousand to go :).

    DollyGirl: Thank you for the feedback. I've filled in behind the "Ghost Town" with a mountain and more trees (which I still have to tweak). This really makes a big difference.

    I've been playing with the Depth of Field. You can see some of the effect in the foreground images (trees of course) which are little blurred. I haven't got it set up correctly yet to blur some of the background. It's a process....

    Since I'm calling this "Ghost Town" and there is a hearse in the image, I thought I'd add a ghost. If you look closely behind and to the left of the hearse, you will see a lady standing there. I set her and clothing/body/hair/etc. to 50% opacity to make it ghost-like. Not sure if I like it yet, but I like connection it makes between story (such as it is) and image. We'll see....

    Also, there are some really cool images here so far. @h_habash - really nice. I love your water and the way the cliffs envelope the area. I tried to create a small stream in one of my experiments to break up the foreground. I was less than successful. Perhaps water will be a theme in a future contest. :)

    @robborfla1 - I really like the cliffs with the balloons. I almost think the person you added for scale is too much. Also love the rapids. Sort of brings the image to life.

    Best Regards,

    1024 x 819 - 292K
  • XangthXangth Posts: 127
    edited December 1969

    Happy Fathers day to all the fathers out there.
    Here is my second image for this contest.
    Title: Paradise
    DAZ studio 4.8
    Bryce 7.1 Pro
    no postwork, all suggestions and comments are welcome as this is a WIP before the month ends.

    1200 x 563 - 143K
  • LimunLimun Posts: 182
    edited June 2015

    is it better now?
    i added Dust And Atmosphere from here
    but now it seems like unfinished render ,right?

    1999 x 750 - 2M
    Post edited by Limun on
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