[Updated] Database issues after moving library (and frustration venting)

gepetersiiigepetersiii Posts: 86
edited May 2022 in New Users

Alright, I must say that one of the most frustrating 'features' of Daz Studio is the fact that every time I open DS, I never know what I am going to get. I can close the app, immediately reopen it and all of a sudden several preview images are missing from products. Close it and reopen it again, and this time get all missing metadata. And yet a third time can result in Iray not working. I apologize for the venting. It leads to this:

I moved my library to its own drive. I have moved the library multiple times in the past without issue. I opened DS and checked that all associations worked. Everything seemed fine. However, I came back to it this afternoon and this time ALL my products are grayed out. None of them show metadata. They all have the option of installing (using Connect which I refuse to use).

I get the feeling I am going to end up deleting the whole library and reinstalling. I hope not. <<Is there a way to repair this issue?>>

Thank you!!!

Post edited by gepetersiii on


  • gepetersiiigepetersiii Posts: 86

    Possibly resolved. I am hesitatingly calling this resolved.

    What seems to have fixed it was scanning known drives for files, and then re-import metadata.
    Right-click Content Tab > Scan Known Directories for Files...

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,445

    Are you logging in to your account from Studio? There is no need unless you want to use Connect. That is also how Studio knows that the products are available to install. When you "update metadata", are you using the Content Database Maintenance tool, or right-click on the Products from the Smart Content pane?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,999

    The best way to avoid surprises is to only install with DIM and NEVER log in to your account from inside Daz Studio.

    Never, ever, ever install a product with DIM and then install it again (or update it) from inside Daz Studio (i.e. with Daz Connect)! If you do, the result  will result be duplicated files, products that used to work suddenly not working or having screwed up metadata or missing thumbnails. By never logging in, you can avoid those issues. You need to disable autologin in preferences. Don't let those symbols on the thumbnails fool you into thinking you have to install again inside Daz Studio after installing with DIM. That is not what those symbols mean. They mean that the product is available to be installed with Daz Connect. If you've installed it with DIM, you don't care that it is also available to install with Daz Connect, because doing so only causes problems.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,015

    barbult said:

    The best way to avoid surprises is to only install with DIM and NEVER log in to your account from inside Daz Studio.

    Never, ever, ever install a product with DIM and then install it again (or update it) from inside Daz Studio (i.e. with Daz Connect)!

    If we the 'forumites' could pin something to the top of forum subjects, this should be the very first message. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,543

    While I agree there is no point in having daz Studio log in to your account if you are not going to use Connect to install I don't think that explains your issues - it sounds more like the paths, most likely the drive letters, were not being set consistently between sessions or something (security software being the obvious suspect) was interfering with communication with the database.

  • gepetersiiigepetersiii Posts: 86
    edited May 2022

    I thought I was clear, the ONLY method I have used to install items is through DIM. I am still having many database problems. Let me update you on the current situation.

    After moving my library, DS and DIM were updated to reflect the proper location for the new library.
    Scanning for known files, resetting the database, and reloading metadata seemed to resolve the issue.
    I do not have any problems installing new items.

    When I attempt to use items, I see that many of the morphs do not load. For example, I can load a character file. The body will load, skins, makeup, eyes, etc. all seem to be fine. None of the head files are loading. Other files that are not loading are expression files. I cannot figure out what is going on and how to resolve these issues (short of deleting and reinstalling the entire library).

    When I encounter a problem with a product, I delete and reinstall (using DIM). The product works without errors.

    Post edited by gepetersiii on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,015

    Expressions (G8 expressions on G8.1) is easy, have you removed the dummy expression files after you reinstalled the Genesis 8 Starter Essentials the last time?

    What does your log say? (Help->Troubleshooting->View Log File)
    If a character is asking for a head morph and DS can't find it, it is recorded in the log.

  • gepetersiiigepetersiii Posts: 86
    edited May 2022

    I did not reinstall the G8 Starter. I just moved the entire library. But I will check to see if those dummy files exist.


    I have attached the Log. You will see that as I load this asset, the head morphs do not load. The character looks normal, except it has the G8 head. The same things occurs with G3.

    I am not sure what is going on with that. Why would the head morphs be the only missing pieces?

    Appended Log.txt
    Post edited by gepetersiii on
  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,445

    Basic DAZ 3D head, body and expression morphs are all from the Genesis 8 Female Starter Essentials package. In DIM, check if they are, in fact, installed where they should be. Right-click on the Product in DIM, select "Show Installed Files..." and verify all files are blue undelined hyperlinks. If not, they have been altered somehow (moved, renamed or deleted). No real choice but to re-install.

  • gepetersiiigepetersiii Posts: 86
    edited May 2022

    Now, that's a handy trick! Taking a look through those files...

    Reinstalled the Genesis Starter Essentials. Still getting character loading with the default Genesis Head. All other attributes are loading correctly.
    I've been deleting and reinstalling each character where this occurs. After the reinstall, the characters load fine. Something must've become corrupted with those specific morphs. To make matters more interesting, it is not all of the character files. Some load without error.

    Post edited by gepetersiii on
  • gepetersiiigepetersiii Posts: 86

    So, in the end... Delete and reinstall the entire library. That worked.cheeky

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