Quick question about the Powerpose tool.

Hi guys,
I've got a character whose hand is exactly where I want it, but I want to twist the body round and keep the hand where it is. I've used the Powerpose tool to get to where I am, with some success, and I was just wondering whether there's a nice simple way to say "Move anything except that damned hand!"
You could try Pinning BlumBlum. Select the Bone tool and then your hand, with the hand selected hit the spacebar. That pins it in place. You can then use the bone tool to select any part of your character and move it as you like and the hand will stay pinned in place.
OOh that sounds painful Pinning BlumBlum.
No pin the BlumBlum!
Thanks Jeff, I didn't know about that little trick. I used the pin on the rotation thingo but that didn't do anything. This way it works really well. Now I can do the same with his foot and move him around how I want him. Shame it's gonna hurt, but you know how it is, pain begats art!
Pins are for voodoo dolls. I needs me a few of those. Voodoo dolls I mean, have plenty of pins, as an ex-dressmaker.
I have plenty of voodoo dolls, pre and post bled.