Best workflow for rigging fbx models for Carrara use? (And some new videos)



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,087
    edited December 1969

    Question -

    Can lip sync mouth shape morphs be imported into Carrara, if someone has created them in another software? Meaning, if someone rigs a model for me in Maya/3dMax and also creates vowel/consonant morphs for it, and exports it as fbx, would the those mouth morphs also import into carrara?

    if Blendshapes no
    Max and Maya use blendshapes, iClone 3Dxchange reads them though, you may be able to export a posed obj for each, I am not sure
    if so those can be loaded as morph targets in vertex room morph import
  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    Thanks! One more question wendy -

    If I rig a figure in Carrara using V4/Genesis bone names, will it be able to use aniMate and pz2 (bvh exported through poser) motion files?

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    HI Teknostorm ;)

    V4 and Genesis have different bone's and joint rotations, ...Genesis has more bones.
    this is why Aniblocks made for V4/M4 look distorted on Genesis.

    if you want to animate and export BVH files then the Bone names will have to match , so,.. a genesis animation won't work on V4 and vice versa.

    It;'s probably much simpler / faster to use the DS transfer utility to add bones to your figure from a genesis base figure.

  • teknostormteknostorm Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    Hmmm... ok I will try that once more 3dage! I tried it once but it turned out all wrong.. going back to research it now!

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,971
    edited December 1969

    Wendy - Thanks for all the info, it's starting to make sense now. It takes me 3-4 readings each time just to process it, and then I have to go and reread old posts to refresh the earlier stuff, just like chemistry lessons back in school!

    Mythmaker - thanks for the tips, I'll watch the videos. It gives me comfort to know carrara rigging is much simpler than daz. Indeed, my focus is only cartoony characters for now. Only thing is I would like to use aniMate files sometimes, so daz rigging might be better in the long run.

    evilproducer - that video is incredible (both creatively and technically) and hilarious! And so many Kevin Wyeth's coming together to work on one project is simply Guinness book worthy :))

    This is what I have learnt till now, is any of it wrong -

    1. Standard rigged fbx files from 3dMax/Maya can be imported in Carrara and animated manually
    2. Characters rigged in Daz will work with Poser & Carrara, but character rigged in Carrara will not work in Daz/Poser
    3. There is a legacy rigging and Triax rigging. Legacy rigging with V4/Genesis bone names will make it poser,daz,carrara,animate compatible. Triax rigging will work with Daz and with some effort, with Carrara.
    4. Lip sync would be by creating morphs using vertex modeller in Carrara, saving visemes and then to Mimic Pro.

    Question -

    Can lip sync mouth shape morphs be imported into Carrara, if someone has created them in another software? Meaning, if someone rigs a model for me in Maya/3dMax and also creates vowel/consonant morphs for it, and exports it as fbx, would the those mouth morphs also import into carrara?

    Thanks, Teknostorm for bringing this topic up, even if in a more advanced planned use than I have.

    I have lost track of a thread (a few actually that searching does not seem to bring up) that set out the steps for setting up characters in DS and which ones (eg V-M4, Gen, and Gen2) need different setups and export parameters. I lost a lot of bookmarks recently...along with half my brain! I have finally restored my bog-standard Carrara 8.5 Pro after surviving a total fiasco with the beta-build thingy. I am not touching that with a 10 metre barge pole!

    Cheers if anyone can point me to the tuts/threads where this was discussed? I know several of the main contributors here spent a lot of time explaining this so I am not asking anyone to re-explain. I understood what to do, I just can't find the info. Bless all of you for your contributions in providing workarounds.

    I will promise to copy and paste the threads this time and save as a document.

    Thanks for your patience.,'s not been a good health spring either, but things are finally looking up.

    :ohh: SileneUK

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