Daz Studio 4 Character Rigging

ScoopeyScoopey Posts: 190
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hello there folks....

Is there an idiot guide out there to rigging in Daz studio.
I purchased Blondie's Guide but have had zero success and its driving me nuts.
I could handle the Daz Studio 3 skeleton set up and get that to work.
Comes to Daz Studio 4 and its like the learning curve on custom figures has changed to a vertical climb

I managed to created hierarchy in Figure Setup window. I got the joint rotations sorted.
I click on create and for some reason the bones are not attached to the geometry - this did not happen in Daz Studio 3. You hit create and at least the mesh joints did rotate (usually badly) and you refined it it with the joint editor.

Now I can hide body parts as separate group but I can put the bloody geometry bits on the bones WTF!!!

Please help before my brain implodes!

Steve C


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited May 2015

    Hi scoopey,
    when use Figure set up tool with triax wieght option, it just generate bones for each assigend group.
    so that you did not mistake. ;-)

    then arrange node clean to fit the mesh topology by joint editor.
    next color weight map on meshes to attach joint by node weight map brush tools.

    you already have bought brondy tutoriall, so that, most of steps should be written there clearly .:)

    then, check this tutoriall too. do not miss the "tip" of the document.


    daz added powerful option "fill weight by selection set" to weight color easy in ds 4.5,
    after brondie release the tutoriall. it can auto-color triax weight for meshes at once.
    (if you have assigend selection group for each node already, then I believe you did )

    though you must need to smooth, and adjust weight,
    you can use it ,at start point., before struggling with color triax weight for each nodes

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • ScoopeyScoopey Posts: 190
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for that....
    Still confused a bit though.

    Where exactly is "node clean?"

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    It is a good idea to have your OBJ file grouped - although it isn't required for a TriAx figure it will, as kitakoredaz discusses, guide the bone placement and allow you to auto-generate basic weight maps.

  • ScoopeyScoopey Posts: 190
    edited December 1969

    I did have it grouped!

    I guess compared to the old way of setting up joints "weight mapping" can be something of a dark art. Generally I avoid it like a plague and in the case of mechanical figures revert back to DS3 for a simpler method.

    In this case I was just trying to rig a harness only I think in the end I'm going to just revert to using it as a prop and morph targets - at least my brain does not hurt when I do that - unless anyone else wants a play!

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    You can always set the option at the top of the Figure Set up pane to Legacy for old-style rigging.

  • ScoopeyScoopey Posts: 190
    edited December 1969


    At the moment I've just been running my item down the "prop" route - it actually seems to work very well. Since a person is expected to be held back in their seat it means they don't need to many degrees of movement...plus it would be a waste for my 40 adjustment/shaping morphs!

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Ah, sorry because I seldom try legacy rigging (poser type rigging?)

    but I understand, when I need to rig machine or car,or room or,,robot,
    or sets with door,windows,,etc,,
    (then may rig for doors and windows,roofs)
    Actualy I need not individual weight map for three axis .

    But to save it as figure and prop as dsf for ds 4, I need to use triax weight rigging.

    to be frankly said, I can not find any merit to save cr2 or pp2 for daz studio 4.

    (I know cr2 can geometry change, and it seems powerful to exchange part easy.
    so that I hope daz offer substiute way for dsf type general weight rigging which can use geometry change too.

    there are already general weight map for dsf, but I do not know clear how actually it work.
    I often try general weight map rigging with simple case, but it not work I suppose to.

    then usually just use triax weight map, as substitute general weight.

    Are there products dsf figure in daz shop , which coloered by general weight not triax weight map?
    eg motor car, or ship etc.

    I have car.dsf sold in daz shop , but it is colored as triax weight map. not colored as general weight.
    or vendor offer them as cr2.

    And if I use figure set-up tool, there are only two option (new rigging= triax weight, or legacy rigging)

    I hope daz to add easy general weight rigging option ( which can save it as dsf figure,
    which can generate rigs as sameas triax figure,and auto-color general weight) in Figure set up tool
    as same as Node weight map tools.

    and hope some documents which clear show usage of general weight map for dsf fgiure,
    I hope^^;)

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited December 1969

    Scoopey said:
    Hello there folks....

    Is there an idiot guide out there to rigging in Daz studio.
    I purchased Blondie's Guide but have had zero success and its driving me nuts.
    I could handle the Daz Studio 3 skeleton set up and get that to work.
    Comes to Daz Studio 4 and its like the learning curve on custom figures has changed to a vertical climb

    Now I can hide body parts as separate group but I can put the bloody geometry bits on the bones WTF!!!

    Please help before my brain implodes!

    I have Blondie's tut too, for how things are done traditionally.

    There are actually more than one way to skin a cow or human in DS. Personally I prefer Wendy's method. No need to set up face groups, just paint. https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-cl=84503534&v=N56wo8iHM-Q&x-yt-ts=1421914688

    Another one that makes it look easy - rig a duck by Sparky also uses traditional method. Shows the basic ideas. Good for brain de-scrambling after too much info and jargon overload.

    Good luck...

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Of course we can color weight without any group,. I sometimes do not assign face group at all. if it is simple rig,
    just rig for test etc. and not use figure set-up tool too.

    but if you hope to hidden some part with node as desigend as you,
    or when you poze, and select node in 3d view,

    you may find, assinged face group for each node correctly, is very useful.:)

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited May 2015

    Of course we can color weight without any group,. I sometimes do not assign face group at all. if it is simple rig,
    just rig for test etc. and not use figure set-up tool too.

    but if you hope to hidden some part with node as desigend as you,
    or when you poze, and select node in 3d view,

    you may find, assinged face group for each node correctly, is very useful.:)

    Interesting point...

    Having face group is definitely a must when you want to fill specific polygons 100%.

    Right now my relationship with TriAx is love hate. So many axis so many clicks. I just wish there is an option to auto-fill the other 3 axis without the need to copy paste. Or just hit a "ball joint all" button then paint only one axis for every bone.

    Fill bone selection set also acts weird - filling child bone chains will reset the entire skeletan weight, 100% red on root but empty subsequent children. Is it a bug or expected behavior? Imagine you forget to memorize your earlier painting work when stuff like this happen. Hair pulling.

    Post edited by Mythmaker on
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